github coffincolors/winlator Winlator-7.1.3x-Cmod-GLIBC-v10
Winlator 7.1.3x Cmod GLIBC v10 - Compatibility Fixes! Screen Effects! Toon Shader! Import/Export Containers! Box64 Version Switching! Bugfixes and more!

I've reverse engineered the new Screen Effects feature from Winlator 8.0 and added one of my own, a simple ToonShader! I'm very happy with the results. This means you now get Brightness/Contrast/Gamma controls, FXAA, and CRT screen filters as well. I've made a lot of changes to the Wine prefix, making this more of an Amod/Frost hybrid. I've also made some tweaks of my own, to fix issues with Mono and Gecko, like adding in an override for mscorre. This release also includes an offline installer for Mono and Gecko in the Runtime Libraries section of the start menu. I can't directly port over every new feature from Winlator 8.0 yet, but when Bruno releases the source code I will try my best. Which is why this remains 7.1.3. I call it 7.1.3x because it's basically a halfway point to 8.0, and still going by Longjunyu2's numbering scheme for Glibc specific changes.

However, this prefix I can guarantee a couple of major fixes, namely, no more UE4 Fatal Error for some games. Halo MCC is working! Fixes for FMV's in some titles. No more .Net warnings for new containers when Mono and Gecko are installed. I've also made a bug fixes to existing features of Cmod. I really think this is solid build. This is now a full on Frost/Amod hybrid! You'll get best results with new containers, in my experience, but start menu and prefix tweaks should still apply to existing containers to an extent.

-DXVK 2.4.1 and 2.4.1-gplasync built-in
-Screen Effects (Brightness controls, FXAA, CRT) from Winlator 8.0!
-ToonShader for ScreenEffects
-Import and Export containers! For recovering containers, or importing a friend's!
-Box64 Version Switching for shortcuts! Ignore the "2.7" when you first open a new shortcut, it goes by preferences in Setting until you set it yourself.
-Modified custom Wine - with optimizations from Frost Glibc, but merged with Amod hybrid, resulting in what you might call, AFCMod. lol. This brings Flash Player, Windows Media Player, Registry tweaks, and other neat additions
-ReactOS App Store shortcut is now functional. TBH I didn't even know this was a thing until this week!
-Offline installers for Mono and Gecko added to "4-Runtime Libraries" in start menu.
-Container Launching UI is adopted from Winlator 8.0

-No more UE4 Fatal Errors! Halo Master Chief Collection is working!
-Fixed Green screen for FMVs in some titles
-mscoree set to built-in then native, applied by default for new containers, correcting some issues with .net framework games and apps like HedgeModManager. Meaning, full support for Sonic Generations D3D11 Mod
-Fixed long text re-sizing for game titles in Big Picture Mode
-Fixed issues with Frontend Export path needing to be resaved every time you close and re-open the app
-Fixed Dark Mode theme sometimes randomly switching off half-way leaving a broken light theme interface until app restart
-many other changes and tweaks that I once again can't remember...

Still upcoming:
-Better menu control for Big Picture Mode when using a controller
-Background music for BPM
-Custom wallpaper for BPM
-Settings changes in BPM
-Custom game icons
-Hopefully reactive buttons for input controls from Winlator 8.0, though I may have to dissect some .smali

The source code is not up yet, as I use it to port my changes to Proot. I will of course upload it so others can adopt in the near future! As always, let me know of bugs and things via discord or other means and I'll see what I can do!

Import Containers:
Toon Shader:

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