github cortexproject/cortex v1.11.0
Cortex 1.11.0

latest releases: v1.16.0, v1.16.0-rc.1, v1.16.0-rc.0...
2 years ago

This release contains 76 contributions from 31 authors. Thank you!

A broad range of improvements, including support for cloud services such as Memcached auto-discovery and Amazon SNS.


  • [CHANGE] Memberlist: Expose default configuration values to the command line options. Note that setting these explicitly to zero will no longer cause the default to be used. If the default is desired, then do set the option. The following are affected: #4276
    • -memberlist.retransmit-factor
    • -memberlist.pull-push-interval
    • -memberlist.gossip-interval
    • -memberlist.gossip-nodes
    • -memberlist.gossip-to-dead-nodes-time
    • -memberlist.dead-node-reclaim-time
  • [CHANGE] -querier.max-fetched-chunks-per-query previously applied to chunks from ingesters and store separately; now the two combined should not exceed the limit. #4260
  • [CHANGE] Memberlist: the metric memberlist_kv_store_value_bytes has been removed due to values no longer being stored in-memory as encoded bytes. #4345
  • [CHANGE] Some files and directories created by Cortex components on local disk now have stricter permissions, and are only readable by owner, but not group or others. #4394
  • [CHANGE] The metric cortex_deprecated_flags_inuse_total has been renamed to deprecated_flags_inuse_total as part of using grafana/dskit functionality. #4443
  • [FEATURE] Ruler: Add new -ruler.query-stats-enabled which when enabled will report the cortex_ruler_query_seconds_total as a per-user metric that tracks the sum of the wall time of executing queries in the ruler in seconds. #4317
  • [FEATURE] Query Frontend: Add cortex_query_fetched_series_total and cortex_query_fetched_chunks_bytes_total per-user counters to expose the number of series and bytes fetched as part of queries. These metrics can be enabled with the -frontend.query-stats-enabled flag (or its respective YAML config option query_stats_enabled). #4343
  • [FEATURE] AlertManager: Add support for SNS Receiver. #4382
  • [FEATURE] Distributor: Add label status to metric cortex_distributor_ingester_append_failures_total #4442
  • [FEATURE] Queries: Added present_over_time PromQL function, also some TSDB optimisations. #4505
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add timeout for waiting on compactor to become ACTIVE in the ring. #4262
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Reduce memory used by streaming queries, particularly in ruler. #4341
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ring: allow experimental configuration of disabling of heartbeat timeouts by setting the relevant configuration value to zero. Applies to the following: #4342
    • -distributor.ring.heartbeat-timeout
    • -ring.heartbeat-timeout
    • -ruler.ring.heartbeat-timeout
    • -alertmanager.sharding-ring.heartbeat-timeout
    • -compactor.ring.heartbeat-timeout
    • -store-gateway.sharding-ring.heartbeat-timeout
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ring: allow heartbeats to be explicitly disabled by setting the interval to zero. This is considered experimental. This applies to the following configuration options: #4344
    • -distributor.ring.heartbeat-period
    • -ingester.heartbeat-period
    • -ruler.ring.heartbeat-period
    • -alertmanager.sharding-ring.heartbeat-period
    • -compactor.ring.heartbeat-period
    • -store-gateway.sharding-ring.heartbeat-period
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Memberlist: optimized receive path for processing ring state updates, to help reduce CPU utilization in large clusters. #4345
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Memberlist: expose configuration of memberlist packet compression via -memberlist.compression=enabled. #4346
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Update Go version to 1.16.6. #4362
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Updated Prometheus to include changes from prometheus/prometheus#9083. Now whenever /labels API calls include matchers, blocks store is queried for LabelNames with matchers instead of Series calls which was inefficient. #4380
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Querier: performance improvements in socket and memory handling. #4429 #4377
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Exemplars are now emitted for all gRPC calls and many operations tracked by histograms. #4462
  • [ENHANCEMENT] New options -server.http-listen-network and -server.grpc-listen-network allow binding as 'tcp4' or 'tcp6'. #4462
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Rulers: Using shuffle sharding subring on GetRules API. #4466
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Support memcached auto-discovery via auto-discovery flag, introduced by thanos in thanos-io/thanos#4487. Both AWS and Google Cloud memcached service support auto-discovery, which returns a list of nodes of the memcached cluster. #4412
  • [BUGFIX] Fixes a panic in the query-tee when comparing result. #4465
  • [BUGFIX] Frontend: Fixes @ modifier functions (start/end) when splitting queries by time. #4464
  • [BUGFIX] Compactor: compactor will no longer try to compact blocks that are already marked for deletion. Previously compactor would consider blocks marked for deletion within -compactor.deletion-delay / 2 period as eligible for compaction. #4328
  • [BUGFIX] HA Tracker: when cleaning up obsolete elected replicas from KV store, tracker didn't update number of cluster per user correctly. #4336
  • [BUGFIX] Ruler: fixed counting of PromQL evaluation errors as user-errors when updating cortex_ruler_queries_failed_total. #4335
  • [BUGFIX] Ingester: When using block storage, prevent any reads or writes while the ingester is stopping. This will prevent accessing TSDB blocks once they have been already closed. #4304
  • [BUGFIX] Ingester: fixed ingester stuck on start up (LEAVING ring state) when -ingester.heartbeat-period=0 and -ingester.unregister-on-shutdown=false. #4366
  • [BUGFIX] Ingester: panic during shutdown while fetching batches from cache. #4397
  • [BUGFIX] Querier: After query-frontend restart, querier may have lower than configured concurrency. #4417
  • [BUGFIX] Memberlist: forward only changes, not entire original message. #4419
  • [BUGFIX] Memberlist: don't accept old tombstones as incoming change, and don't forward such messages to other gossip members. #4420
  • [BUGFIX] Querier: fixed panic when querying exemplars and using -distributor.shard-by-all-labels=false. #4473
  • [BUGFIX] Querier: honor querier minT,maxT if nil SelectHints are passed to Select(). #4413
  • [BUGFIX] Compactor: fixed panic while collecting Prometheus metrics. #4483
  • [BUGFIX] Update go-kit package to fix spurious log messages #4544

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