github confluentinc/confluent-kafka-dotnet v1.0-beta3

latest releases: v1.8.2, v1.8.1, v1.8.0...
5 years ago

New Features

  • Revamped producer and consumer serialization functionality.
    • There are now two types of serializer and deserializer: ISerializer<T> / IAsyncSerializer<T> and IDeserializer<T> / IAsyncDeserializer<T>.
      • ISerializer<T>/IDeserializer<T> are appropriate for most use cases.
      • IAsyncSerializer<T>/IAsyncDeserializer<T> are async friendly, but less performant (they return Tasks).
    • Changed the name of Confluent.Kafka.Avro to Confluent.SchemaRegistry.Serdes (Schema Registry may support other serialization formats in the future).
    • Added an example demonstrating working with protobuf serialized data.
  • Consumers, Producers and AdminClients are now constructed using builder classes.
    • This is more verbose, but provides a sufficiently flexible and future proof API for specifying serdes and other configuration information.
    • All events on the client classes have been replaced with corresponding Set...Handler methods on the builder classes.
      • This allows (enforces) handlers are set on librdkafka initialization (which is important for some handlers, particularly the log handler).
      • events allow for more than one handler to be set, but this is often not appropriate (e.g. OnPartitionsAssigned), and never necessary. This is no longer possible.
      • events are also not async friendly (handlers can't return Task). The Set...Handler appropach can be extend in such a way that it is.
  • Avro serdes no longer make blocking calls to ICachedSchemaRegistryClient - everything is awaited.
    • Note: The Consumer implementation still calls async deserializers synchronously because the Consumer API is still otherwise fully synchronous.
  • Reference librdkafka.redist 1.0.0-RC7
    • Notable features: idempotent producer, sparse connections, KIP-62 (
    • Note: End of partition notification is now disabled by default (enable using the EnablePartitionEof config property).
  • Removed the Consumer.OnPartitionEOF event in favor notifying of partition eof via ConsumeResult.IsPartitionEOF.
  • Removed ErrorEvent class and added IsFatal to Error class.
    • The IsFatal flag is now set appropriately for all errors (previously it was always set to false).
  • Added PersistenceStatus property to DeliveryResult, which provides information on the persitence status of the message.


  • Added Close method to IConsumer interface.
  • Changed the name of ProduceException.DeliveryReport to ProduceException.DeliveryResult.
  • Fixed bug where enum config property couldn't be read after setting it.
  • Added SchemaRegistryBasicAuthCredentialsSource back into SchemaRegistryConfig (#679).
  • Fixed schema registry client failover connection issue (#737).
  • Improvements to librdkafka dependnecy discovery (#743).

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