github common-fate/granted v0.20.0

latest releases: v0.27.0, v0.26.2, v0.26.1...
6 months ago

--chain flag for Inline Role Assumption

You can now use the new --chain flag to assume another role inline. This feature can be utilized in conjunction with either the --exec option or as part of a regular profile definition.

assume <base-profile> --chain arn:aws:iam::12345678912:role/aws-example --exec -- aws sts get-caller-identity


assume <base-profile> --chain arn:aws:iam::12345678912:role/aws-example

DefaultExportAllEnvVar config

You can now include the DefaultExportAllEnvVar=true configuration in your ~/.granted/config file. This configuration will enable the automatic export of all environment variables by default when credential_process is used.

ExportCredsToAWS config

You can also include the ExportCredsToAWS=true configuration in your ~/.granted/config file. This will enable credentials to be exported to ~/.aws/credentials by default.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.19.2...v0.20.0

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