🆕 New Scripts
- fileflows @kkroboth (#3392)
- wazuh @omiinaya (#3381)
- yt-dlp-webui @CrazyWolf13 (#3364)
- Extension/New Script: Redis Alpine Installation @MickLesk (#3367)
🚀 Updated Scripts
🐞 Bug Fixes
✨ New Features
🔧 Refactor
- qBittorrent: Switch to static builds for faster updating/upgrading @tremor021 (#3405)
- Refactor: ErsatzTV Script @MickLesk (#3365)
🧰 Maintenance
✨ New Features
💾 Core
📂 Github
- Refactor Changelog Workflow @michelroegl-brunner (#3371)
🌐 Website
Update siteConfig.tsx to use new analytics code @BramSuurdje (#3389)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Better Text for Version Date @michelroegl-brunner (#3388)