github corezoid/helm 0.23.8
[Chart 0.23.8 [ Corezoid 6.7.0 ]

latest release: 0.23.9
17 days ago

Chart 0.23.8 [ Corezoid 6.7.0 ]

  • Applications versions:
    • capi -
    • mult -
    • webadm - 6.7.0
    • http-worker -
    • usercode - 9.0.2
    • worker -
    • syncapi - 3.7.1
    • web_superadm - 2.6.2
    • conf_agent_server - 2.7.1
    • limits - 2.5.1


1. The automatic current date parameter sending when not specified in the $date function has been added.

2. The current implementation of the randomizer module in Erlang (rand:uniform/1) has been made available for use in Corezoid.

3. Made ID value substitution in the {{conv[id].ref[ref].key}} construction to be performed regardless of its position in JSON.

4. The ability to control My Corezoid accessibility for all environment users has been added to the Superadmin menu.

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