github connorferster/handcalcs v1.0.0
Version 1.0.0! Many new changes!

latest releases: v1.9.0, v.1.8.0, v1.7.1...
3 years ago

This is the first major release of handcalcs. Many new features have been added based feedback from users on Github and on /r/python. Thank you to everyone who has been using handcalcs. An extra big Thank You for everyone who has contributed by comments, issues, and PRs to help make it better.

New Features

  • Breaking change: No more "comment tags", they are now called "override tags" and work as line arguments with the %%render magic, e.g. %%render params or %%render long, etc. When using the decorator interface, override is one of the arguments in the decorator, i.e. @handcalc(override = "params")
  • Display decimal precision can now be altered at the cell level, similar to an override tag, e.g. %%render 6 will display all floats up to six decimal places. This can work with an override tag, i.e. %%render long 8. If a float has only three digits, such as 1.275 only 1.275 will be displayed, not 1.275000, for example.
  • Sympy integration is now included. Sympy with handcalcs is intended to be used separately but together. For example, you want to solve a polynomial equation in Sympy and then want to substitute values. Solve the polynomial in Sympy first, then when you would normally use .subs(), instead use handcalcs to calculate and render. See the updated on Github for a demonstration.
  • An entirely new parser means those extra brackets that were previously needed around fractions, e.g. (b**2)/(sqrt(a + b)) are now unnecessary. Use brackets as you normally would, i.e. b**2/sqrt(a+b.
  • Complex numbers are now supported (due to new parser)
  • Scientific notation is now supported (due to new parser)
  • Comparison operators in expressions now render properly
  • Extraneous parentheses that would show up in fractions in certain contexts no longer happen.
  • Function calls now only use parentheses when there is an expression or more than one argument being passed to the function
  • Variable names that are longer than one character (not including subscripts) are now rendered as upright and not italic
  • And more!

Feel free to raise additional issues for features you do not see yet (there are two not fully implemented yet: ceil and floor symbols and automatically switching to scientific notation for small physics constants (however you can now change the decimal precision as a short term fix)).

Thank you for all of the support everyone!

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