github confluentinc/confluent-kafka-go v1.6.1

latest releases: v2.6.0, v2.5.4, v2.5.4-RC1...
3 years ago


v1.6.1 is a feature release:

  • KIP-429: Incremental consumer rebalancing - see cooperative_consumer_example.go
    for an example how to use the new incremental rebalancing consumer.
  • KIP-480: Sticky producer partitioner - increase throughput and decrease
    latency by sticking to a single random partition for some time.
  • KIP-447: Scalable transactional producer - a single transaction producer can
    now be used for multiple input partitions.
  • Add support for by @kevinconaway


  • For dynamically linked builds (-tags dynamic) there was previously a possible conflict
    between the bundled librdkafka headers and the system installed ones. This is now fixed. (@KJTsanaktsidis)

confluent-kafka-go is based on and bundles librdkafka v1.6.1, see the
librdkafka release notes
for a complete list of changes, enhancements, fixes and upgrade considerations.

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