github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_14_2_0_pre3

17 hours ago

Changes since CMSSW_14_2_0_pre2:


  • #46484 from @wddgit: Fix unlabeled case in mayConsumes EventSetup core
  • #46476 from @fabiocos: MTD validation: update vertex density plots dqm
  • #46473 from @rseidita: Removing Muon POG DQM sequence from express, with fix for CSC monitoring dqm
  • #46462 from @JunseokLee3609: Update new timing seeds for HI dqm
  • #46461 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca250 Change thresholds of ECAL energy to make compatible calibrations with Jet-MET studies alca
  • #46459 from @iarspider: [AlCa] Fix Wdangling-reference in PixelBaryCentreAnalyzer alca trk
  • #46451 from @mmusich: make AlcaBeamMonitor hoard less memory dqm db tracking
  • #46441 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx377E Add a test for ZDC Geomery geometry
  • #46438 from @mmusich: Update test_MC_*_setup unit tests pdmv upgrade
  • #46430 from @bsunanda: Run2-hcx377 Put all 2015 scenarios using the same hcalRecNumbering.xml file geometry upgrade
  • #46429 from @matt2275: ZDC Reconstruction Bug Fixes reconstruction
  • #46426 from @AuroraPerego: Generalize warp size in pixel clustering kernel reconstruction trk
  • #46423 from @SanghyunKo: Adding unbiased superclusters to miniAOD and EGM nano reconstruction xpog egamma
  • #46420 from @perrotta: Update the run3_data GT in autoCond to the version intended for the 2022, 2023, 2024CDE rereco alca
  • #46419 from @AdrianoDee: New Tests PR Tests for HIN 2023 and 2024 pdmv upgrade
  • #46418 from @mmusich: make {DIGI,RECO}HI2024MIX steps consume the HIon HLT menu pdmv upgrade
  • #46417 from @smuzaffar: [UBSAN][Math] Suppress signed-integer-overflow for approx_exp reconstruction
  • #46414 from @mmusich: Fix SiStripG2GainsValidator db trk
  • #46413 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx377D Provide a scenario for post-Run2 geometry for which the cfi file existed in Geometry/CMSCommonData/python geometry upgrade
  • #46412 from @RSalvatico: Fix beamspot in PATElectronProducer reconstruction xpog egamma
  • #46410 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca249 Modify calibration macros to use the current IsoTrack calibration alca
  • #46409 from @smuzaffar: [UBSAN][PatCandidates/Tau] Reference binding to null pointer reconstruction xpog
  • #46408 from @fabiocos: MTD Validation: Add printouts and protection for optional plots in BtlLocalRecoValidation dqm
  • #46404 from @bsunanda: Run3-377C Add the testing code for the ZDC Topology class geometry
  • #46401 from @stahlleiton: Add dedxLikelihood to 2023 UPC rereco reconstruction xpog tracking
  • #46398 from @mmusich: Update 2023 and 2024 Heavy Ion relval workflows for 2024 HLT menu pdmv upgrade
  • #46397 from @mmusich: restructure CalibTracker/SiPixelESProducers fake conditions ESProducers alca db trk
  • #46393 from @Dr15Jones: Issue message if DB IOV updated during job db
  • #46388 from @iarspider: [Core] Mark cms::Exception and edm::Exception functions that throw exceptions as noreturn core
  • #46386 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx377A Correct a few test scripts in CondTools/Geometry db
  • #46382 from @mmusich: Restructure test_SiStripG2GainsValidator db trk
  • #46380 from @smuzaffar: [UBSAN] Initialize PerigeeTrajectoryError::weightIsAvailable reconstruction tracking
  • #46379 from @perrotta: Update a few MC Gts in autoCond to the latest version available on 14/10/2024 alca
  • #46377 from @iarspider: Fix Wdangling-reference (probably after merging #46200) alca heterogeneous
  • #46375 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 14_1_X (2/N) [14_2_X] hlt
  • #46374 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx376Z Updated hcalRecNumbering XML files in view of the modified Era dependent topology modes geometry
  • #46369 from @bsunanda: Run3-hc376Z Update the topology class and tester in view of all modified run conditions geometry
  • #46368 from @nurfikri89: Jet updates for Mini and (JME)Nano, add recipe for puppi JetMET reclustering reconstruction xpog
  • #46364 from @fabiocos: DQM: restore Muon POG sequence (and CSC Monitor), revert #46293 dqm
  • #46363 from @bsunanda: Run3-376Y Modify the testing code of HcalTopology geometry
  • #46362 from @mmusich: Improvements to hltPhase2UpgradeIntegrationTests hlt
  • #46361 from @mmusich: fix Compare / Diff / Ratio by partition plots for SiStrip Payload Inspector plugins db trk
  • #46358 from @iarspider: [LLVM Analyzer][DB] Cleanup LLVM analyzer warnings db trk
  • #46357 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx376 Get rid of the obsolete constructor of the HcalTopology class geometry
  • #46356 from @Dr15Jones: Pass memory address to AllocMonitors core
  • #46351 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx375 Extend the topology modes to accommodate different scenarios during the Run2 period geometry
  • #46348 from @kyungminparkdrums: Add ByLS DQM plots for ES dqm
  • #46345 from @JHiltbrand: Two Small Changes Related to ZDC LUTs alca l1 db
  • #46344 from @iarspider: [LLVM Analyzer][AlCa] Cleanup clang analyzer warnings alca trk
  • #46340 from @p2l1-gtEmulator: Add Phase-2 GT to EventContent l1
  • #46338 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx360D Replace cout with logvervatim geometry upgrade
  • #46334 from @smuzaffar: Fix DQM config test: Increase number of sequence to test dqm
  • #46330 from @wddgit: Fix potential data race in ESProductResolver core
  • #46325 from @trackreco: Phase-2 mkFit: propagation to plane / Kalman operations on plane / Matriplex with support for scalar operations and VDT reconstruction tracking
  • #46324 from @trackreco: Tracking validation updates/improvements dqm tracking
  • #46322 from @mmusich: SiPixelAlignment PCL harvester, add option to ignore exceeding thresholds on inactive modules when vetoing payload upload alca trk
  • #46321 from @smuzaffar: [RECONSTRUCTION] [Clang]Cleanup clang-analyzer warnings reconstruction tracking
  • #46320 from @smuzaffar: [DB] [Clang]Cleanup clang-analyzer warnings db
  • #46317 from @smuzaffar: [ANALYSIS] [Clang]Cleanup clang-analyzer warnings analysis
  • #46315 from @iarspider: Fix testAOTTools for non-amd64 arch ml
  • #46312 from @stahlleiton: Fix crash in DeDxEstimatorRekeyer reconstruction xpog
  • #46310 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx374 Update the scenarios for providing the correct set of initializing cfis geometry upgrade
  • #46308 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx373 Correct the HcalTopology class for 2 new geometry modes geometry db
  • #46306 from @Dr15Jones: Improved scripts used to write 2024 Geom DB payloads geometry db
  • #46299 from @nurfikri89: [NanoAOD] Add UParT electron and muon raw scores xpog
  • #46295 from @matt2275: Update reconstruction
  • #46293 from @rseidita: Removing Muon POG DQM sequence from Express pipeline dqm
  • #46289 from @Dr15Jones: Improve constructor for PhotonIsolationCalculator reconstruction
  • #46288 from @Ming-Yan: [BTVNano] add NegTag for UParT reconstruction xpog
  • #46286 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx369 Allow only valid ZDChits to enter the digitization phase geometry simulation
  • #46283 from @sroychow: Increase threshold of max number of pixel clusters for cosmic tracking reconstruction tracking
  • #46279 from @iarspider: [LLVM Analyzer][ML] Remove dead assignment in PhysicsTools/MVAComputer/src/ ml
  • #46277 from @iarspider: [LLVM Analyzer][DB] Fix dead assignment in FEConfigLUTGroupDat db
  • #46276 from @Dr15Jones: Modernize RecoEgamma/PhotonIdentification helpers reconstruction
  • #46271 from @Dr15Jones: Pass pointer to EgammaRecHitIsolation::getEtSum dqm reconstruction
  • #46270 from @iarspider: [LLVM Analyzer][L1] Remove dead code l1
  • #46268 from @smuzaffar: [ROOT6] Disable NanoAODRNuple plugin xpog
  • #46264 from @BenjaminRS: Updating phase2_realistic to point to 141X_mcRun4_realistic_v2 alca
  • #46262 from @iarspider: [LLVM Analyzer][ALCA,ANALYSIS] Remove dead assignments alca analysis
  • #46261 from @iarspider: [LLVM Analyzer][Heterogeneous] Remove dead assignments heterogeneous
  • #46259 from @smuzaffar: [CORE] [Clang]Cleanup clang-analyzer warnings core
  • #46258 from @smuzaffar: [RECONSTRUCTION] [Clang]Cleanup clang-analyzer warnings reconstruction tracking
  • #46257 from @barvic: DQM CSCMonitorModule: crash fix for corrupted events with missing ALCT data (14_2_X) dqm csc
  • #46256 from @TomasKello: Minimal bugfix on the missing lumifilter for the MTS validation. alca trk
  • #46245 from @mmusich: Miscellaneous fixes for HLT online DQM dqm hlt
  • #46243 from @Dr15Jones: Improve TPSAlgorithm l1
  • #46241 from @tomalin: Increase field width in MessageLogger Summary core
  • #46237 from @smuzaffar: [L1] [Clang]Cleanup clang-analyzer warnings l1
  • #46236 from @rdelliga: MTD Validation: speed up LocalRecoValidation plus other fixes dqm mtd
  • #46235 from @smuzaffar: Removed cmsScimark2 exec and scripts core
  • #46228 from @smuzaffar: [DQM-GENERATORS] [Clang]Cleanup clang-analyzer warnings dqm generators
  • #46227 from @smuzaffar: [DQM] [Clang]Cleanup clang-analyzer warnings dqm
  • #46225 from @smuzaffar: [ClangAna][HcalHits] Remove dead code; suppress false-positive warnings dqm
  • #46218 from @smuzaffar: [L1-UPGRADE] Applying code checks/format l1 upgrade
  • #46217 from @smuzaffar: [L1] Applying code checks/format l1
  • #46216 from @smuzaffar: [DQM] Applying code checks/format dqm trk
  • #46215 from @smuzaffar: [GENERATORS] Applying code checks/format generators
  • #46204 from @wddgit: More of the DataProxy to ESProductResolver renaming analysis core
  • #46203 from @hqucms: Fix memory leak in GenParticles2HepMCConverter generators xpog
  • #46200 from @iarspider: edm::FileInPath: return reference to paths; cleanup code core
  • #46199 from @iarspider: [LLVM Analyzer] Fix use-after-free warning in VariableComputerTest::VariableComputerTest analysis
  • #46197 from @iarspider: [LLVM Analyzer] Fix use-after-free in DQM/SiStripMonitorSummary/bin/ dqm trk
  • #46196 from @mbluj: Move "hybrid" tau production from nano to mini step dqm reconstruction simulation xpog
  • #46187 from @mmusich: Add standalone unit test for DQM/TrackingMonitorSource plugins dqm tracking
  • #46181 from @iarspider: [LLVM Analyzer] Avoid storing pointer to a temporary string's internal buffer in SiPixelFakeGenErrorDBObjectESSource::produce and SiPixelTemplateDBObjectReader::analyze alca db trk
  • #46176 from @iarspider: [L1] Fix syntax in python scripts l1 upgrade
  • #46166 from @iarspider: [DQM] Fix syntax in python scripts dqm tracking trk
  • #46159 from @tomalin: Fix d0 bug l1 upgrade
  • #46151 from @hqucms: Remove run3_nanoAOD_122 & 124 modifiers operations xpog
  • #46128 from @Dr15Jones: Protect getenv in Pythia8Interface generators
  • #46114 from @kpedro88: Simplify and generalize ibeos core pdmv upgrade
  • #46112 from @cms-tau-pog: Boosted DeepTauID v2.0 reconstruction xpog
  • #46091 from @smuzaffar: [GENERATORS] [PY312] String formatting to fix SyntaxWarning generators
  • #46087 from @stahlleiton: Era for UPC re-reco of 2016 pPb data alca operations reconstruction pdmv upgrade tracking
  • #46079 from @guitargeek: Follow up on recent Minuit 2 code changes alca reconstruction db tracking
  • #46072 from @BlancoFS: Fix duplication of TrigObj in nanoAOD xpog
  • #46010 from @RSalvatico: Enable DNN supercluster in Phase2 HLT hlt reconstruction pdmv upgrade egamma
  • #46001 from @langufo: Introduce support for cluster splitting and JetCore iteration in Phase-2 track reconstruction operations reconstruction pdmv upgrade tracking trk
  • #45992 from @felicepantaleo: Fix: Avoid adding HGCalUncalibRecHits to the event if digis do not exist reconstruction upgrade hgcal
  • #45975 from @amecca: Porting the Pixel Barycentre tool in the All-in-One framework alca trk
  • #45865 from @felicepantaleo: Redesign of the association maps, multivector manager, HGCAL Rechits and Validation with significant speedup of Phase-2 workflows dqm hlt reconstruction simulation upgrade

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_14_2_0_pre2/el8_amd64_gcc12 and REL/CMSSW_14_2_0_pre3/el8_amd64_gcc12:


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