github confluentinc/terraform-provider-confluent v0.7.0

latest releases: v1.79.0, v1.78.0, v1.77.0...
2 years ago

0.7.0 (May 3, 2022)

Enables fully automated provisioning with no more manual intervention!

This new Provider (Confluent Terraform Provider) is an important step toward providing a unified experience for provisioning Confluent Cloud and Confluent Platform resources. Follow the Confluent Provider 0.7.0: Upgrade Guide to upgrade from version 0.5.0 of the Confluent Cloud Terraform Provider to version 0.7.0 of the Confluent Terraform Provider.

Full Changelog

New features

  • Added new resources and corresponding docs:
    • confluent_api_key (#4, #17, #25, #41, #66)
    • confluent_network (#45)
    • confluent_peering
    • confluent_private_link_access (#45)
  • Added new data sources and corresponding docs:
    • confluent_user (#61)
  • Completely rewrote "Sample Project" guide that references 9 TF sample configurations for end-to-end workflows.
  • Updated confluent_kafka_cluster and confluent_environment data sources to accept display_name as an input.
  • Improved logging to simplify debugging process:
    • Started using tflog package: now you can enable detailed logs and use grep and a corresponding "logging key" to find all entries related to a particular resource (for example, grep "environment_id=env-9761j7" log.txt).
    • Revised and structured logging messages to output non-sensitive attributes instead of unreadable references.
  • Added support for self-managed encryption keys (also known as bring-your-own-key (BYOK) encryption). They are only available for Dedicated Kafka clusters on AWS and GCP.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed pagination issue for data sources (#54, #68).
  • Fixed a bug where you could "successfully" import a non-existent resource (#58).
  • Fixed a nil pointer exception (#53, #55, #67).
  • Added other minor fixes (#57).

Breaking changes:

  • All resources and data sources have been renamed in the new Confluent Terraform Provider. The prefix has been changed from confluentcloud to confluent. For example, the confluentcloud_environment resource was updated to confluent_environment. Please follow the Confluent Provider 0.7.0: Upgrade Guide to update your TF state file.
  • Changed kafka_cluster attribute type from string to block for 'confluent_kafka_acl' and 'confluent_kafka_topic' resources and data sources.
  • Made host attribute required for 'confluent_kafka_acl' resource.

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