- Overwrite contact_rollups_final with contact_rollups_processed
- Bump blockly to 3.5.13
- Bump js-interpreter to 1.3.13
- Revert "remove HTML versions of a bunch of strings that now have markdown versions"
- DTS (Levelbuilder > Staging) [robo-dts]
- Parent letter button
- Adding the AddParentEmailModal
- Teacher Dashboard: make last progress tooltip translatable
- Add missing apps string
- Use FreeResponse translations
- remove HTML versions of a bunch of strings that now have markdown versions
- Parent notification option during student sign up
- Foorm Pipeline Improvements
- Parent Letter: generate custom letter for single student
- recover gracefully when fetching stage descriptions
- Parent letter revisions
- PR 34038
- Add parent email confirmation when added to a student account
- Parent Letter: single student option in Manage Students table