Changes since CMSSW_5_3_15_patch1:
- #2658 from @yetkinyilmaz: Centrality plugins and DQM centrality bugfixes
- #2655 from @smuzaffar: Xroot cache disabled fix backported from 62X
- #2653 from @smuzaffar: compilation error fixed: added missing std::
- #2376 from @d4space: EleEAData2012
- #2547 from @BetterWang: DQM HeavyIon Centrality update
- #2522 from @franzoni: update validation matrix for HI workflows needed by legacy reprocessing
- #2496 from @perrotta: Add two paths for BPH to the frozen 2011 HLT menu
- #1564 from @yetkinyilmaz: Heavy Ion re-reco software
- #2402 from @vadler: 53X - add CSCTightHaloFilter
- #2475 from @lsonnens: My rivet 1.9.0 changes
- #2463 from @inugent: Adding new DECAY_NOLONGLIFE_NOTAU.DEC to run Tauola with EvtGen
- #2540 from @heppye: Create LambdaB_Psi2SLambda_jpsipipippi.dec
- #2539 from @heppye: Create LambdaB_Psi2SLambda_ppi.dec
- #2216 from @hidaspal: Lorentz angle by module
- #2035 from @iik1997: Scale down Castor photoelectron gain at digi step to avoid saturation in simulation of PbPb
External changes since CMSSW_5_3_15:
- New external data-RecoHI-HiJetAlgos V01-00-00