github confluentinc/confluent-kafka-python v1.7.0

latest releases: v2.4.0, v2.4.0rc3, v2.3.0rc5.dev1...
3 years ago

v1.7.0 is a maintenance release with the following fixes and enhancements:

  • Add error_cb to example (#1096).
  • Clarify that doc output varies based on method (@slominskir, #1098).
  • Docs say Schema when they mean SchemaReference (@slominskir, #1092).
  • Add documentation for NewTopic and NewPartitions (#1101).

confluent-kafka-python is based on librdkafka v1.7.0, see the librdkafka release notes for a complete list of changes, enhancements, fixes and upgrade considerations.

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