github cosmos/ibc-go v1.0.0-beta1

latest releases: modules/light-clients/08-wasm/v0.2.0+ibc-go-v8.3-wasmvm-v2.0, 08-wasm-v0.2.0-ibc-go-v8.3-rc, v8.3.1...
pre-release2 years ago

This release uses SDK v0.43.0-beta1

Please read the migration doc which provides information on updating from the v0.40.x - v0.42.x SDK releases

In-place store migrations and genesis migrations were added in this release. A new parameter MaxExpectedTimePerBlock has also been added. This parameter must be set in genesis or during upgrade migrations. Please see the migration doc for more information.

Bug Fixes

  • (06-solomachine) #214 Disable defensive timestamp check in SendPacket for solo machine clients.
  • (07-tendermint) #210 Export all consensus metadata on genesis restarts for tendermint clients.
  • (core) #200 Fixes incorrect export of IBC identifier sequences. Previously, the next identifier sequence for clients/connections/channels was not set during genesis export. This resulted in the next identifiers being generated on the new chain to reuse old identifiers (the sequences began again from 0).
  • (02-client) #192 Fix IBC query ibc client header cli command. Support historical queries for query header/node-state commands.

API Breaking

  • (modules) #206 Expose relayer sdk.AccAddress on OnRecvPacket, OnAcknowledgementPacket, OnTimeoutPacket module callbacks to enable incentivization.
  • (02-client) #181 Remove 'InitialHeight' from UpdateClient Proposal. Only copy over latest consensus state from substitute client.
  • (06-solomachine) #169 Change FrozenSequence to boolean in solomachine ClientState. The solo machine proto package has been bumped from v1 to v2.

State Machine Breaking

  • (modules/core/03-connection) #171 Introduces a new parameter MaxExpectedTimePerBlock to allow connections to calculate and enforce a block delay that is proportional to time delay set by connection.


  • (core/02-client) #205 Add in-place and genesis migrations from SDK v0.42.0 to ibc-go v1.0.0. Solo machine protobuf defintions are migrated from v1 to v2. All solo machine consensus states are pruned. All expired tendermint consensus states are pruned.
  • (modules/core) #184 Improve error messages. Uses unique error codes to indicate already relayed packets.
  • (07-tendermint) #182 Remove duplicate checks in upgrade logic.
  • (core/04-channel) #197 Introduced a packet_ack_hex attribute to emit the hex-encoded acknowledgement in events. This allows for raw binary (proto-encoded message) to be sent over events and decoded correctly on relayer. Original packet_ack is DEPRECATED. All relayers and IBC event consumers are encouraged to switch to packet_ack_hex as soon as possible.


  • #198 New CLI command query ibc-transfer escrow-address <port> <channel id> to get the escrow address for a channel; can be used to then query balance of escrowed tokens

Client Breaking Changes

  • (02-client/cli) #196 Rename node-state cli command to self-consensus-state.

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