github cms-sw/cmssw untagged-7f98fa395bdc75b73f3c

latest releases: CMSSW_13_0_23_HeavyIon, CMSSW_15_0_X_2025-02-05-1100, CMSSW_15_0_NONLTO_X_2025-02-05-1100...
8 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_5_3_20:


  • #5672 from @smuzaffar: remove C++11 keywords for 53x generators
  • #5498 from @franzoni: RequestType RequestPriority for relval submission operations
  • #5632 from @bendavid: backport of single-step wmLHE+GEN-SIM and two output handling to 53x (ConfigBuilder) operations
  • #5617 from @bendavid: Backport of GenLumiInfoProduct and associated cross section machinery to 53x generators
  • #5639 from @bendavid: add (and enable) option to override SPINUP in lhe file for Pythia8 tau decays generators
  • #5648 from @bendavid: remove C++11 keywords from 53x generators
  • #5600 from @bendavid: Generator Interface backports for Pythia 8, LHE input, jet matching generators
  • #5130 from @inugent: backport of TauolaInterface for Tauola 1.1.4 from 7_2_X to 5_3_X generators
  • #5181 from @apfeiffer1: renamed script with a uniqe name to avoid clashes when installing/using db
  • #5101 from @smuzaffar: disable running of testUtilitiesStorageFactory and testUtilitiesRFIOAdaptor via scram unittests/runtests
  • #5026 from @sdevissc: HQ filter 53 x generators
  • #4736 from @mkirsano: to be compatible with the upgrade to thepeg 1.9.2 and herwigpp 2.7.1 generators
  • #4609 from @wmtan: Allow option of reading of files with prior releases (for 5_3_X) core

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_5_3_20/slc6_amd64_gcc472 and REL/CMSSW_5_3_21/slc6_amd64_gcc472:


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