github craftcms/cms 4.14.10

latest release: 5.6.11
one day ago
  • Added craft\base\conditions\BaseTextConditionRule::isEmpty().
  • Added craft\htmlpurifier\RelAttrLinkTypeDef.
  • The default HTML Purifier config now allows rel attributes to be set to any value. (#16798)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when generating an image transform URL via a console request. (#16793)
  • Fixed a bug where _includes/forms/button.twig was always adding class="btngroup-btn-first" to the resulting button HTML.
  • Fixed a bug where Assets fields with {slug} in the subpath could create folders named after temporary slugs. (#16799)
  • Fixed a bug where date and time inputs without values were showing clear buttons. (#16804)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when executing “Updating element slugs and URIs” queue jobs. (#16787)
  • Fixed a bug where automatic slug generation wasn’t working after changing entry types. (#16816)
  • Fixed a bug where “Slug” condition rules weren’t considering temporary slugs to be empty. (#16817)

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