github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_9_0_3

latest releases: CMSSW_15_0_X_2025-03-08-1100, CMSSW_15_1_RNTUPLE_X_2025-03-07-2300, CMSSW_15_1_X_2025-03-08-1100...
7 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_9_0_2_patch1:


  • #18563 from @argiro: Ecal pedestal pcl90 x alca operations
  • #18546 from @anorkus: Fixind relval submit dictionary pdmv upgrade
  • #18497 from @ggovi: Improvements for the conddb command tool db
  • #18486 from @dan131riley: fix getcwd() usage to avoid undefined behavior analysis reconstruction
  • #18474 from @thomreis: L1T2016 is completely tranported to L1T - 90x missing commit dqm
  • #18470 from @dmitrijus: Add a new Data Format for BST record from TCDS raw, and use it to revive beam information, physics declared bit, and HLT event selection for online DQM daq dqm l1 reconstruction
  • #18444 from @enochnotsocool: Fix for Pixel Onlineblock plots dqm
  • #18423 from @folguera: Added a small producer that selects L1's that did not result on a L2 (back port of #18414) hlt
  • #18409 from @thomreis: Reactivation of fat event filter for uGMT ZS online DQM - 90x v2 dqm
  • #18407 from @cschomak: APE tool updated to PhaseI geometry (same as PR #18406 but for 90X) alca
  • #18350 from @threus: update online GT from AlCaDB dqm
  • #18345 from @fwyzard: update FastTimerService for CMSSW 9.0.x alca dqm hlt reconstruction
  • #18252 from @mtosi: pixel DQM@HLT dqm hlt reconstruction
  • #18205 from @bsunanda: bsunanda:Run2-hcx125 Resolve depth assignment for Hcal backport PR 18194 geometry simulation
  • #18178 from @ghellwig: [90X] Replace TMatrix by Eigen matrices and various fixes in MillePede workflow alca
  • #18154 from @fioriNTU: Excluding QTest and summary by the timing client (Backport) dqm
  • #18069 from @tanmaymudholkar: Adding Timing vs BX plots, and modifying thresholds for laser quality dqm

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_9_0_2_patch1/slc6_amd64_gcc530 and REL/CMSSW_9_0_3/slc6_amd64_gcc530:


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