github corona-warn-app/cwa-app-android v1.8.0-RC2

latest releases: v3.2.1, v3.2.1-RC1, v3.2.1-rc.1...
pre-release3 years ago

RC 2

Bug Fixes

  • Ignore negative secondsSinceLastScan (EXPOSUREAPP-3897) #1694
  • Adjust Diagnosis key file provider to prevent deprecation (EXPOSUREAPP-3896) #1700
  • Retain the cache after connection timeout (EXPOSUREAPP-3912) #1698
  • Simplify polling based flows (DEV, EXPOSUREAPP-3847) #1707
  • Fix ANR during onboarding (DEV) #1718
  • Screen: Andere warnen --> Button Einverstanden greyed out (EXPOSUREAPP-3770) #1708
  • Risk Calculation does not work because DiagnosisKeysDataMapping is not applied (EXPOSUREAPP-3895) #1690


  • Exposurewindows adjustments & share, Testmenu (EXPOSUREAPP-3898) #1710
  • Test feature to fake high/low risk encounters via exposure windows (DEV) #1706
  • Persist ExposureWindow based risk level calculation results and update the UI (EXPOSUREAPP-3910,EXPOSUREAPP-3855) #1705
  • Improve logging, format timestamp and show app build infos (DEV) #1719
  • Log cause for HTTP errors (DEV) #1720
  • Improve TaskController logging and limit state history (DEV) #1717
  • Prevent accidental use of protobuf default value for app features (DEV) #1716
  • Improve Gson deserialization handling (DEV) #1715
  • Make worker type visible on log output (DEV) #1714
  • Removed traces of grey risk card (EXPOSUREAPP-3051) #1699

Text Changes

  • Exposure windows ui changes strings (EXPOSUREAPP-3855) #1697
  • Fix Typo (DEV) #1695
  • Update strings (DEV) #1703
  • Translation Delivery & updated default translations (DEV) #1724

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