github cobalt-org/ v0.7.0

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7 years ago

0.7.0 (2017-06-24)

Bug Fixes


  • document: cache off Regex objects (2b2525c1)


  • More advanced blacklisting, now with whitelisting! (be05d963, closes #221)
  • attributes: Add input-file based attributes (95fb81f5)
  • debug: Dump intermediate state (fec65b37)
  • Upgrade to liquid-rust 0.10.0 (2421679)
  • cobalt new added to create pages (former cobalt new renamed to cobalt init) (4700f34)
  • Customize post sort order with post_order: "asc" (28df5e2)
  • Posts now have prev and next attributes (dbcaf7e)
  • Documents now have title, slug, and ext attributes (46b3b22)

Breaking Changes

  • .cobalt.yml's ignore changed to gitingore format (be05d963, closes #221)
  • cobalt new renamed to cobalt init (fe3a246)

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