github coin-or/Ipopt releases/3.14.17

20 hours ago
  • Added Ipopt::RegisterInterruptHandler() and Ipopt::UnregisterInterruptHandler() to IpUtils.hpp to wrap handling of interrupt signals.
    Added parameter checkinterrupt (default false) to AmplTNLP constructor to enable check for interrupt signal in intermediate_callback.
  • The ipopt and ipopt_sens executables and scalable problems C++ examples can now be interrupted by SIGINT/SIGHUP (systems with sigaction()) or SIGINT/SIGTERM/SIGABRT (Windows systems).
  • New option mumps_mpi_communicator to specify the MPI communicator when using an MPI-enabled build of MUMPS [#790, by Alex Tyler Chapman].
  • Updated build system to current autotools versions; initial support for icx/ifx and flang.
  • Removed use of vsprintf and sprintf. Added IpoptData::Append_info_string(std::string,double).
  • Removed use of strcpy, strncpy, strdup, and sscanf.
  • Using fopen_s and getenv_s instead of fopen and getenv, respectively, if available.
  • Added workaround for using Pardiso from Intel MKL 2025.0.1 [#799].
    This requires checking the MKL version at runtime and can be disabled by defining IPOPT_NO_MKLVERSIONCHECK.

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