github cortexproject/cortex v1.6.0-rc.0
Cortex 1.6.0-rc.0

latest releases: v1.17.1, v1.17.0, v1.17.0-rc.1...
pre-release3 years ago



  • [CHANGE] Query Frontend: deprecate -querier.compress-http-responses in favour of -api.response-compression-enabled. #3544
  • [CHANGE] Querier: deprecated -store.max-look-back-period. You should use -querier.max-query-lookback instead. #3452
  • [CHANGE] Blocks storage: increased -blocks-storage.bucket-store.chunks-cache.attributes-ttl default from 24h to 168h (1 week). #3528
  • [CHANGE] Blocks storage: the config option -blocks-storage.bucket-store.index-cache.postings-compression-enabled has been deprecated and postings compression is always enabled. #3538
  • [CHANGE] Ruler: gRPC message size default limits on the Ruler-client side have changed: #3523
    • limit for outgoing gRPC messages has changed from 2147483647 to 16777216 bytes
    • limit for incoming gRPC messages has changed from 4194304 to 104857600 bytes
  • [FEATURE] Distributor/Ingester: Provide ability to not overflow writes in the presence of a leaving or unhealthy ingester. This allows for more efficient ingester rolling restarts. #3305
  • [FEATURE] Query-frontend: introduced query statistics logged in the query-frontend when enabled via -frontend.query-stats-enabled=true. When enabled, the metric cortex_query_seconds_total is tracked, counting the sum of the wall time spent across all queriers while running queries (on a per-tenant basis). The metrics cortex_request_duration_seconds and cortex_query_seconds_total are different: the first one tracks the request duration (eg. HTTP request from the client), while the latter tracks the sum of the wall time on all queriers involved executing the query. #3539
  • [ENHANCEMENT] API: Add GZIP HTTP compression to the API responses. Compression can be enabled via -api.response-compression-enabled. #3536
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added zone-awareness support on queries. When zone-awareness is enabled, queries will still succeed if all ingesters in a single zone will fail. #3414
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Blocks storage ingester: exported more TSDB-related metrics. #3412
    • cortex_ingester_tsdb_wal_corruptions_total
    • cortex_ingester_tsdb_head_truncations_failed_total
    • cortex_ingester_tsdb_head_truncations_total
    • cortex_ingester_tsdb_head_gc_duration_seconds
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Enforced keepalive on all gRPC clients used for inter-service communication. #3431
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added cortex_alertmanager_config_hash metric to expose hash of Alertmanager Config loaded per user. #3388
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-Frontend / Query-Scheduler: New component called "Query-Scheduler" has been introduced. Query-Scheduler is simply a queue of requests, moved outside of Query-Frontend. This allows Query-Frontend to be scaled separately from number of queues. To make Query-Frontend and Querier use Query-Scheduler, they need to be started with -frontend.scheduler-address and -querier.scheduler-address options respectively. #3374 #3471
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend / Querier / Ruler: added -querier.max-query-lookback to limit how long back data (series and metadata) can be queried. This setting can be overridden on a per-tenant basis and is enforced in the query-frontend, querier and ruler. #3452 #3458
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Querier: added -querier.query-store-for-labels-enabled to query store for label names, label values and series APIs. Only works with blocks storage engine. #3461 #3520
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ingester: exposed -blocks-storage.tsdb.wal-segment-size-bytes config option to customise the TSDB WAL segment max size. #3476
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Compactor: concurrently run blocks cleaner for multiple tenants. Concurrency can be configured via -compactor.cleanup-concurrency. #3483
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Compactor: shuffle tenants before running compaction. #3483
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Compactor: wait for a stable ring at startup, when sharding is enabled. #3484
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Store-gateway: added -blocks-storage.bucket-store.index-header-lazy-loading-enabled to enable index-header lazy loading (experimental). When enabled, index-headers will be mmap-ed only once required by a query and will be automatically released after -blocks-storage.bucket-store.index-header-lazy-loading-idle-timeout time of inactivity. #3498
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Alertmanager: added metrics cortex_alertmanager_notification_requests_total and cortex_alertmanager_notification_requests_failed_total. #3518
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ingester: added -blocks-storage.tsdb.head-chunks-write-buffer-size-bytes to fine-tune the TSDB head chunks write buffer size when running Cortex blocks storage. #3518
  • [ENHANCEMENT] /metrics now supports OpenMetrics output. HTTP and gRPC servers metrics can now include exemplars. #3524
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Expose gRPC keepalive policy options by gRPC server. #3524
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Blocks storage: enabled caching of meta.json attributes, configurable via -blocks-storage.bucket-store.metadata-cache.metafile-attributes-ttl. #3528
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Compactor: added a config validation check to fail fast if the compactor has been configured invalid block range periods (each period is expected to be a multiple of the previous one). #3534
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Blocks storage: concurrently fetch deletion marks from object storage. #3538
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Blocks storage ingester: ingester can now close idle TSDB and delete local data. #3491 #3552
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Blocks storage: add option to use V2 signatures for S3 authentication. #3540
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Exported process metrics to monitor the number of memory map areas allocated. #3537
      • process_memory_map_areas
      • process_memory_map_areas_limit
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ruler: Expose gRPC client options. #3523
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Compactor: added metrics to track on-going compaction. #3535
    • cortex_compactor_tenants_discovered
    • cortex_compactor_tenants_skipped
    • cortex_compactor_tenants_processing_succeeded
    • cortex_compactor_tenants_processing_failed
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added new experimental API endpoints: POST /purger/delete_tenant and GET /purger/delete_tenant_status for deleting all tenant data. Only works with blocks storage. Compactor removes blocks that belong to user marked for deletion. #3549 #3558
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Chunks storage: add option to use V2 signatures for S3 authentication. #3560
  • [BUGFIX] Blocks storage ingester: fixed some cases leading to a TSDB WAL corruption after a partial write to disk. #3423
  • [BUGFIX] Blocks storage: Fix the race between ingestion and /flush call resulting in overlapping blocks. #3422
  • [BUGFIX] Querier: fixed -querier.max-query-into-future which wasn't correctly enforced on range queries. #3452
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed float64 precision stability when aggregating metrics before exposing them. This could have lead to false counters resets when querying some metrics exposed by Cortex. #3506
  • [BUGFIX] Querier: the meta.json sync concurrency done when running Cortex with the blocks storage is now controlled by -blocks-storage.bucket-store.meta-sync-concurrency instead of the incorrect -blocks-storage.bucket-store.block-sync-concurrency (default values are the same). #3531
  • [BUGFIX] Querier: fixed initialization order of querier module when using blocks storage. It now (again) waits until blocks have been synchronized. #3551


  • [ENHANCEMENT] Scheduler: ability to ignore users based on regexp, using -scheduler.ignore-users-regex flag. #3477
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Builder: Parallelize reading chunks in the final stage of building block. #3470
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Builder: remove duplicate label names from chunk. #3547

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