- (github) athorize
- (cloudfunc) rmLastSlash: remove even when str consist of one slash
- (config) do not crypt password when save with sockets
- (put) check -> checkup
- (edit) err: error -> error.message
- (config) onLocalStorageChange map: el, number -> getById id, el
- (config) socket emit: error -> err
- (edit) wrong file name on win
- (cloudcmd) join: add dir
- (edit) could not save when diff disabled in options
- (tryRequire) tryCatch: return error
- (storage) if to much data -> exeption
- (cloudcmd) speed up: RegExp.test -> indexOf
- (hash) hash -> ashify
- (edit) rm tryRequire
- (route) rm tryRequire
- (package) rm js-beautify
- (fs) fs -> restafary
- (rest) ponse: rm notLog
- (rest) rm tryRequire
- (github) github -> faust
- (packer) packer -> jag
- (github) rm tryRequire
- (ssl) change mode
- (config) rm tryRequire
- (packer) rm tryRequire
- (package) join-io v1.3
- (package) console-io v1.11
- (package) minify v1.4.0
- (package) add mollify
- (dom) Images load: top true -> "top"
- (dom) images show.load: top true -> "top"
- (dom) showLoad, showError -> show.load, show.error
- (config) add traverse
- (package) http-auth v2.2.3
- (package) gulp-recess v1.1.1
- (package) should v4.3.0
- (package) gulp-mocha v2.0.0
- (package) gulp-jshint v1.9.0
- (package) rm dropbox
- (put) Util -> exec, check
- (put) rm file
- (cloudcmd) bin: add minimist
- (cloudcmd) bin: rm description
- (package) tryRequire -> require
- (tryRequire) rm module.parent.filename
- (cloudcmd) rm tryRequire
- (config) err: Error -> str
- (config) log -> alert
- (beautify) / -> path.sep
- (package) rm nicki
- (modules) v1.2.1
- (files) add from npm
- (ponse) add from npm
- (tryRequire) add module name
- (pipe) add pipe-io from npm
- (package) rm mkdirp
- (package) rm rimraf
- (join) add from npm
- (flop) add from npm
- (edit) socket err: log -> alert
- (ischanged) rm
- (mellow) add from npm
- (tryRequire) options: add exit
- (time) time.get -> time
- (size) size.get -> size