What's Changed
- Add sizing and monitoring guide references by @sergenyalcin in #639
- Configure plural names for resources whose kind names end with "fleet" by @ulucinar in #648
- fix(launchTemplate): fixed kmsKeyId to use ARN by @haarchri in #642
- fix(ec2_tag): fix identifier and key, seperated by a comma not a underscore by @haarchri in #640
- fix(iam): added username and password for iam accesskey connection-secret by @haarchri in #644
- feat(memorydb): add connectiondetails for cluster by @haarchri in #645
- fix for conflicting glue job fields by @stevendborrelli in #655
- feat(networkfirewall): added loggingconfiguration for networkfirewall by @haarchri in #641
- fix(lateinit):
target_failover by @haarchri in #665 - refactor(config): switched elasticloadbalancing to elbv2 folder by @haarchri in #666
- fix(ram): skip reference/selector for resource_arn for aws_ram_resource_association by @haarchri in #667
- feat(ec2): prefix list references in aws_route and aws_security_group_rule by @duizabojul in #606
- fix(ecs-service): #624 fix description of ecs service cluster field by @haarchri in #643
- update the externalname configuration for aws_lambda_alias to reflect… by @djeremiah in #654
Full Changelog: v0.32.1...v0.33.0