...To be a top 1000 Github repo, you'd need ~22222 stars. (We need not achieve that). Yet our Github activity doesn't match our amount of users & with a little help by 0.0x% of the users, we could develope X times faster. So i feel guilty never having tried and it seems time to try something at all. ( So to start something. the extensions's menu home page shows the recent ~30 Feature requests. )
- (Also always wondered why the others, who are busy with YouTube's JS (few people in the world) , don't team? - #1881 )
fixes: like/dislike shortcuts; day of the week; search bar focused on home page; blocking videos & channels by @Huhni
@WongChoice added subtitles in screenshot name, optionally rendered in screenshots too!
@DMCS20 updated/improved our Spanish. @Atesfahun tried to optimize / troubleshoot and @AbhinavGoel9 too.
and people ask to be assigned to issues increasingly(!) So i regeret missing some of them for long (please feel free to assign soembody by default each time you watch an issue @code-charity/contributors (or least you can vote for the priority)