github containerd/stargz-snapshotter v0.4.0

latest releases: v0.15.1, ipfs/v0.15.1, estargz/v0.15.1...
3 years ago

This release refactors ctr-remote image optimize command based on containerd and fanotify. For optimizing images, containerd needs to run but FUSE is no longer needed. Optimized images are stored to containerd, so they can be inspected and pushed to the registry using various ctr/nerdctl commands (e.g. ctr-remote images export, ctr-remote content get, etc.). Please refer to the ctr-remote doc for more details.

This release comes with various test/release pipeline improvements including smaller release binaries, cross-compiled binaries, nightly tests with master version of containerd and go.mod improvement.

Notable Changes

  • ctr-remote image optimize

    • Refactor the optimizer based on containerd (#240)
    • Fix ctr-remote's subcommands don't override ctr's default (#250)
  • Stargz Snapshotter

    • Print mount error in the log output (#252)
  • nativeconverter

    • Enable to resume conversion (#246)
  • Test/release pipeline

    • Strip go binary by default (#255)
    • Make sure the snapshotter is up-and-running during test (#256)
    • Add tests with the latest unreleased (a.k.a master) containerd (#257, #263)
    • Release cross builds (#260)
    • Eliminate the need to specify replace directive in the consumer's go.mod (#261)
  • Docs and dependencies

    • Bump Go to 1.15 (#243, #245)
    • Update containerd to v1.5.0-beta.0.0.20210122062454-5a66c2ae5cec (#247)
    • Update images used in benchmarking (#248)

Importing Stargz Snapshotter as Go module

Currently, Stargz Snapshotter repository contains two Go modules as the following and both of them need to be imported.

require ( v0.4.0 v0.4.0 // indirect

Please make sure you import the both of them and they point to the same version (v0.4.0).

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