github cortexproject/cortex v1.4.0
Cortex 1.4.0

latest releases: v1.17.1, v1.17.0, v1.17.0-rc.1...
3 years ago

This Cortex release features 112 contributions from 32 authors and exciting news!


  • Cortex blocks storage is now GA.
  • Cassandra support for the chunks storage is now GA.
  • Redis caching backend now supports Redis sentinel and Redis cluster too.
  • Introduced shuffle sharding support to store-gateway blocks sharding (blocks storage).
  • The ruler and alertmanager got several improvements
  • Last, but not the least, many enhancements, optimisations and bug fixes.

Please refer to the changelog for full list of changes and improvements.


  • [CHANGE] Cassandra backend support is now GA (stable). #3180
  • [CHANGE] Blocks storage is now GA (stable). The -experimental prefix has been removed from all CLI flags related to the blocks storage (no YAML config changes). #3180
    • -experimental.blocks-storage.* flags renamed to -blocks-storage.*
    •* flags renamed to -store-gateway.*
    •* flags renamed to*
    • flag renamed to
    • -store-gateway.replication-factor flag renamed to -store-gateway.sharding-ring.replication-factor
    • -store-gateway.tokens-file-path flag renamed to store-gateway.sharding-ring.tokens-file-path
  • [CHANGE] Ingester: Removed deprecated untyped record from chunks WAL. Only if you are running v1.0 or below, it is recommended to first upgrade to v1.1/v1.2/v1.3 and run it for a day before upgrading to v1.4 to avoid data loss. #3115
  • [CHANGE] Distributor API endpoints are no longer served unless target is set to distributor or all. #3112
  • [CHANGE] Increase the default Cassandra client replication factor to 3. #3007
  • [CHANGE] Blocks storage: removed the support to transfer blocks between ingesters on shutdown. When running the Cortex blocks storage, ingesters are expected to run with a persistent disk. The following metrics have been removed: #2996
    • cortex_ingester_sent_files
    • cortex_ingester_received_files
    • cortex_ingester_received_bytes_total
    • cortex_ingester_sent_bytes_total
  • [CHANGE] The buckets for the cortex_chunk_store_index_lookups_per_query metric have been changed to 1, 2, 4, 8, 16. #3021
  • [CHANGE] Blocks storage: the operation label value getrange has changed into get_range for the metrics thanos_store_bucket_cache_operation_requests_total and thanos_store_bucket_cache_operation_hits_total. #3000
  • [CHANGE] Experimental Delete Series: /api/v1/admin/tsdb/delete_series and /api/v1/admin/tsdb/cancel_delete_request purger APIs to return status code 204 instead of 200 for success. #2946
  • [CHANGE] Histogram cortex_memcache_request_duration_seconds method label value changes from Memcached.Get to Memcached.GetBatched for batched lookups, and is not reported for non-batched lookups (label value Memcached.GetMulti remains, and had exactly the same value as Get in nonbatched lookups). The same change applies to tracing spans. #3046
  • [CHANGE] TLS server validation is now enabled by default, a new parameter tls_insecure_skip_verify can be set to true to skip validation optionally. #3030
  • [CHANGE] cortex_ruler_config_update_failures_total has been removed in favor of cortex_ruler_config_last_reload_successful. #3056
  • [CHANGE] ruler.evaluation_delay_duration field in YAML config has been moved and renamed to limits.ruler_evaluation_delay_duration. #3098
  • [CHANGE] Removed obsolete results_cache.max_freshness from YAML config (deprecated since Cortex 1.2). #3145
  • [CHANGE] Removed obsolete -promql.lookback-delta option (deprecated since Cortex 1.2, replaced with -querier.lookback-delta). #3144
  • [CHANGE] Cache: added support for Redis Cluster and Redis Sentinel. #2961
    • The following changes have been made in Redis configuration:
    • -redis.master_name added
    • -redis.db added
    • -redis.max-active-conns changed to -redis.pool-size
    • -redis.max-conn-lifetime changed to -redis.max-connection-age
    • -redis.max-idle-conns removed
    • -redis.wait-on-pool-exhaustion removed
  • [CHANGE] TLS configuration for gRPC, HTTP and etcd clients is now marked as experimental. These features are not yet fully baked, and we expect possible small breaking changes in Cortex 1.5. #3198
  • [CHANGE] Fixed store-gateway CLI flags inconsistencies. #3201
    • -store-gateway.replication-factor flag renamed to -store-gateway.sharding-ring.replication-factor
    • -store-gateway.tokens-file-path flag renamed to store-gateway.sharding-ring.tokens-file-path
  • [FEATURE] Logging of the source IP passed along by a reverse proxy is now supported by setting the -server.log-source-ips-enabled. For non standard headers the settings -server.log-source-ips-header and -server.log-source-ips-regex can be used. #2985
  • [FEATURE] Blocks storage: added shuffle sharding support to store-gateway blocks sharding. Added the following additional metrics to store-gateway: #3069
    • cortex_bucket_stores_tenants_discovered
    • cortex_bucket_stores_tenants_synced
  • [FEATURE] Experimental blocksconvert: introduce an experimental tool blocksconvert to migrate long-term storage chunks to blocks. #3092 #3122 #3127 #3162
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add support for azure storage in China, German and US Government environments. #2988
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-tee: added a small tolerance to floating point sample values comparison. #2994
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-tee: add support for doing a passthrough of requests to preferred backend for unregistered routes #3018
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Expose configuration file field. #3026
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added cortex_request_message_bytes and cortex_response_message_bytes histograms to track received and sent gRPC message and HTTP request/response sizes. Added cortex_inflight_requests gauge to track number of inflight gRPC and HTTP requests. #3064
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Publish ruler's ring metrics. #3074
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add config validation to the experimental Alertmanager API. Invalid configs are no longer accepted. #3053
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add "integration" as a label for cortex_alertmanager_notifications_total and cortex_alertmanager_notifications_failed_total metrics. #3056
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add cortex_ruler_config_last_reload_successful and cortex_ruler_config_last_reload_successful_seconds to check status of users rule manager. #3056
  • [ENHANCEMENT] The configuration validation now fails if an empty YAML node has been set for a root YAML config property. #3080
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Memcached dial() calls now have a circuit-breaker to avoid hammering a broken cache. #3051, #3189
  • [ENHANCEMENT] -ruler.evaluation-delay-duration is now overridable as a per-tenant limit, ruler_evaluation_delay_duration. #3098
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add TLS support to etcd client. #3102
  • [ENHANCEMENT] When a tenant accesses the Alertmanager UI or its API, if we have valid -alertmanager.configs.fallback we'll use that to start the manager and avoid failing the request. #3073
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add DELETE api/v1/rules/{namespace} to the Ruler. It allows all the rule groups of a namespace to be deleted. #3120
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Experimental Delete Series: Retry processing of Delete requests during failures. #2926
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Improve performance of QueryStream() in ingesters. #3177
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Modules included in "All" target are now visible in output of -modules CLI flag. #3155
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added /debug/fgprof endpoint to debug running Cortex process using fgprof. This adds up to the existing /debug/... endpoints. #3131
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Blocks storage: optimised /api/v1/series for blocks storage. (#2976)
  • [BUGFIX] Ruler: when loading rules from "local" storage, check for directory after resolving symlink. #3137
  • [BUGFIX] Query-frontend: Fixed rounding for incoming query timestamps, to be 100% Prometheus compatible. #2990
  • [BUGFIX] Querier: Merge results from chunks and blocks ingesters when using streaming of results. #3013
  • [BUGFIX] Querier: query /series from ingesters regardless the -querier.query-ingesters-within setting. #3035
  • [BUGFIX] Blocks storage: Ingester is less likely to hit gRPC message size limit when streaming data to queriers. #3015
  • [BUGFIX] Blocks storage: fixed memberlist support for the store-gateways and compactors ring used when blocks sharding is enabled. #3058 #3095
  • [BUGFIX] Fix configuration for TLS server validation, TLS skip verify was hardcoded to true for all TLS configurations and prevented validation of server certificates. #3030
  • [BUGFIX] Fixes the Alertmanager panicking when no -alertmanager.web.external-url is provided. #3017
  • [BUGFIX] Fixes the registration of the Alertmanager API metrics cortex_alertmanager_alerts_received_total and cortex_alertmanager_alerts_invalid_total. #3065
  • [BUGFIX] Fixes flag needs an argument: -config.expand-env error. #3087
  • [BUGFIX] An index optimisation actually slows things down when using caching. Moved it to the right location. #2973
  • [BUGFIX] Ingester: If push request contained both valid and invalid samples, valid samples were ingested but not stored to WAL of the chunks storage. This has been fixed. #3067
  • [BUGFIX] Cassandra: fixed consistency setting in the CQL session when creating the keyspace. #3105
  • [BUGFIX] Ruler: Config API would return both the record and alert in YAML response keys even when one of them must be empty. #3120
  • [BUGFIX] Index page now uses configured HTTP path prefix when creating links. #3126
  • [BUGFIX] Purger: fixed deadlock when reloading of tombstones failed. #3182
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed panic in flusher job, when error writing chunks to the store would cause "idle" chunks to be flushed, which triggered panic. #3140
  • [BUGFIX] Index page no longer shows links that are not valid for running Cortex instance. #3133
  • [BUGFIX] Configs: prevent validation of templates to fail when using template functions. #3157
  • [BUGFIX] Configuring the S3 URL with an @ but without username and password doesn't enable the AWS static credentials anymore. #3170
  • [BUGFIX] Limit errors on ranged queries (api/v1/query_range) no longer return a status code 500 but 422 instead. #3167
  • [BUGFIX] Handle hash-collisions in the query path. Before this fix, Cortex could occasionally mix up two different series in a query, leading to invalid results, when -querier.ingester-streaming was used. #3192

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