github crossplane-contrib/provider-aws v0.24.1

latest releases: v0.48.1, v0.48.0, v0.49.0-rc.0...
2 years ago

New CRDs!

In v0.24.1, there are 3 new CRDs! See for the full list.

  • ResolverRuleAssociation in route53resolver
  • CacheParameterGroup in elasticache
  • DBCluster in neptune

Deprecated Versions

Several resources are bumped to v1beta1 in this release but none of those bumps were breaking changes. The following is the list of CRDs that will be converted to v1beta1 automatically by Kubernetes API server.

  • VPCLink in apigatewayv2
  • Secret in secretsmanager
  • Function in lambda

The only action you need to take is to update your YAML files and base templates in your Composition objects before v1alpha1 is removed from the supported versions, which will be done in v0.27.0.

In addition, the whole notification group is now duplicated as sns group with new kind names. The deprecated CRDs of notification will be kept in the provider and their controllers will continue to run but it's highly advised to move to the new sns group as soon as possible. They will be removed from the provider in v0.27.0. See this guide (link will be updated) for more details about how to migrate. Keep in mind that you can opt not to migrate now and still have all SNS resources reconciled.

  • SNSTopic of notification -> Topic of sns
  • SNSSubscription of notification -> Subscription of sns

What's Changed

  • Add support for external ID when assume role by @hanlins in #1013
  • fix(eks-addon): Replace ListTagsForResource with DescribeAddon to save one API call by @MisterMX in #1068
  • Restore RDS instance from a MySQL backup by @danports in #770
  • fix(ec2-instance): make some blockDevicMapping fields in CRD optional by @mariobris in #1091
  • read endpoint info from dbinstance status rather than aws out values by @clive-jevons in #1092
  • feat(ack-bump): bump ack-version by @haarchri in #1027
  • feat(database): resolvers by @haarchri in #1086
  • doc(assumeRoleARN): #1065 added documentation for assumeRoleARN by @haarchri in #1082
  • Update Go version from 1.16 to 1.17 by @ulucinar in #1103
  • Move versioned generator configs to API group folders by @ulucinar in #1096
  • Add support for keeping previous generated versions by @ulucinar in #1105
  • fix(secretsmanager): Ignore isUpToDate if resource was deleted by @MisterMX in #1095
  • feat(route53resolver): added ResolverRuleAssociation by @haarchri in #968
  • fix(ec2-instance): changed SpotMarketOptions for Spot Instances by @haarchri in #1083
  • fix(transfer/user): fix WithInitializers and removed postCreate by @haarchri in #1106
  • Add eks to generated services by @MisterMX in #1110
  • Add docdb to generated services by @MisterMX in #1111
  • fix(generated-services) added route53resolver to makefile by @haarchri in #1003
  • chore: dynamically generate GENERATED_SERVICES var by @dwerder in #1008
  • fix(Makefile) adjust command 'find' to be zshell compatible by @dwerder in #1120
  • fix(lables): eks-nodegroup - both or either addOrUpdateLabels or removeLabels must not be empty by @haarchri in #1119
  • Restore RDS instances from database snapshots by @danports in #1087
  • elasticache.cacheparametergroup: Add resource by @chlunde in #834
  • rds.rdsinstance: Add storage autoscaling (MaxAllocatedStorage) by @chlunde in #794
  • Secretsmanager: Implement LateInitialize of a K8s secret when AWS secret already exists by @MisterMX in #669
  • Add Neptune DBCluster Resource by @ezgidemirel in #1099
  • secretsmanager.secret: make late init work only if the input secret does not exist by @muvaf in #1127
  • fix(ec2): vpcpeeringconnection fixed fields for resolvers, change tagger by @haarchri in #1035
  • elasticache: Scale replicationgroup shards by @chlunde in #860
  • fix(resolvers-transfer): panic in provider for missing check for nil by @haarchri in #1134
  • Bump SNS Topic and Subscription versions to v1beta1 by @ezgidemirel in #1123
  • Bump VPCLink, Secret and Function to v1beta1 by @muvaf in #1107
  • apis: register missing api groups by @muvaf in #1145

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.23.0...v0.24.1

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