github common-fate/granted v0.21.0

latest releases: v0.28.0, v0.27.5, v0.27.4...
3 months ago

Added support for refreshable AWS SSO

You can now add granted_sso_registration_scopes = sso:account:access to your ~/.aws/config, which will cause Granted to respect the session duration in IAM Identity Center. This can be extended to prompt less frequently. Supplying thesso:account:access scope will cause IAM Identity Center to return a refreshable access token, with a total allowed session time in accordance with your configured AWS SSO session length.

What's Changed

  • Adds event bridge service map by @CodyDunlap in #611
  • Delete former credentials when rotating (granted credentials rotate) by @n3s7or in #582
  • Bump from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 by @dependabot in #586
  • Add support for refreshable AWS SSO tokens by @chrnorm in #616

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.20.7...v0.21.0

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