github cosmos/ibc-go v4.0.0-rc3

latest releases: modules/capability/v1.0.1, ics20-v2-alpha.1, v8.3.2...
pre-release23 months ago

This release includes v1 of the Fee Middleware module. 🍾 Please read the introduction blog post and the documentation!

It also bumps the Go version to v1.18 and the Cosmos SDK to v0.45.7 (for more information, see Cosmos SDK v0.45.7 Release Notes), and introduces several improvements and bug fixes. We present here a summary of the most relevant changes in comparison to v4.0.0-rc2. Please see the v4.0.0 changelog for the full set of changes included in this pre-release.


  • The Cosmos SDK has been bumped from v0.45.6 to v0.45.7.



  • A check has been added in the rpc handlers for MsgPayPacketFee and MsgPayPacketFeeAsync to ensure that the escrow address is not blocked. A similar check has also been added to the rpc handler for MsgRegisterPayee to ensure that the payee address is not blocked.

Special thanks to our external contributors on this release: @faddat @vuong177 @devashishdxt

This is potentially the last RC before the final v4.0.0 release. If no issues are found, we are planning to create the final release at the end of the week.

To learn more about ibc-go versioning, please read our

IMPORTANT: Please read the migration guides for any versions of ibc-go that you might be going through when upgrading to this version. For example: if you upgrade from the IBC module contained in the Cosmos SDK 0.42.0 to SDK v0.45.6 and ibc-go v4.0.0-rc3, please follow:

  1. The migration from SDK 0.41.x or 0.42.x to the IBC module in the ibc-go repository based on the SDK v0.44.x.
  2. The migration from ibc-go v1 to v2.
  3. The migration from ibc-go v2 to v3.
  4. The migration from ibc-go v3 to v4.

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