github commitdev/zero v0.0.1

latest releases: v0.2.6, v0.2.5, v0.2.4...
3 years ago

Initial alpha release! 🍻


7f6b8b5 #133 : Prompt the user for which environments to apply against
fc55cb4 #4 & #8 Generates swagger and http gateway libs
1f9cacf #6 add grpc-web typescript generation support
92b5b74 #64 : Remove -l flag, move all configuration to yaml, a lot of refactoring
89918ad #64 : Some fixes to idl stuff, added colors and some emoji
c225d00 :Merge branch 'master' of
61c8393 A few small fixes
d3ba846 Add ci user to AWS
9df662d Add create command, start refactoring generate code, add module source to project config
6a4960d Add waitgroup support to coordinate goroutines
4be488c Added AKID & SAK regex validation
7742da1 Added CircleCI pipeline to test on branch and build and push on master.
de92b7e Added code to get env vars from project credentials struct
e80b8d3 Added command to check your local installs.
8c02651 Added dependsOn to module and project config, switched apply to apply as a graph traversal.
489516b Added deploy flag functionality to kubernetes
e2b83f4 Added exit code 1 on failed commands.
30d547c Added goreleaser file to try it out
e4d730e Added health check component, axios, and status indicator
458785c Added in service logic.
245aed5 Added kubernetes specs
6e302ed Added newline at end of pipeline file, because Github wants it. It doesn't need it, it just wants it bad enough to show an icon in your PRs.
514557d Added prompt validation
2dd20ea Added prompts at project create, including lookups for aws credential… (#77)
6671f3c Added prompts for projects names and switched module loading to happen asynchronously
9ea14f0 Added proper ldflags for version in goreleaser
79cacf4 Added readme updates for curl apk
cec095e Added start of Front-end repo.
ee7a138 Added support for creating a brew formula via goreleaser
025479a Added templating for docker-compose
fee6899 Added terraform, python and awscli to dockerfile
1a1ce93 Added test for generate
808d22d Added version command update to CI pipeline.
f900d82 Added waitgroup to tests to wait for files to be created.
8fda195 Adding PROJECT_NAME to env for makefile
7fe3ff1 Adding initial react generator
22bf6ae Adding pipeline for PRs.
897b6fc Adding react template
be1209d Adding views and routes
5aabcfc Broke apart tf and k8s manifests (#74)
9112c84 Bugfix templates (#98)
4cecfc1 Bump acorn from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4 in /internal/ui (#99)
b71e472 CI Templates
ab8d5d2 COMMIT0-57 api for generating project (#68)
ab95383 Changed pluralization
b2d47db Clean travis config
8441f79 Clean up templator with a helper function, add readme (not filled in yet), run all template executions as goroutines
ecda3f6 Cleaned up dockerfile, moved create test
dbab471 Cleaned up older functions to use templating util
9ee7335 Cleaned up terraform and fixed backends
c71c70a Copy some of the readme from the old zero project
eaed28e Deprecate static templators (#92)
be28f27 First pass at renaming and cleaning up old stuff
0d20a5c Fix CI generation code. Added integration test to cover usecase.
e0e97ac Fix http build cache folder naming
e5b578a Fix make build-docker-local
5fe94bc Fix moduleconfig structure to match the schema from the google doc
b273fe1 Fix path checking in create
2ba4753 Fix race condition due to not waiting on waitgroup (#82)
5aaa548 Fix subnet tags so ELB can be created properly
0ff24af Fix test and extra field in yaml file
08bde5e Fix travis config
98b6ce0 Fix travis config
5f99d60 Fix travis config
37178ba Fix typo
0665b3f Fixed caps
23a4af5 Fixed file name
c6aa884 Fixed merge conficts from rebase
344e043 Fixed missing dependencies in container
636a3fd Fixed security vulnerability by updating to 2.1+ for serialize-javascript.
3e15f4a Fixed warnings.
a274e8d Fixes for cognito output handling
e3e0409 Forgot to save one file
8c27716 Go formated
adee8d5 Go mod tidy
eed043d Integrate previous changes with new project config struct. This should seet up everything for being able to write the config file.
ce94969 Integrated repo creation into create command
280c651 Integrated terraform outputs in frontend code-gen (#75)
325a6c4 Marshal zero-project.yaml file (#165)
b09210d Merge branch 'master' into cleanup-and-rename
05d34b6 Merge branch 'master' into implement-poc-ui
65d0678 Merge branch 'master' into implement-poc-ui
d86950a Merge branch 'master' into integrate-apply-command2
4dec895 Merge branch 'master' of
86d5337 Merge branch 'master' of
d92dcae Merge pull request #10 from commitdev/http-swagger
213e49b Merge pull request #100 from commitdev/fix
705b4f3 Merge pull request #102 from commitdev/GH-101-pipeline-for-dockerhub
8c72dc9 Merge pull request #107 from commitdev/version
7316876 Merge pull request #12 from commitdev/dockerize-cli-#9
5176cd0 Merge pull request #121 from commitdev/117-add-check-command
f787e1e Merge pull request #123 from commitdev/cleanup-and-rename
e70e167 Merge pull request #124 from commitdev/fix-generate-test
672019a Merge pull request #129 from commitdev/zero-init
908bbde Merge pull request #13 from commitdev/fix-file-pathing
c11b186 Merge pull request #14 from commitdev/fix-file-pathing
d4f95bf Merge pull request #142 from commitdev/prompt-user-for-apply-environments
a96e4c0 Merge pull request #143 from commitdev/dedupe-and-more
dbfbb43 Merge pull request #145 from commitdev/ta/make-projects
a9b3b0e Merge pull request #146 from commitdev/reorganize-config-code
1521c10 Merge pull request #147 from commitdev/refactor-loading-modules
9b2522f Merge pull request #148 from commitdev/fix-moduleconfig-structure
b09452c Merge pull request #15 from commitdev/fix-file-pathing
a3384fd Merge pull request #150 from commitdev/annotation-typo
5eac90c Merge pull request #152 from commitdev/remove-zero-ui
9d6372d Merge pull request #153 from commitdev/dont-ask-project-name
a09ffcf Merge pull request #154 from commitdev/prompt-default
eb68ca4 Merge pull request #156 from commitdev/add-prompts-for-project-names
7a04393 Merge pull request #157 from commitdev/fix-output-dir
6f1b217 Merge pull request #159 from commitdev/158-run-tests-github-actions
bbaf538 Merge pull request #163 from commitdev/integrate-project-config-struct-changes
10d851b Merge pull request #164 from commitdev/global-cred-prompt
26965aa Merge pull request #167 from commitdev/add-create-command
12c0eb4 Merge pull request #168 from commitdev/registry-constant-order
74528df Merge pull request #171 from commitdev/integrate-repo-creation
7e55bdd Merge pull request #174 from commitdev/aws-profile-prompt
29d07b7 Merge pull request #175 from commitdev/integrate-apply-command2
79c3ae4 Merge pull request #18 from commitdev/docker-http-generation
57334dc Merge pull request #180 from commitdev/process-modules-as-a-graph
72db194 Merge pull request #181 from commitdev/credentials-in-execute
8564266 Merge pull request #19 from commitdev/update-sprout-config
8537199 Merge pull request #192 from commitdev/fix-shouldpushrepo
688992a Merge pull request #194 from commitdev/env-add-project-name
a6ba51d Merge pull request #195 from commitdev/prompt-guide
2149d59 Merge pull request #200 from commitdev/improved-debug-logging
f679a5c Merge pull request #25 from jb55/create-test
7d4c51f Merge pull request #26 from commitdev/react
4772126 Merge pull request #27 from commitdev/docker-http-fix
1d651f1 Merge pull request #28 from commitdev/fix-http-dockerfile
7b44277 Merge pull request #30 from commitdev/react
9a9f97f Merge pull request #32 from commitdev/react
6b7e4f6 Merge pull request #34 from commitdev/kubernetes
a767988 Merge pull request #49 from commitdev/healthcheck-ui
4fc10c3 Merge pull request #50 from commitdev/cleanup-dockerfile
ba409d9 Merge pull request #51 from commitdev/restructure-project
516299b Merge pull request #54 from commitdev/cleanup-templator
3adee73 Merge pull request #63 from commitdev/62-fix-ci-templates
367da9b Merge pull request #65 from commitdev/move-all-config-to-yaml
f2e07ef Merge pull request #67 from commitdev/cleanup-terraform-and-fix-backends
a45d4ab Merge pull request #69 from commitdev/readme-update
1c6622a Merge pull request #7 from commitdev/grpc-web-typescript-support
9fba6b5 Merge pull request #70 from commitdev/restructure-eks-and-k8s-terraform
1879690 Merge pull request #71 from commitdev/kubernetes
c0e62fd Merge pull request #72 from commitdev/react-templates
1b3258c Merge pull request #76 from commitdev/add-init-and-apply-flags
72714c4 Merge pull request #78 from commitdev/add-missing-deps-to-dockerfile
50d7436 Merge pull request #85 from commitdev/implement-poc-ui
c04455b Merge pull request #88 from commitdev/pull-in-improvements
c104404 Merge pull request #93 from commitdev/fix-serialize-javascript-vulnerability
545b7f0 Merge pull request #94 from commitdev/misc-other-fixes
677667d Mod tidy
827cb9e More cleanup
a310baa Move kuberenetes stuff out into separate runs, fix backend, fix some issues with generated code
ff8e79f Move some dirs from root into internal, shuffle some stuff around in cmd
920a4bb Moved all CSS to top level. Removed individual CSS files.
46a3fcd Moved to eks and vpc community modules | Added awsaccountid & awsregion commit0 kubernetes vars
71695cd Moved zero module yaml file name to constant
325bfbe Need to pass pointers to waitgroup
8111b28 POC for UI.
f146c26 Ported over design guide and docs dir
f363ba0 Refactor loading modules and creating project data
01a653b Refactored k8s/generate for redability
6c36d53 Refactored utility funcitons to util | Fixed variable naming | Reverted to WriteFile
bf54870 Refactoring and integration work on apply command
4b1936b Removed awscli & cacerts from docker build stage | Fixed prompt copies
5456569 Removed commented blocks
ddc70ff Removed compiled circleci file, added to .gitignore
0c2b1d7 Removed debug code. Removed VERSION from Makefile as it's not used and could cause confusion.
c1d4069 Removed docker caching as we aren't on paid plan.
54b3eee Removed extra : from prompt copies
2321b10 Removed extra prints, fixed test, hooked up generator code
a77b6c8 Removed node_modules, lol.
682d8d0 Removed stray context from test data
0f04743 Removed testing code.
1dd20e0 Removed the UI code.
caa8290 Removed the required project name when running the command to make it simpler to run.
e45bf63 Removed workstation ip whitelist for eks vpc
f712aef Renamed commands to their new names. Fixed checking of jq version in check command
03394b7 Reorganize config code by moving different config types into better-named packages
c721d7c Replaced execute stdout & stderr with multiwriter
af039b4 Resolved docker image cacerts by moving out of builder stage
581854b Resolved x509 missing cacert issue with docker tf init
8c187f5 Resolved yamlencode issue by upgrading to terraform 0.12.12 | Added read aws secrets & setting cmd envar for aws
4f37973 Some cleanup around prompts / credentials
016a4b5 Some fixes to k8s generation and tf execution
3b75283 Some other fixes from using commit0 for a real project
2ceb5a0 Switched back to public repo for backend
0be16e7 Switched to using semver instead of custom checker functions.
091f60e Testing.
9b04662 Uncomment init
77b1c03 Update
af5217c Update
c83ad2a Update
979e9a4 Update
01b3eb0 Update
c373822 Update
8983404 Update
8ac6421 Update
942713d Update ReadMe, added project board link
2c6897f Update internal/context/init.go
2486a40 Updated Frontend to add in drop downs.
76f7556 Updated README and Make commands.
dee9499 Updated Readme Formatting
0f5e375 Updated templates and code to reflect newest best state from aplayr and winedirect
c001337 Updated test command.
757959c Updated title and favicon.
46cb194 Use only parent env vars when executing if no others provided
c625485 Use separate params map for the init stuff, add ShouldPushRepositories to project config
69c1f7e Using Golang action.
bb21fe9 Various fixes to applying kube tf and added flags
a1810e2 WIP: added secret.yaml creation and prompts | TODO: Validate aws keys
bec2700 ZER0155 update repo init to detect owner type (#162)
532413e ZERO126 adding repo creation and initial commit (#141)
e8d62a9 ZERO138 exporting project name for apply summary (#199)
0fedb31 ZERO138 show summary at the end of Apply (#190)
437df20 add .travis.yml
9eeb165 add basic main file generation
6692075 add generated git ignore
8d13bb5 added cognifo and basic terraform configs
63287b0 added github actions to CI and terraform generator
83a1374 added new react templates with ejs delimiter
93e01bb adding disclaimer
983fdb2 adding sidenav
6799dc6 adds apply command
c3d0fa0 adds tests for apply output and sample project
06ec51e aded fix for workflows github config (#79)
aef6b57 append module parameters when running apply
9cb7d30 apply path fix
f2634c5 cache go modules in github actions
9998eb4 changes ZeroProjectConfig.Modules structure and yaml file
3926600 changes example config tabs to spaces
986d1e2 check if create name is empty
4ba2db0 clean up
fe6f2da cleaned up unused prompts (#106)
aee97da cmd: add outDir to Create
efec50f cmd: create standalone Init function
ac3e6d7 correct gitignore and remove old sprout template
cfad4c3 docs
41a5fae file structure changes
3cecd83 finish up docker and http gateway generation
304a476 fix docker files & http generation for docker compose
ec9ea7d fix file pathing and health checks
51b52d5 fix initialization of config
fa8128b fix parsing project config missing value
0cdeb07 fixed merge issues
2fae53b healthcheck-ui
7b70d83 improved debug logs for better visibility
4028ee3 info: guide to obtain credentials
c41be81 initial poc
945146b loadAllModules should accept a slice of string
94079f8 logging and module fixs
bfed160 make: add check phase to Makefile
1b38e8c marshall and save config file
4608434 merged master
1ee6391 merged master
eba25fe move idl into project dir on generation
eeb085b move to one project directory, dockerize cli
5f87969 moveonly: create standlone function for Create
5c6786c moving apply to internal/apply
afc46a9 no longer need a flag on create
68a1fee ocd: alignment
6dc7a74 parsing output/input directory from module
b1e8ec6 prompt aws profile and fallback to input
dea7ac1 prompt global credentials according to modules
64d25e5 registry to retain order of declaration
e019e7b remove dependency on prototool
f5f09ea remove dependency on prototool
6fb5310 remove hello world
a4bccd3 remove old example
22546ab removing secret.yaml
6a06dfd rename context folder as init
a05d070 rename test fixture: zero-module.yml
d0665c8 server generation
00020e0 split into seperate repos
544ab60 support module-config default / value
2a19857 template utils/ general fixs from previuos sprout related code
4f0d200 typo: fix parameter label annotation
959abff typo: fix wrong org name in create example (#108)
64c99a3 update config
f0e1c46 update deps
ebdd304 update readme
c6eb445 update readme
9d493ce update to commit0
9c40d2f updated docs
d4a5d79 updated example
2303df3 updated example
c3a4a6f updated example
e03d92a updated readme with example logic flow and local dev instructions
2745101 updated templates & pathing
767af71 vendor credentials is env-vars for execute
52705bc version and build sha injected at link time into binary
de27965 zero apply context (WIP)
2dfdb41 zero create -> init
2211d53 zero init features: dedupe/new prompts/config file

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