github coderaiser/cloudcmd v14.9.0
cloudcmd v14.9.0

latest releases: v18.5.1, v18.5.0, v18.4.1...
4 years ago

New keys supported in Vim mode:

Was added a couple new abilities of navigation using vim-mode:

  • 🔥 navigate to first file using $;
  • 🔥 navigate to last file using ^;
  • 🔥 navigate to next file using w;
  • 🔥 navigate to previous file using b;

To the existing ones:

  • j and k - next/previous;
  • G and gg first/end file;


  • (key) vim: add ability to navigate to next and previous using w and b
  • (key) vim: add ability to navigate using to first and last file using ^ and $

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