github codex-team/editor.js v2.30.0-rc.13

latest release: v2.30.0-rc.14
pre-release4 days ago
  • New – Inline Toolbar has new look 💅
  • New – Inline Tool's render() now supports Menu Config format
  • NewToolsAPI – All installed block tools now accessible via ToolsAPI getBlockTools() method
  • NewSelectionAPI – Exposed methods save() and restore() that allow to save selection to be able to temporally move focus away, methods setFakeBackground() and removeFakeBackground() that allow to immitate selection while focus moved away
  • ImpovementMenuConfig – TunesMenuConfig deprecated, use MenuConfig type instead
  • NewBlocksAPI – Exposed getBlockByElement() method that helps find block by any child html element
  • Improvement - The Plus button and Block Tunes toggler are now better aligned with large line-height blocks, such as Headings

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