github coleifer/peewee 3.2.1

latest releases: 3.14.10, 3.14.9, 3.14.8...
6 years ago

Notice: the default mysql driver for Peewee has changed to pymysql
in version 3.2.1. In previous versions, if both mysql-python and pymysql
were installed, Peewee would use mysql-python. As of 3.2.1, if both libraries
are installed Peewee will use pymysql.

  • Added new module playhouse.mysql_ext which includes MySQLConnectorDatabase, a database implementation that works with the mysql-connector driver.
  • Added new field to ColumnMetadata class which captures a database column's default value. ColumnMetadata is returned by Database.get_columns().
  • Added documentation on making Peewee async.

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