github corona-warn-app/cwa-app-android 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT-RC2

latest releases: v3.2.1, v3.2.1-RC1, v3.2.1-rc.1...
pre-release3 years ago


Reverted replaced wording for no encounter in low risk card (EXPOSUREAPP-2638) (#1153)


New Scan Confirmation Texts Change (EXPOSUREAPP-2427) (#1008)
New Strings for Risikobegegnung mit niedrigem Risiko (EXPOSUREAPP-2462) (#1106)
Remove Cache Clearing to reduce CDN load on failing devices (EXPOSUREAPP-2405) (#1108)
Feature: Update low risk string (EXPOSUREAPP-1971) (#1125)
Improve Explanation for "Risikobegegnung mit niedrigem Risiko" (EXPOSUREAPP-1971) (#1112)
[INTERNAL] Translation delivery: commit by LX Lab (#1132)
Throw Exception in case we have a failed entry to ensure Abortion of the Transaction (EXPOSUREAPP-2405) (#1134)
Version bump to 1.3.1

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