github craftcms/cms 5.0.0-beta.1

latest releases: 5.4.6, 4.12.5,
pre-release7 months ago

Content Management

  • Improved global sidebar styling. (#14281)
  • The global sidebar is now collapsible. (#14281)
  • It’s now possible to expand and collapse global sidebar items without navigating to them. (#14313, #14321)
  • Redesigned the global breadcrumb bar to include quick links to other areas of the control panel, page context menus, and action menus. (#13902)
  • All elements can now have thumbnails, provided by Assets fields. (#12484, #12706)
  • Element indexes and relational fields now have the option to use card views. (#6024)
  • Element indexes now support inline editing for some custom field values.
  • Element chips and cards now include quick action menus. (#13902)
  • Entry edit pages now include quick links to other sections’ index sources.
  • Asset edit pages now include quick links to other volumes’ index sources.
  • Assets’ Alternative Text fields are now translatable. (#11576)
  • Entries can now have multiple authors. (#12380)
  • Entry chips, cards, and blocks are now tinted according to their entry type’s color. (#14187)
  • Quick Post widgets now create entries via slideouts. (#14228)
  • The “Save as a new entry” action is now available to all users with the “Create entries” permission, and will create a new unpublished draft rather than a fully-saved entry. (#9577, #10244)
  • Entry conditions can now have a “Matrix field” rule. (#13794)
  • Money field condition rules now use money inputs. (#14148)
  • Inline-editable Matrix blocks now support multiple tabs. (#8500, #14139)
  • Inline-editable Matrix blocks have been redesigned to be visually lighter. (#14187)
  • Inline-editable Matrix blocks now include “Open in a new tab” action items.
  • Matrix fields set to the inline-editable blocks view mode no longer show inline entry-creation buttons unless there’s a single entry type. (#14187)
  • Selected elements within relational fields now include a dedicated drag handle.
  • Selected assets within Assets fields no longer open the file preview modal when their thumbnail is clicked on. The “Preview file” quick action, or the Shift + Spacebar keyboard shortcut, can be used instead.
  • Improved the styling of element chips.
  • Improved checkbox-style deselection behavior for control panel items, to account for double-clicks.
  • Table views are no longer available for element indexes on mobile.
  • Added the “Address Line 3” address field. (#14318)
  • Address conditions now have “Address Line 1”, “Address Line 2”, “Address Line 3”, “Administrative Area”, “Country”, “Dependent Locality”, “First Name”, “Full Name”, “Last Name”, “Locality”, “Organization Tax ID”, “Organization”, “Postal Code”, and “Sorting Code” rules.
  • Added live conditional field support to user edit pages and inline-editable Matrix blocks. (#14115, #14223)
  • Earth icons are now localized based on the system time zone.

User Management

  • Added two-step verification support, with built-in “Authenticator App” (TOTP) and “Recovery Codes” methods. Additional methods can be provided by plugins.
  • Added a “Require Two-Step Verification” system setting, which can be set to “All users”, “Admins”, and individual user groups.
  • Added passkey support (authentication via fingerprint or facial recognition).
  • User account settings are now split into “Profile”, “Addresses”, and “Permissions” pages, plus “Password & Verification” and “Passkeys” pages when editing one’s own account.
  • Users’ “Username”, “Full Name”, “Photo”, and “Email” native fields can now be managed via the user field layout, and now show up alongside custom fields within user slideouts.
  • Users with more than 50 addresses will now display them as a paginated element index.
  • New users are now created in an unpublished draft state, so adding a user photo, addresses, and permissions can each be done before the user is fully saved.
  • The login page now includes a “Sign in with a passkey” button.
  • The login modal and elevated session modal have been redesigned to be consistent with the login page.
  • User sessions are now treated as elevated immediately after login, per the elevatedSessionDuration config setting.


  • Added the “Disable autofocus” user accessibility preference. (#12921)
  • Improved source item navigation for screen readers. (#12054)
  • Content tab menus are now implemented as disclosure menus. (#12963)
  • Element selection modals now show checkboxes for selectable elements.
  • Elements within relational fields are no longer focusable at the container level.
  • Relational fields now use the proper list semantics.
  • Improved the accessibility of the login page, login modal, and elevated session modal.
  • Improved the accessibility of element indexes. (#14120, #12286)
  • Selected elements within relational fields now include “Move up/down” or “Move forward/backward” in their action menus.
  • Improved the accessibility of time zone fields.
  • Improved the accessibility of form alternative action menus.
  • Improved the accessibility of Matrix fields with the “inline-editable blocks” view mode. (#14187)
  • Improved the accessibility of the global nav. (#14240)Improved the accessibility of the global nav. (#14240)
  • Improved the accessibility of layout tabs. (#14215)
  • Improved the accessibility of overflow tab menus. (#14214)
  • Increased the hit area for range select options.


  • Added the “Color” entry type setting. (#14187)
  • Added the “Icon” entry type setting. (#14169)
  • Added the “Addresses” field type. (#11438)
  • Added the “Icon” field type. (#14169)
  • Field layouts can now designate an Assets field as the source for elements’ thumbnails. (#12484, #12706)
  • Field layouts can now choose to include previewable fields’ content in element cards. (#12484, #6024)
  • Field layouts can now override custom fields’ handles.
  • Most custom fields can now be included multiple times within the same field layout. (#8497)
  • Sections now have a “Max Authors” setting. (#12380)
  • Entry types are now managed independently of sections.
  • Entry types are no longer required to have a Title Format, if the Title field isn’t shown.
  • Entry types now have a “Show the Slug field” setting. (#13799)
  • Sites’ Language settings can now be set to environment variables. (#14235, #14135)
  • Matrix fields now manage nested entries, rather than Matrix blocks. During the upgrade, existing Matrix block types will be converted to entry types; their nested fields will be made global; and Matrix blocks will be converted to entries.
  • Matrix fields now have “Entry URI Format” and “Template” settings for each site.
  • Matrix fields now have a “View Mode” setting, giving admins the choice to display nested entries as cards, inline-editable blocks, or an embedded element index.
  • Matrix fields now require the owner element to be saved before they can be edited.
  • Added support for inline field creation and editing within field layout designers. (#14260)
  • Layout elements within field layout designers now have action menus. (#14260)
  • The Fields and Entry Types index pages now have a search bar. (#13961, #14126)
  • Field types now have icons. (#14267)
  • The address field layout is now accessed via SettingsAddresses.
  • Volumes now have a “Subpath” setting, and can reuse filesystems so long as the subpaths don’t overlap. (#11044)
  • Volumes now have an “Alternative Text Translation Method” setting. (#11576)
  • Added support for defining custom locale aliases, via a new localeAliases config setting. (#12705)
  • Added support for element partial templates. (#14284)
  • Added the partialTemplatesPath config setting. (#14284)
  • Added the tempAssetUploadFs config setting. (#13957)
  • Removed the concept of field groups.
  • Removed the “Temp Uploads Location” asset setting. (#13957)
  • Added the utils/prune-orphaned-entries command. (#14154)
  • entrify/* commands now ask if an entry type already exists for the section.
  • The resave/entries command now accepts a --field option.
  • The up, migrate/up, and migrate/all commands no longer overwrite pending project config YAML changes, if new project config changes were made by migrations.
  • Removed the --force option from the up command. --isolated=0 should be used instead. (#14270)
  • Removed the resave/matrix-blocks command.


  • Entry type names and handles must now be unique globally, rather than just within a single section. Existing entry type names and handles will be renamed automatically where needed, to ensure uniqueness.
  • Assets, categories, entries, and tags now support eager-loading paths prefixed with a field layout provider’s handle (e.g. myEntryType:myField).
  • Element queries now have an eagerly param, which can be used to lazily eager-load the resulting elements for all peer elements, when all(), collect(), one(), nth(), or count() is called.
  • Element queries now have an inBulkOp param, which limits the results to elements which were involved in a bulk operation. (#14032)
  • Address queries now have addressLine1, addressLine2, addressLine3, administrativeArea, countryCode, dependentLocality, firstName, fullName, lastName, locality, organizationTaxId, organization, postalCode, and sortingCode params.
  • Entry queries now have field, fieldId, primaryOwner, primaryOwnerId, owner, ownerId, allowOwnerDrafts, and allowOwnerRevisions params.
  • Entry queries’ authorId params now support passing multiple IDs prefixed with and, to fetch entries with multiple listed authors.
  • User queries now have an authorOf param.
  • Entries’ GraphQL type names are now formatted as <entryTypeHandle>_Entry, and are no longer prefixed with their section’s handle. (That goes for Matrix-nested entries as well.)
  • Entries now have author and authorIds GraphQL field.
  • Matrix fields’ GraphQL mutation types now expect nested entries to be defined by an entries field rather than blocks.
  • Added the |firstWhere and |flatten Twig filters.
  • Removed the craft.matrixBlocks() Twig function. craft.entries() should be used instead.
  • Controller actions which require a POST request will now respond with a 405 error code if another request method is used. (#13397)


  • Elements now store their content in an elements_sites.content column as JSON, rather than across multiple columns in a content table. (#2009, #4308, #7221, #7750, #12954)
  • Slugs are no longer required on elements that don’t have a URI format.
  • Element types’ fieldLayouts() and defineFieldLayouts() methods’ $source arguments must now accept null values.
  • All element types can now support eager-loading paths prefixed with a field layout provider’s handle (e.g. myEntryType:myField), by implementing craft\base\FieldLayoutProviderInterface on the field layout provider class, and ensuring that defineFieldLayouts() is returning field layouts via their providers.
  • All core element query param methods now return static instead of self. (#11868)
  • Migrations that modify the project config no longer need to worry about whether the same changes were already applied to the incoming project config YAML files.
  • Selectize menus no longer apply special styling to options with the value new. The _includes/forms/selectize.twig control panel template should be used instead (or craft\helpers\Cp::selectizeHtml()/selectizeFieldHtml()), which will append an styled “Add” option when addOptionFn and addOptionLabel settings are passed. (#11946)
  • Added the chip(), customSelect(), disclosureMenu(), elementCard(), elementChip(), elementIndex(), iconSvg(), and siteMenuItems() global functions for control panel templates.
  • Added the colorSelect, colorSelectField, customSelect, customSelectField, languageMenu, and languageMenuField form macros.
  • The assets/move-asset and assets/move-folder actions no longer include success keys in responses. (#12159)
  • The assets/upload controller action now includes errors object in failure responses. (#12159)
  • Element action triggers’ validateSelection() and activate() methods are now passed an elementIndex argument, with a reference to the trigger’s corresponding element index.
  • Element search scores set on craft\events\SearchEvent::$scores by craft\services\Search::EVENT_AFTER_SEARCH or EVENT_BEFORE_SCORE_RESULTS now must be indexed by element ID and site ID (e.g. '100-1').
  • Added craft\auth\methods\AuthMethodInterface.
  • Added craft\auth\methods\BaseAuthMethod.
  • Added craft\auth\methods\RecoveryCodes.
  • Added craft\auth\methods\TOTP.
  • Added craft\auth\passkeys\CredentialRepository.
  • Added craft\base\Actionable. (#14169)
  • Added craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getAuth().
  • Added craft\base\Chippable. (#14169)
  • Added craft\base\Colorable. (#14187)
  • Added craft\base\Element::EVENT_DEFINE_ACTION_MENU_ITEMS.
  • Added craft\base\Element::crumbs().
  • Added craft\base\Element::destructiveActionMenuItems().
  • Added craft\base\Element::inlineAttributeInputHtml().
  • Added craft\base\Element::render(). (#14284)
  • Added craft\base\Element::safeActionMenuItems().
  • Added craft\base\Element::shouldValidateTitle().
  • Added craft\base\ElementContainerFieldInterface, which should be implemented by fields which contain nested elements, such as Matrix.
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::canDuplicateAsDraft().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getActionMenuItems().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getCardBodyHtml().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getChipLabelHtml().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getCrumbs().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::getInlineAttributeInputHtml().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::hasDrafts().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::hasThumbs().
  • Added craft\base\ElementInterface::setLazyEagerLoadedElements().
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$deletedWithOwner.
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$eagerLoadInfo.
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$elementQueryResult.
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$forceSave.
  • Added craft\base\ElementTrait::$propagatingFrom.
  • Added craft\base\Field::valueSql().
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::dbType(), which defines the type(s) of values the field will store in the elements_sites.content column (if any).
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::getValueSql().
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::icon().
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::isMultiInstance().
  • Added craft\base\FieldInterface::queryCondition(), which accepts an element query param value and returns the corresponding query condition.
  • Added craft\base\FieldLayoutComponent::hasSettings().
  • Added craft\base\FieldLayoutElement::isMultiInstance().
  • Added craft\base\FieldLayoutProviderInterface::getHandle().
  • Added craft\base\FieldTrait::$layoutElement.
  • Added craft\base\Iconic. (#14169)
  • Added craft\base\Identifiable. (#14169)
  • Added craft\base\InlineEditableFieldInterface.
  • Added craft\base\NestedElementInterface, which should be implemented by element types which could be nested by other elements.
  • Added craft\base\NestedElementTrait.
  • Added craft\base\Statusable. (#14169)
  • Added craft\base\ThumbableFieldInterface.
  • Added craft\base\Thumbable. (#14169)
  • Added craft\base\conditions\ConditionInterface::createConditionRule().
  • Added craft\behaviors\EventBehavior.
  • Added craft\controllers\EntryTypesController.
  • Added craft\db\CallbackExpressionBuilder.
  • Added craft\db\CallbackExpression.
  • Added craft\db\Connection::getIsMaria().
  • Added craft\db\QueryParam.
  • Added craft\db\Table::ELEMENTS_OWNERS.
  • Added craft\db\Table::SECTIONS_ENTRYTYPES.
  • Added craft\db\mysql\ColumnSchema::$collation.
  • Added craft\db\mysql\QueryBuilder::jsonContains().
  • Added craft\db\mysql\QueryBuilder::jsonExtract().
  • Added craft\db\mysql\Schema::supportsMb4().
  • Added craft\db\pgsql\QueryBuilder::jsonContains().
  • Added craft\db\pgsql\QueryBuilder::jsonExtract().
  • Added craft\db\pgsql\Schema::supportsMb4().
  • Added craft\elements\Address::GQL_TYPE_NAME.
  • Added craft\elements\Asset::gqlTypeName().
  • Added craft\elements\Category::gqlTypeName().
  • Added craft\elements\ElementCollection::render(). (#14284)
  • Added craft\elements\Entry::$collapsed.
  • Added craft\elements\Entry::$dirty.
  • Added craft\elements\Entry::gqlTypeName().
  • Added craft\elements\Entry::setOwner().
  • Added craft\elements\NestedElementManager.
  • Added craft\elements\Tag::gqlTypeName().
  • Added craft\elements\User::GQL_TYPE_NAME.
  • Added craft\elements\User::authenticateWithPasskey().
  • Added craft\elements\conditions\ElementConditionInterface::getFieldLayouts().
  • Added craft\elements\conditions\addresses\AddressLine1ConditionRule.
  • Added craft\elements\conditions\addresses\AddressLine2ConditionRule.
  • Added craft\elements\conditions\addresses\AddressLine3ConditionRule.
  • Added craft\elements\conditions\addresses\AdministrativeAreaConditionRule.
  • Added craft\elements\conditions\addresses\CountryConditionRule.
  • Added craft\elements\conditions\addresses\DependentLocalityConditionRule.
  • Added craft\elements\conditions\addresses\FullNameConditionRule.
  • Added craft\elements\conditions\addresses\LocalityConditionRule.
  • Added craft\elements\conditions\addresses\OrganizationConditionRule.
  • Added craft\elements\conditions\addresses\OrganizationTaxIdConditionRule.
  • Added craft\elements\conditions\addresses\PostalCodeConditionRule.
  • Added craft\elements\conditions\addresses\SortingCodeConditionRule.
  • Added craft\elements\conditions\entries\MatrixFieldConditionRule.
  • Added craft\elements\db\EagerLoadInfo.
  • Added craft\elements\db\EagerLoadPlan::$lazy.
  • Added craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::$eagerLoadAlias.
  • Added craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::$eagerLoadHandle.
  • Added craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface::eagerly().
  • Added craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface::fieldLayouts().
  • Added craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface::prepForEagerLoading().
  • Added craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface::wasCountEagerLoaded().
  • Added craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface::wasEagerLoaded().
  • Added craft\enums\AttributeStatus.
  • Added craft\enums\Color. (#14187)
  • Added craft\enums\ElementIndexViewMode.
  • Added craft\enums\PropagationMethod.
  • Added craft\enums\TimePeriod.
  • Added craft\events\BulkElementsEvent.
  • Added craft\events\BulkOpEvent. (#14032)
  • Added craft\events\DefineEntryTypesForFieldEvent.
  • Added craft\events\DefineFieldHtmlEvent::$inline.
  • Added craft\events\DuplicateNestedElementsEvent.
  • Added craft\events\SetEagerLoadedElementsEvent::$plan.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField::$includeInCards.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField::$providesThumbs.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField::previewHtml().
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField::previewable().
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField::selectorIcon().
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField::thumbHtml().
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField::thumbable().
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\CustomField::$handle.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\TextField::inputAttributes().
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\users\EmailField.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\users\FullNameField.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\users\PhotoField.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\users\UsernameField.
  • Added craft\fields\Addresses.
  • Added craft\fields\Matrix::EVENT_DEFINE_ENTRY_TYPES.
  • Added craft\fields\Matrix::getEntryTypes().
  • Added craft\fields\Matrix::getEntryTypesForField().
  • Added craft\fields\Matrix::getSupportedSitesForElement().
  • Added craft\fields\Matrix::setEntryTypes().
  • Added craft\fields\Matrix::supportedSiteIds().
  • Added craft\fields\Money::currencyLabel().
  • Added craft\fields\Money::currencyLabel().
  • Added craft\fields\Money::subunits().
  • Added craft\fields\Money::subunits().
  • Added craft\fields\conditions\FieldConditionRuleTrait::fieldInstances().
  • Added craft\fields\conditions\FieldConditionRuleTrait::setLayoutElementUid().
  • Added craft\fields\conditions\MoneyFieldConditionRule.
  • Added craft\fields\conditions\MoneyFieldConditionRule.
  • Added craft\helpers\App::isWindows().
  • Added craft\helpers\App::silence().
  • Added craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::lastValue().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::CHIP_SIZE_LARGE.
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::CHIP_SIZE_SMALL.
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::checkboxGroupFieldHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::checkboxGroupHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::chipHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::colorSelectFieldHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::customSelectFieldHtml(). (#14169)
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::customSelectHtml(). (#14169)
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::disclosureMenu().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::earthIcon(). (#14169)
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::elementCardHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::elementChipHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::elementIndexHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::entryTypeSelectFieldHtml(). (#14169)
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::entryTypeSelectHtml(). (#14169)
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::fallbackIconSvg(). (#14169)
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::iconPickerFieldHtml(). (#14169)
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::iconPickerHtml(). (#14169)
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::iconSvg(). (#14169)
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::layoutElementSelectorHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::menuItem(). (#14169)
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::moneyFieldHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::moneyInputHtml().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::normalizeMenuItems().
  • Added craft\helpers\Cp::siteMenuItems().
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::defaultCollation().
  • Added craft\helpers\Db::prepareForJsonColumn().
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::actionConfig().
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::addElementEditorUrlParams().
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::elementEditorUrl().
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::renderElements(). (#14284)
  • Added craft\helpers\ElementHelper::rootElementIfCanonical().
  • Added craft\helpers\Gql::getSchemaContainedSections().
  • Added craft\helpers\Json::detectIndent().
  • Added craft\helpers\Json::encodeToFile().
  • Added craft\helpers\ProjectConfig::ensureAllEntryTypesProcessed().
  • Added craft\i18n\Locale::$aliasOf.
  • Added craft\i18n\Locale::setDisplayName().
  • Added craft\log\Dispatcher::getDefaultTarget(). (#14283)
  • Added craft\migrations\BaseContentRefactorMigration.
  • Added craft\models\EntryType::$color.
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::getCardBodyFields().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::getElementByUid().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::getFieldById().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::getFieldByUid().
  • Added craft\models\FieldLayout::getThumbField().
  • Added craft\models\FsListing::getAdjustedUri().
  • Added craft\models\Section::getCpEditUrl().
  • Added craft\models\Site::getLanguage().
  • Added craft\models\Site::setLanguage().
  • Added craft\models\Volume::$altTranslationKeyFormat.
  • Added craft\models\Volume::$altTranslationMethod.
  • Added craft\models\Volume::getSubpath().
  • Added craft\models\Volume::setSubpath().
  • Added craft\queue\BaseBatchedElementJob. (#14032)
  • Added craft\queue\BaseBatchedJob::after().
  • Added craft\queue\BaseBatchedJob::afterBatch().
  • Added craft\queue\BaseBatchedJob::before().
  • Added craft\queue\BaseBatchedJob::beforeBatch().
  • Added craft\services\Auth.
  • Added craft\services\Elements::EVENT_AUTHORIZE_DUPLICATE_AS_DRAFT.
  • Added craft\services\Elements::canDuplicateAsDraft().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::deleteEntryType().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::deleteEntryTypeById().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::deleteSection().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::deleteSectionById().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::getAllEntryTypes().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::getAllSectionIds().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::getAllSections().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::getEditableSectionIds().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::getEditableSections().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::getEntryTypeByHandle().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::getEntryTypeById().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::getEntryTypesBySectionId().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::getSectionByHandle().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::getSectionById().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::getSectionByUid().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::getSectionsByType().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::getTotalEditableSections().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::getTotalSections().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::refreshEntryTypes().
  • Added craft\services\Entries::saveSection().
  • Added craft\services\Fields::$fieldContext, which replaces craft\services\Content::$fieldContext.
  • Added craft\services\Fields::getAllLayouts().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::defineContentArgumentsForFieldLayouts().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::defineContentArgumentsForFields().
  • Added craft\services\Gql::getOrSetContentArguments().
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::find().
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::flush().
  • Added craft\services\ProjectConfig::writeYamlFiles().
  • Added craft\services\Sites::$maxSites. (#14307)
  • Added craft\services\Sites::getRemainingSites(). (#14307)
  • Added craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::$actionMenuItems.
  • Added craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::$contextMenuItems.
  • Added craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::$selectableSites.
  • Added craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::$site.
  • Added craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::actionMenuItems().
  • Added craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::contextMenuItems().
  • Added craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::selectableSites().
  • Added craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::site().
  • Added craft\web\Request::getQueryParamsWithoutPath().
  • Added craft\web\twig\variables\Cp::getEntryTypeOptions().
  • Renamed craft\base\BlockElementInterface to NestedElementInterface, and added the getField(), getSortOrder(), and setOwner() methods to it.
  • Renamed craft\base\Element::getHasCheckeredThumb() to hasCheckeredThumb() and made it protected.
  • Renamed craft\base\Element::getHasRoundedThumb() to hasRoundedThumb() and made it protected.
  • Renamed craft\base\Element::getThumbAlt() to thumbAlt() and made it protected.
  • Renamed craft\base\Element::getThumbUrl() to thumbUrl() and made it protected.
  • Renamed craft\base\Element::tableAttributeHtml() to attributeHtml().
  • Renamed craft\base\ElementInterface::getTableAttributeHtml() to getAttributeHtml().
  • Renamed craft\base\FieldInterface::valueType() to phpType().
  • Renamed craft\base\PreviewableFieldInterface::getTableAttributeHtml() to getPreviewHtml().
  • Renamed craft\base\UtilityInterface::iconPath() to icon(), which can now return a system icon name. (#14169)
  • Renamed craft\base\conditions\BaseCondition::conditionRuleTypes() to selectableConditionRules().
  • Renamed craft\events\BatchElementActionEvent to MultiElementActionEvent.
  • Renamed craft\events\RegisterConditionRuleTypesEvent to RegisterConditionRulesEvent, and its $conditionRuleTypes property has been renamed to $conditionRules.
  • Renamed craft\events\SetElementTableAttributeHtmlEvent to DefineAttributeHtmlEvent.
  • Renamed craft\fields\BaseRelationField::tableAttributeHtml() to previewHtml(), and it now accepts an ElementCollection argument, rather than Collection.
  • Renamed craft\fields\Matrix::$maxBlocks to $maxEntries.
  • Renamed craft\fields\Matrix::$minBlocks to $minEntries.
  • Renamed craft\log\Dispatcher::getTargets() to getDefaultTargets(). (#14283)
  • Renamed craft\services\Addresses::getLayout() to getFieldLayout().
  • Renamed craft\services\Addresses::saveLayout() to saveFieldLayout().
  • Renamed craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::$additionalButtons() and additionalButtons() to $additionalButtonsHtml and additionalButtonsHtml(). (#13037)
  • Renamed craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::$content() and content() to $contentHtml and contentHtml(). (#13037)
  • Renamed craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::$contextMenu() and contextMenu() to $contextMenuHtml and contextMenuHtml(). (#13037)
  • Renamed craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::$notice() and notice() to $noticeHtml and noticeHtml(). (#13037)
  • Renamed craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::$pageSidebar() and pageSidebar() to $pageSidebarHtml and pageSidebarHtml(). (#13037)
  • Renamed craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::$sidebar() and sidebar() to $metaSidebarHtml and metaSidebarHtml(). (#13037)
  • craft\base\BaseFsInterface::renameFile() and copyFile() now have a $config argument. (#14147)
  • craft\base\ConfigurableComponent::getSettings() now converts backed enum cases to their values.
  • craft\base\Element::getCpEditUrl() now returns a URL to edit/<ID> if cpEditUrl() returns null.
  • craft\base\ElementInterface::findSource() no longer needs to specify a default value for the context argument.
  • craft\base\ElementInterface::getAncestors(), getDescendants(), getChildren(), and getSiblings() now have ElementQueryInterface|ElementCollection return types, rather than ElementQueryInterface|Collection.
  • craft\base\ElementInterface::getEagerLoadedElementCount() can now return null for counts that haven’t been eager-loaded yet.
  • craft\base\ElementInterface::getEagerLoadedElements now has an ElementCollection|null return type, rather than Collection|null.
  • craft\base\ElementInterface::indexHtml()$showCheckboxes argument is now $selectable, and it now has a $sortable argument.
  • craft\base\ElementInterface::setEagerLoadedElements() now has a $plan argument, which will be set to the eager-loading plan.
  • craft\base\ElementInterface::setParent() no longer needs to specify a default value for the parent argument.
  • craft\base\ElementInterface::setRevisionCreatorId() no longer needs to specify a default value for the creatorId argument.
  • craft\base\ElementInterface::setRevisionNotes() no longer needs to specify a default value for the notes argument.
  • craft\base\Field::inputHtml() now has an $inline argument.
  • craft\base\FieldInterface::getIsTranslatable(), getTranslationDescription(), getInputHtml(), normalizeValue(), normalizeValueFromRequest(), and serializeValue() no longer need to specify a default value for the $element argument.
  • craft\base\WidgetInterface::icon() can now return a system icon name. (#14169)
  • craft\db\Connection::getSupportsMb4() is now dynamic for MySQL installs, based on whether the elements_sites table has an mb4 charset.
  • craft\elemens\db\ElementQueryInterface::collect() now has an ElementCollection return type, rather than Collection.
  • craft\elements\Entry::getSection() can now return null, for nested entries.
  • craft\elements\User::getAddresses() now returns a collection.
  • craft\enums\LicenseKeyStatus is now an enum.
  • craft\events\AuthenticateUserEvent::$password can now be null, if the user is being authenticated with a passkey.
  • craft\fields\BaseOptionsField::$multi and $optgroups properties are now static.
  • craft\fields\Matrix::$propagationMethod now has a type of craft\enums\PropagationMethod.
  • craft\fields\fieldlayoutelements\BaseUiElement::selectorIcon() can now return a system icon name. (#14169)
  • craft\gql\mutations\Entry::createSaveMutations() now accepts a $section argument.
  • craft\helpers\App::parseEnv() now returns null when a missing environment variable name is passed to it. (#14253)
  • craft\helpers\Cp::fieldHtml() now supports a labelExtra config value.
  • craft\helpers\Db::parseParam(), parseDateParam(), parseMoneyParam(), and parseNumericParam() now return null instead of an empty string if no condition should be applied.
  • craft\helpers\Html::id() and Craft.formatInputId() now retain colons and periods, and ensure the string begins with a letter.
  • craft\helpers\Html::normalizeTagAttributes() now supports a removeClass key.
  • craft\helpers\Html::svg() now has a $throwException argument.
  • craft\helpers\Html::tag() and beginTag() now ensure that the passed-in attributes are normalized.
  • craft\helpers\StringHelper::toString() now supports backed enums.
  • craft\i18n\I18N::getPrimarySiteLocale() is now deprecated. craft\models\Site::getLocale() should be used instead.
  • craft\i18n\I18N::getPrimarySiteLocaleId() is now deprecated. craft\models\Site::$language should be used instead.
  • craft\models\Section::$propagationMethod now has a type of craft\enums\PropagationMethod.
  • craft\services\AssetIndexer::indexFileByListing() now has a $volume argument in place of $volumeId.
  • craft\services\AssetIndexer::indexFolderByListing() now has a $volume argument in place of $volumeId.
  • craft\services\AssetIndexer::storeIndexList() now has a $volume argument in place of $volumeId.
  • craft\services\Elements::duplicateElement() now has an $asUnpublishedDraft argument, and no longer has a $trackDuplication argument.
  • craft\services\Elements::saveElement() now has a $saveContent argument.
  • craft\services\Plugins::getPluginLicenseKeyStatus() now returns a craft\enums\LicenseKeyStatus case.
  • craft\services\ProjectConfig::saveModifiedConfigData() no longer has a $writeExternalConfig argument, and no longer writes out updated project config YAML files.
  • craft\services\Users::activateUser() now has a void return type, and throws an InvalidElementException in case of failure.
  • craft\services\Users::deactivateUser() now has a void return type, and throws an InvalidElementException in case of failure.
  • craft\services\Users::removeCredentials() now has a void return type, and throws an InvalidElementException in case of failure.
  • craft\services\Users::shunMessageForUser() now has a void return type, and throws an InvalidElementException in case of failure.
  • craft\services\Users::suspendUser() now has a void return type, and throws an InvalidElementException in case of failure.
  • craft\services\Users::unlockUser() now has a void return type, and throws an InvalidElementException in case of failure.
  • craft\services\Users::unshunMessageForUser() now has a void return type, and throws an InvalidElementException in case of failure.
  • craft\services\Users::unsuspendUser() now has a void return type, and throws an InvalidElementException in case of failure.
  • craft\services\Users::verifyEmailForUser() now has a void return type, and throws an InvalidElementException in case of failure.
  • craft\web\Controller::asModelSuccess() now includes a modelClass key in the response data (and modelId if the model implements craft\base\Identifiable).
  • Colors defined by elements’ statuses() methods can now be a craft\enums\Color instance.
  • Deprecated craft\events\DefineElementInnerHtmlEvent.
  • Deprecated craft\events\SearchEvent::$siteId.
  • Deprecated craft\helpers\Component::iconSvg(). craft\helpers\Cp::iconSvg() and fallbackIconSvg() should be used instead. (#14169)
  • Deprecated craft\helpers\Cp::ELEMENT_SIZE_LARGE. CHIP_SIZE_LARGE should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\helpers\Cp::ELEMENT_SIZE_SMALL. CHIP_SIZE_SMALL should be used instead.
  • Deprecated craft\helpers\Cp::elementHtml(). elementChipHtml() or elementCardHtml() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated the _elements/element.twig control panel template. elementChip() or elementCard() should be used instead.
  • Deprecated the cp.elements.element control panel template hook.
  • Removed the _includes/revisionmenu.twig control panel template.
  • Removed \craft\mail\transportadapters\Gmail::$timeout.
  • Removed \craft\mail\transportadapters\Smtp::$encryptionMethod.
  • Removed \craft\mail\transportadapters\Smtp::$timeout.
  • Removed craft\base\ApplicationTrait::getMatrix().
  • Removed craft\base\Element::$contentId.
  • Removed craft\base\Element::ATTR_STATUS_MODIFIED. craft\enums\AttributeStatus::Modified should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\base\Element::ATTR_STATUS_OUTDATED. craft\enums\AttributeStatus::Outdated should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\base\ElementInterface::getContentTable().
  • Removed craft\base\ElementInterface::getFieldColumnPrefix().
  • Removed craft\base\ElementInterface::gqlMutationNameByContext().
  • Removed craft\base\ElementInterface::gqlTypeNameByContext().
  • Removed craft\base\ElementInterface::hasContent().
  • Removed craft\base\FieldInterface::getContentColumnType(). dbType() should be implemented instead.
  • Removed craft\base\FieldInterface::getGroup().
  • Removed craft\base\FieldInterface::hasContentColumn(). Fields that don’t need to store values in the elements_sites.content column should return null from dbType().
  • Removed craft\base\FieldInterface::modifyElementsQuery(). Fields can customize how their element query params are handled by implementing queryCondition().
  • Removed craft\base\FieldTrait::$groupId.
  • Removed craft\base\FieldTrait::$layoutId.
  • Removed craft\base\FieldTrait::$sortOrder.
  • Removed craft\base\FieldTrait::$tabId.
  • Removed craft\base\conditions\ConditionInterface::getConditionRuleTypes().
  • Removed craft\controllers\Sections::actionDeleteEntryType().
  • Removed craft\controllers\Sections::actionEditEntryType().
  • Removed craft\controllers\Sections::actionEntryTypesIndex().
  • Removed craft\controllers\Sections::actionReorderEntryTypes().
  • Removed craft\controllers\Sections::actionSaveEntryType().
  • Removed craft\controllers\UsersController::EVENT_REGISTER_USER_ACTIONS. craft\base\Element::EVENT_DEFINE_ACTION_MENU_ITEMS should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\db\Table::FIELDGROUPS.
  • Removed craft\elements\MatrixBlock.
  • Removed craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::$contentTable.
  • Removed craft\elements\db\MatrixBlockQuery.
  • Removed craft\enums\PatchManifestFileAction.
  • Removed craft\enums\PeriodType.
  • Removed craft\enums\PluginUpdateStatus.
  • Removed craft\enums\VersionUpdateStatus.
  • Removed craft\errors\MatrixBlockTypeNotFoundException.
  • Removed craft\events\BlockTypesEvent.
  • Removed craft\events\FieldGroupEvent.
  • Removed craft\events\RegisterUserActionsEvent.
  • Removed craft\fieldlayoutelements\users\AddressesField.
  • Removed craft\fields\Matrix::EVENT_SET_FIELD_BLOCK_TYPES.
  • Removed craft\fields\Matrix::PROPAGATION_METHOD_ALL. craft\enums\PropagationMethod::All should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\fields\Matrix::PROPAGATION_METHOD_CUSTOM. craft\enums\PropagationMethod::Custom should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\fields\Matrix::PROPAGATION_METHOD_LANGUAGE. craft\enums\PropagationMethod::Language should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\fields\Matrix::PROPAGATION_METHOD_NONE. craft\enums\PropagationMethod::None should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\fields\Matrix::PROPAGATION_METHOD_SITE_GROUP. craft\enums\PropagationMethod::SiteGroup should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\fields\Matrix::contentTable.
  • Removed craft\fields\Matrix::getBlockTypeFields().
  • Removed craft\fields\Matrix::getBlockTypes().
  • Removed craft\fields\Matrix::setBlockTypes().
  • Removed craft\gql\arguments\elements\MatrixBlock.
  • Removed craft\gql\interfaces\elements\MatrixBlock.
  • Removed craft\gql\resolvers\elements\MatrixBlock.
  • Removed craft\gql\types\elements\MatrixBlock.
  • Removed craft\gql\types\generators\MatrixBlockType.
  • Removed craft\helpers\Db::GLUE_AND, GLUE_OR, and GLUE_NOT. craft\db\QueryParam::AND, OR, and NOT can be used instead.
  • Removed craft\helpers\Db::extractGlue(). craft\db\QueryParam::extractOperator() can be used instead.
  • Removed craft\helpers\ElementHelper::fieldColumn().
  • Removed craft\helpers\ElementHelper::fieldColumnFromField().
  • Removed craft\helpers\FieldHelper.
  • Removed craft\helpers\Gql::canMutateEntries().
  • Removed craft\models\EntryType::$sectionId.
  • Removed craft\models\EntryType::$sortOrder.
  • Removed craft\models\EntryType::getSection().
  • Removed craft\models\FieldGroup.
  • Removed craft\models\MatrixBlockType.
  • Removed craft\models\Section::PROPAGATION_METHOD_ALL. craft\enums\PropagationMethod::All should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\models\Section::PROPAGATION_METHOD_CUSTOM. craft\enums\PropagationMethod::Custom should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\models\Section::PROPAGATION_METHOD_LANGUAGE. craft\enums\PropagationMethod::Language should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\models\Section::PROPAGATION_METHOD_NONE. craft\enums\PropagationMethod::None should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\models\Section::PROPAGATION_METHOD_SITE_GROUP. craft\enums\PropagationMethod::SiteGroup should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\records\EntryType::getSection().
  • Removed craft\records\Field::getGroup().
  • Removed craft\records\Field::getOldColumnSuffix().
  • Removed craft\records\FieldGroup.
  • Removed craft\records\FieldLayout::getFields().
  • Removed craft\records\FieldLayout::getTabs().
  • Removed craft\records\FieldLayoutField.
  • Removed craft\records\FieldLayoutTab.
  • Removed craft\records\MatrixBlockType.
  • Removed craft\records\MatrixBlock.
  • Removed craft\services\Content.
  • Removed craft\services\Elements::$duplicatedElementIds.
  • Removed craft\services\Elements::$duplicatedElementSourceIds.
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_FIELD_GROUP.
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_FIELD_GROUP.
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_GROUP_DELETE.
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE_FIELD_GROUP.
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_FIELD_GROUP.
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::deleteGroup().
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::deleteGroupById().
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::getAllGroups().
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::getFieldIdsByLayoutIds().
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::getFieldsByGroupId().
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::getGroupById().
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::getGroupByUid().
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::getLayoutTabsById().
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::handleChangedGroup().
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::handleDeletedGroup().
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::saveGroup().
  • Removed craft\services\Fields::updateColumn().
  • Removed craft\services\Matrix.
  • Removed craft\services\Plugins::setPluginLicenseKeyStatus().
  • Removed craft\services\ProjectConfig::PATH_MATRIX_BLOCK_TYPES.
  • Removed craft\services\ProjectConfig::PATH_MATRIX_BLOCK_TYPES.
  • Removed craft\services\ProjectConfig::PATH_MATRIX_BLOCK_TYPES.
  • Removed craft\services\ProjectConfig::updateStoredConfigAfterRequest().
  • Removed craft\services\Sections. Most of its methods have been moved to craft\services\Entries.
  • Removed craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::$contextMenuHtml. $contextMenuItems should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::contextMenuHtml(). contextMenuItems() should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior::contextMenuTemplate(). contextMenuItems() should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\web\User::startElevatedSession(). login() should be used instead.
  • Removed craft\web\twig\variables\Cp::getEntryTypeOptions().
  • Admin tables now support client-side searching when not running in API mode. (#14126)
  • Added Craft.BaseElementSelectInput::defineElementActions().
  • Added Craft.CP::setSiteCrumbMenuItemStatus().
  • Added Craft.CP::showSiteCrumbMenuItem().
  • Added Craft.CP::updateContext().
  • Added Craft.ElementEditor::setFormValue().
  • Added Craft.ElementEditor::markDeltaNameAsModified().
  • Added Garnish.DisclosureMenu::addGroup().
  • Added Garnish.DisclosureMenu::addHr().
  • Added Garnish.DisclosureMenu::addItem().
  • Added Garnish.DisclosureMenu::createItem().
  • Added Garnish.DisclosureMenu::getFirstDestructiveGroup().
  • Added Garnish.DisclosureMenu::isPadded().
  • Craft.appendBodyHtml() and appendHeadHtml() are now promise-based, and load JavaScript resources over Ajax.


  • Craft now requires PHP 8.2+.
  • Craft now requires MySQL 8.0.17+, MariaDB 10.4.6+, or PostgreSQL 13+.
  • Craft now requires the Symfony Filesystem component directly.
  • Craft now requires bacon/bacon-qr-code.
  • Craft now requires composer/semver directly.
  • Craft now requires pragmarx/google2fa.
  • Craft now requires pragmarx/recovery.
  • Craft now requires web-auth/webauthn-lib.
  • Updated commerceguys/addressing to v2. (#14318)
  • Updated illuminate/collections to v10.
  • Updated yiisoft/yii2-symfonymailer to v4.
  • Craft no longer requires composer/composer.
  • New database tables now default to the utf8mb4 charset, and the utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci or utf8mb4_unicode_ci collation, on MySQL. Existing installs should run db/convert-charset after upgrading, to ensure all tables have consistent charsets and collations. (#11823)
  • The deprecationerrors.traces, fieldlayouts.config, gqlschemas.scope, sections.previewTargets, userpreferences.preferences, and widgets.settings columns are now of type JSON for MySQL and PostgreSQL. (#14300)
  • The defaultTemplateExtensions config setting now lists twig before html by default. (#11809)
  • Improved the initial page load performance for element edit screens that contain Matrix fields.
  • Improved the performance of control panel screens that include field layout designers.
  • Improved the performance of autosaves for elements with newly-created Matrix entries.
  • Slugs are no longer required for elements that don’t have a URI format that contains slug.
  • Garbage collection now deletes orphaned nested entries.
  • Craft now has a default limit of 100 sites, which can be increased via craft\ervices\Sites::$maxSites at your own peril. (#14307)
  • Fixed a bug where multi-site element queries weren’t scoring elements on a per-site basis. (#13801)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if eager-loading aliases conflicted with native eager-loading handles, such as author. (#14057)
  • Fixed a bug where layout components provided by disabled plugins weren’t getting omitted. (#14219)
  • Added an SVG icon set based on Font Awesome 6.5.1. (#14169)
  • Updated Monolog to v3.
  • Updated Axios to 1.6.5.
  • Updated D3 to 7.8.5.
  • Updated Punycode to 2.0.1.
  • Updated XRegExp to 5.1.1.

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