github coderaiser/cloudcmd v11.1.0
cloudcmd v11.1.0

latest releases: v18.5.1, v18.5.0, v18.4.1...
6 years ago

Terminal Command

Today I want to introduce you new Cloud Commander command line parameter --terminal-command.
Inspired by gotty with help of gritty v4.1.0 --terminal-comand let you set any command to run in terminal, not only shell but Midnight Commander, Vim, top or Node REPL, anything you want :).

To make this possible you should install gritty, update Cloud Commander to latest version and run it with:

cloudcmd --terminal --terminal-path `gritty --path` --terminal-command mc


  • (package) redrun v7.0.0
  • (package) @cloudcmd/read-files-sync v2.0.0
  • (cloudcmd) --terminal-command: command to run in terminal (shell by default)
  • (package) gritty v4.0.0
  • (package) console-io v8.0.0

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