github crowbartools/Firebot v4.15.0
Release v4.15.0

latest releases: v5.62.1, v5.62.0, v5.62.0-beta4...
5 years ago

The Huge Quality-of-Life Update Of 2018

Happy Halloween!
For this update, we revisited almost every facet of Firebot with an aim to improve and streamline your experience while using the bot.
This update contains a ton of changes, fixes, and new features. Because of this, we have roughly categorized the change notes by area of the bot.
Be warned, the change list is long.

Effects Updates

  • You can now add "Labels" to all effects via the overflow (3-dot) menu on the root list or via overflow menu in the Edit Effect modal.
    • These labels show up on the effect in the main list.
    • Allows you to describe in more detail what a specific effect does. Useful for long lists.
    • This functionality was previously limited to only Random Effect and Effect Group.
  • Increased click area for the overflow menu and drag handle for each effect in effect lists
  • Updated the UI for effect lists
  • Added "Test Effects" button to all effect lists.
    • This allows you to conveniently test effects wherever they may be. Nested deep in a random effect and just wanna test that? No problem.
  • Added "Test Effect" button to the Edit Effect modal
    • This allows you to rapidly test a single effect as you tweak its values.
  • Updated the UI for all Effect option pages. They should be generally easier to look at now.
  • Added a sound player to the Play Sound effect.
    • Now you can easily listen to, see the duration of, and test the volume of your sound effects.
  • Show Video Effect Updates
    • Added a video preview when editing the effect.
      • See the duration of the video without having to leave Firebot.
    • Now if the duration field is left blank, videos will automatically run the exit animation when the video finishes
    • Fixed a bug that caused videos to sometimes flicker when they initially load and animated in
    • Fixed a bug that caused videos to rerun its Enter animation on every loop
  • Custom Font support for the Show Text effect.
    • Add new fonts in Settings > Overlay
    • Supports the most common font file types.
  • Added a new "Inbetween" animation type
    • This animation type plays inbetween the Enter and Exit animations
    • Animations include "Bounce", "Flash", "Wobble", and several more!
    • You can customize the delay length between the Enter and Between animations
  • Added ability to tweak the duration of all animation types
    • Now you can get that really fast fade in you've always wanted

Interactive Updates

  • Moved Viewer Group Scene Settings and Cooldown Groups out of that tiny gear.
    • They now have dedicated buttons on the main page to give better visibility.
    • Tiny gear has been deleted for good. Hurray!

Command Updates

  • Massively simplified the Commands tab
    • No more Active/Inactive tabs, enjoy a unified list
    • Removed the little used "Grid view"
    • Moved "Timed Command Groups" out of the tiny gear menu and put a dedicated button on the main page.
    • "Timed Command Groups" have been renamed to "Timers" (they still function the same as before).
    • Tiny gear has been deleted for good. Hurray (again)!
  • When creating a command, a user no longer needs to define a "Command Id".
    • The command id has been hidden/removed from the UI in all places.
    • This means user only needs to worry about the !trigger when creating commands

Event Updates

  • Added ExtraLife Donation Event.
    • Let you run effects when someone donates to your Extra Life event.
    • To setup, simply provide your Extra Life Participant ID in Settings > Integrations
    • You can use the variables $(user), $(elAmount), and $(elMessage) to display the user, amount, and message respectively.

Viewer Group Updates

  • Updated the UI for the Viewer Groups tab.
  • Cleaned up the Modal for Adding/Editing Viewer Groups

Misc Updates

  • Tweaked logic for the $(lastSub) variable
  • Added a "Open Dev Tools" button in Settings > Advanced
    • Useful when developing custom scripts. Hint:"foobar")
  • Fixed various errors throughout the app and improved error logging in some instances.

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