github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_14_0_19_patch2

latest releases: CMSSW_15_0_X_2025-03-08-1100, CMSSW_15_1_RNTUPLE_X_2025-03-07-2300, CMSSW_15_1_X_2025-03-08-1100...
2 months ago

Changes since CMSSW_14_0_19_patch1:


  • #46978 from @srimanob: [14_0] use ReadPrescalesFromFile=False in the GenericTriggerEventFlag of a bunch of DQM modules dqm trk
  • #46950 from @Dr15Jones: Fixed memory leak in RegionalMuonGMTUnpacker [14_0] l1
  • #46904 from @jking79: [14_0_X] Update parameters for CC reconstruction ecal
  • #46903 from @srimanob: [14_0_X] Backports of 46543 and 46451 to fix memory leak dqm l1 db tracking
  • #46867 from @enibigir: CMSSW_14_0_X:Update HSCParticle object to be compatible with MiniAOD analysis

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_14_0_19_patch1/el8_amd64_gcc12 and REL/CMSSW_14_0_19_patch2/el8_amd64_gcc12:


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