github craftcms/cms 5.2.4

latest release:
3 days ago
  • Improved the styling of inactive users’ status indicators. (#15195)
  • Added Garnish.once() and Garnish.Base::once(), for registering event handlers that should only be triggered one time.
  • Fixed a bug where Ajax requests stopped working after a user session expired and then was reauthenticated.
  • Fixed an error that occurred if an element select input was initialized without a name value.
  • Fixed a bug where Selectize inputs could be immediately focused and marked as dirty when opening an element editor slideout, if they were the first focusable element in the field layout. (#15245)
  • Fixed a bug where other author indicators weren’t shown for Craft Team.
  • Fixed a bug where the Recent Entries widget wasn’t showing authors’ usernames for Craft Team.
  • Fixed a bug where asset edit page URLs contained spaces if the asset filename contained spaces. (#15236)
  • Fixed a bug where element select inputs with single set to true would set existing elements’ input names ending in [].
  • Fixed a bug where element indexes could display “Nothing yet” at the bottom of populated table views. (#15241)
  • Fixed a bug where element edit pages initially showed the canonical element’s chip in the crumb bar, for provisional drafts. (#15244)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when opening an element’s editor slideout via its “Edit” action menu item, if the element had provisional changes. (#15248)
  • Fixed a bug where recursively-nested Matrix entries could be lost if multiple of them were edited, and not immediately saved. (#15256)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when upgrading to Craft 5 if the database user didn’t have permission to disable foreign key constraints. (#15262)
  • Fixed a bug where expanded sidebar navigations could overlap the main content on small screens. (#15253)

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