github coteditor/CotEditor 4.4.0-beta

latest releases: 5.1.0-beta.2, 5.1.0-beta, 5.0.8...
pre-release2 years ago

system requirements: macOS 12 and later

New Features

  • Add Advanced Character Count to the Text menu.
  • Dynamically prioritize the scripts in the subfolder whose name is the same as the frontmost document's syntax style when the same keyboard shortcut is determined in multiple CotEditor scripts.
  • Add URL Encode/Decode commands to the Text > Transformations submenu.
  • Display a dot in the window tab if the document has unsaved changes.
  • Add the option to draw the separator line between the line number view and the editor.
  • Add syntax style for TypeScript.


  • Support macOS 13 Ventura.
  • Change the system requirement to macOS 12 Monterey and later.
  • Store the state of the “Don’t ask again for this document” option for the inconsistent line endings alert and respect it for future open.
    • [for advanced users] Now you can also disable the feature entirely within the application by running the following command in Terminal: defaults write com.coteditor.CotEditor suppressesInconsistentLineEndingAlert -bool YES, though it is not recommended.
  • Deprecate the length property in AppleScript (Use number of characters of contents instead).
  • Support the split cursor for bidirectional languages in multi-cursor editing.
  • Update the CotEditor's setting view in the print panel.
  • Change the location and column count to start with zero.
  • Display the error message in the pattern sort dialog if the regular expression pattern is invalid.
  • Improve the algorithm to parse numbers in the Sort by Pattern command.
  • Improve the algorithm of uncommenting.
  • Improve the algorithm of encoding detection.
  • Improve VoiceOver support.
  • Deprecate the “Ignore line endings when counting characters” option.
  • Deprecate the option to hide file size in the status bar.
  • Remove the text length display in the document inspector.
  • [trivial] Adjust ticks in the line number view for vertical orientation.
  • [trivial] Save documents asynchronously.
  • [trivial] Organize the editor's contextual menu.
  • [trivial] Improve the basic regular expression syntax reference.
  • [trivial] Improve the status bar display.
  • [dev] Update the build environment to Xcode 14.0 beta 6.
  • [non-AppStore ver.] Update Sparkle to 2.2.2.


  • Fix an issue that memory could leak when the opacity toolbar item is used.

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