github comdex-official/comdex v11.5.0

latest releases: v14.1.0, v14.0.0, v13.4.0...
pre-release12 months ago

Major changes included in this release :

  1. Ibc hooks included.
  2. Replace tendermint with skip-mev
  3. Farming rewards distribution from incentives module that was missed due to oracle issue being included in this. (For more info :
  4. Bump up IBC version to v4.4.2
  5. Add initial deposit 25% for governance proposals to avoid spam proposals.
  6. Refactor make file
  7. Added add-asset transaction, this adds an asset w/o the governance but with certain fees.
  8. minor bug resolutions

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v9.1.2...v11.5.0

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