github covalenthq/bsp-geth v1.3.0-bsp
v1.3.0-bsp (pow->pos)

latest releases: v1.8.1-bsp, v1.8.0-bsp, v1.7.0-bsp...
21 months ago

What's Changed

1 Upgrade consensus layer from POW to POS for bsp-geth by @noslav in #78
2. Please ensure you have a consensus client available before the transition arrives! ETA=4d5h41m

Upgrade Process

  1. Here are all the clients available for Eth2
  2. We’re internally using (and recommend) lighthouse (rust hp client for eth2)
  3. For node operators who’re running the execution client (bsp-geth) and a consensus client (like lighthouse) the beacon node is additionally required, validator client is optional - i.e only if you also want to propose blocks and earn rewards by staking 32 Eth.
  4. All node operators should update to bsp-geth v1.3.0 immediately once it is released which is based off of go-ethereum v1.10.23 - Geth/v1.10.23-stable-fcbc59ad/linux-amd64/go1.18.1 updated to latest for the merge.
  5. Configuring bsp-geth (the execution client) to connect to consensus client is the same as described here - below are all plus the additional flags that should be provided to bsp-geth so it speaks with the beacon node over http -
./build/bin/geth \
  --v5disc \
  --txlookuplimit 0 \
  --cache 8192 \
  --syncmode snap \
  --gcmode full \
  --http \
  --http.addr localhost \
  --http.api admin,debug,eth,net,web3,txpool \
  --http.vhosts * \
  --ws \
  --ws.addr localhost \
  --ws.api admin,debug,eth,net,web3,txpool \ * \
  --datadir /scratch/node/eth-mainnet \
  --nat extip:******* \
  --port 30303 \
  --http.port 8545 \
  --ws.port 8546 \

## Additional flags here
  --authrpc.addr localhost \
  --authrpc.port 8551 \
  --authrpc.vhosts localhost \
  --authrpc.jwtsecret $HOME/ethereum/geth/jwtsecret \
  --replication.targets redis:// \
  --replica.result \
  1. Validators should ideally setup a new service unit for running the beacon node which can follow the below definition
Description=lighthouse eth2 service

ExecStart=$HOME/lighthouse/releases/latest/bin/lighthouse \
--network mainnet \
beacon_node \
--datadir $HOME/lighthouse \
--http \
--checkpoint-sync-url \
--disable-lock-timeouts \
--execution-endpoint http://localhost:8551 \
--execution-jwt $HOME/ethereum/geth/jwtsecret 


  1. No updates to bsp-agent are required. Except running on v1.2.4

Full Changelog: v1.2.1-bsp...v1.3.0-bsp

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