github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_13_3_0_pre4

latest releases: CMSSW_14_2_X_2024-09-25-1100, CMSSW_14_2_NONLTO_X_2024-09-25-1100, CMSSW_14_2_MULTIARCHS_X_2024-09-25-1100...
11 months ago

Changes since CMSSW_13_3_0_pre3:


  • #43032 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex172 Update 2021 and 2023 scenarios with the corrected geometry for the GE21 demonstration chamber geometry upgrade
  • #43021 from @NJManganelli: Phase 2 MET cosLUT fixes to match firmware l1 upgrade
  • #43020 from @mmusich: SiPixel Payload Inspector: introduce utility to display probability-weighted SiPixelFEDChannelContainer contents db trk
  • #43018 from @wddgit: New unit test with source that waits core
  • #43016 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx346Y Fix the compilation error in CaloSD for debug mode simulation
  • #43014 from @Jingyan95: Adding d0 cut to l1
  • #43011 from @abdoulline: HCAL unpacker: adding more protection against corrupted data reconstruction
  • #43010 from @francescobrivio: Remove deprecated std::iterator from CondCore/CondDB db
  • #43008 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim149Y Provide configuration to get a list of all touchables in Run3 and Phase2 scenarios simulation
  • #43007 from @bsunanda: Phase2-Trk11 Modified 2026D100 scenario after fixing the overlap issue in the Tracker geometry geometry upgrade
  • #43004 from @iarspider: Do not forward-declare G4VTouchable dqm geometry simulation trk
  • #43001 from @mmusich: add 'beam' (AlCaBeamMonitor) sequence for Phase-2 dqm
  • #42998 from @mmusich: fix mistake in EDM_ML_DEBUG protected section of DiMuonVertexMonitor dqm
  • #42996 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim149 Modify the cfg files in SimG4Core/PrintGeomInfo to get material information from Run3 and Phase2 scenarios simulation
  • #42993 from @mmusich: remove edmCheckMultithreading from hltIntegrationTests hlt
  • #42991 from @dbruschi: Latest updates in DQM/TrackingMonitorSource for data/MC comparisons for the Tracking POG dqm tracking
  • #42985 from @rsreds: Remove unnecessary using namespace directive in WriteCTPPSTotemDAQMappingMask db
  • #42984 from @swagata87: PF code clean up and refactor [ConvBremPFTrackFinder] reconstruction pf
  • #42982 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx346X Add new collection names and information of Calibration Cells to the HGCal SD Class geometry simulation upgrade
  • #42981 from @bsunanda: Run3-gem68 Add the modified xml file for GE21 demonstration chamber used in the 2022 and 2023 scenarios geometry
  • #42977 from @CMSTrackerDPG: Additional fix for pixel FED error imbalance in DQM plots reconstruction trk
  • #42976 from @missirol: disable unit test of hltPrintMenuVersions in non-x86-64 builds hlt
  • #42974 from @bsunanda: Phase2-TB76Z Correct the testbeam setup of July 2023 HGCal geometry
  • #42972 from @amecca: PV validation range alca trk
  • #42971 from @mmusich: [TkAl] Realign DQM and Offline analysis of + vertex events alca dqm trk
  • #42967 from @missirol: add hltPrintMenuVersions and utilities for HLT-menu spreadsheets hlt
  • #42965 from @mmusich: Use TriggerResultsFilterFromDB-based selection for Heavy AlCaRecos in pp_on_AA alca hlt trk
  • #42959 from @swagata87: Fill Photon PF ID DNN score properly reconstruction egamma
  • #42958 from @saumyaphor4252: Include ECAL Timing CC labelled tags in Run3 data and MC GTs alca
  • #42957 from @sarafiorendi: Fix condition to add anti-particle to G4ParticleTable simulation
  • #42956 from @jlidrych: Removing re-binnning from SiStripBadAPVandHotStripAlgorithm alca trk
  • #42955 from @mmusich: temporarily remove HLT_DoubleMediumDeepTauPFTauHPS35_eta2p1 from phase-2 HLT menu hlt
  • #42953 from @mmusich: Miscellaneous improvements for DQM/Integration unit tests dqm trk
  • #42952 from @Dr15Jones: Added a fillDescriptions to IgProfService core
  • #42951 from @bsunanda: Phase2-trk10 Possible overlap removal in the T33 version of tracker geometry geometry trk
  • #42950 from @ssrothman: Deterministic DRN reconstruction xpog
  • #42948 from @bsunanda: Phase2-TB76Y Update the analyzer code and scripts for 2023 July HGCal Test Beam simulation upgrade
  • #42943 from @CMSTrackingPOG: Rename MaxNumberOfCosmicClusters parameter in ClusterChecker dqm hlt operations reconstruction simulation tracking
  • #42942 from @mandrenguyen: era to store ZDC digis for pp reco operations reconstruction xpog
  • #42941 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex171 Add a few more options to generate the single neutrino file dqm geometry hgcal
  • #42938 from @suchandradutta: Update of Phase2 Tracker Digitizer to fix an issue in Premixing simulation upgrade trk
  • #42937 from @MaryShooshtari: Adding DeepFlavour Jet tags to BTV DQM dqm reconstruction
  • #42934 from @rovere: Add FastTimer and Throughput Services to HLT Phase2 timing menu. hlt
  • #42932 from @thomreis: Use the ratio timing method for ECAL online DQM dqm ecal
  • #42928 from @thomreis: Use ECAL ratio timing algorithm for Run 1 and Run 2, and CC timing algorithm for Run 3 and beyond operations reconstruction ecal
  • #42926 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_2_X (4/N) [13_3_X] hlt
  • #42923 from @rovere: Improve runTheMatrix interactive shell pdmv upgrade
  • #42922 from @bsunanda: Phase2-TB76X Add an aalyzer for HGCal TB sudies using inch wafers simulation upgrade
  • #42921 from @bsunanda: Phase2-TB76 Add an example script which can work for 2023 July simulation simulation upgrade
  • #42919 from @lwang046: Hcal DQM: Fix the ZDC illegal cast in HCAL offline DQM dqm hcal
  • #42916 from @makortel: Replace reference to ParameterSet with vector in HcalMahiPulseOffsetsGPUESProducer reconstruction heterogeneous
  • #42915 from @makortel: Replace reference to ParameterSet with a struct of parameter values in (Global)EvFOutputModule core daq
  • #42914 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim147A Fix the cmpilation issue wfor the debug mode simulation
  • #42909 from @francescobrivio: Update BeamSpot scripts for FTVs alca reconstruction db tracking
  • #42904 from @mmusich: SiStrip Lorentz Angle PCL: minor fixes alca trk
  • #42901 from @smorovic: (DAQ) increase monitoring limit on number of streams daq
  • #42900 from @guitargeek: Update FitWithRooFit in Alignment/OfflineValidation to fix memory leaks alca trk
  • #42899 from @iarspider: Add missing include to FitWithRooFit.h alca dqm trk
  • #42898 from @nurfikri89: [JMENano] Update taggers for AK4 Puppi and CHS xpog
  • #42896 from @SohamBhattacharya: [Phase-2] Fixed L1 quality mask requirement in L1TkEmSingle51Filter hlt egamma
  • #42894 from @lwang046: HCALDQM: Add new ZDC electronics constants dqm
  • #42891 from @mandrenguyen: T0 scenario for repacked pp operations
  • #42889 from @makortel: Silence static analyzer warning on existsAs() calls in PluginDescription.h core
  • #42885 from @theochatzis: [Phase2HLT] Change hltAK4PFPuppiJets correctors tags alca hlt
  • #42884 from @iarspider: Don't run testAllocMonitorPreloadX tests for ASAN IBs core
  • #42881 from @mmusich: Add more diagnostics to SiStripMonitorApproximateCluster dqm trk
  • #42880 from @iarspider: Fix maybe-uninitialized warning in MeasurementTrackerImpl::addPhase2Det reconstruction tracking
  • #42879 from @CTPPS: PPS Dump to SQLite only one record (mask or mapping) alca db
  • #42877 from @wddgit: Add unit test for std::vector raw data format simulation
  • #42872 from @CMSTrackerDPG: Fix for pixel FED error imbalance in DQM plots reconstruction trk
  • #42871 from @bsunanda: Phase2-sim148 Update some of the scriptss and correct the comments dqm geometry upgrade
  • #42870 from @swagata87: Fixing bug in a photon path in Phase2 HLT hlt egamma
  • #42867 from @bsunanda: Phase2-sim147 First step to permit 2 clorimeter hit collection from a given Sensitive Detector which will enable calibration cell simulation
  • #42865 from @iarspider: Fix maybe-uninitialized warning in HiTrivialConditionRetriever reconstruction
  • #42863 from @elfontan: Adding the scouting event content to MINIAODSIM operations
  • #42860 from @thomreis: Enable ECAL reconstructions to use different time calibration records reconstruction ecal
  • #42859 from @wddgit: Add unit test for SiStripApproximateClusterCollection format reconstruction trk
  • #42857 from @abhih1: Fix bug in defining bin edges of TH2F plots in ECAL DQM dqm ecal
  • #42856 from @hgc-tpg: [HGCAL trigger] Technical developments on Stage 1 emulator, validation and floating point compression dqm l1 upgrade
  • #42852 from @mmusich: Add 2D comparison histograms to SiStripMonitorApproximateCluster dqm trk
  • #42851 from @bouchamaouihichem: DeepCore model 2.2.1 CMSSW_13_3_0_pre3 (fixed comments) reconstruction tracking
  • #42849 from @mmusich: Fix PixelCountFilter and introduce PixelOccupancyFilter reconstruction pdmv
  • #42848 from @alejands: Remove noisy missing collection warnings coming from EcalDQMonitorTask dqm
  • #42847 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused IDVectorMap class core
  • #42846 from @mmusich: fix commented section of EDAnalyzer::fillDescriptions skeleton, such that it can actually compile core
  • #42844 from @thomreis: ECAL - Add dummy collections to ECAL GPU unpacker reconstruction ecal
  • #42839 from @guitargeek: Make enum to int conversion in explicit reconstruction trk
  • #42838 from @guitargeek: Remove duplicate entries from CondTools/RunInfo/plugins/BuildFile.xml db
  • #42837 from @CTPPS: fixed LHCInfoPer* PopCons not recoginizing ongoing fills in duringFill mode db
  • #42833 from @makortel: Fix random DQM path order from ConfigBuilder in case of duplicate DQM sequences operations
  • #42830 from @mmusich: minimal fixes to run Phase2 patatrack pixel only workflows without using phase-1 pixel conditions operations reconstruction trk
  • #42829 from @Pruthvi-ch: Get offset to return cell centroid instead of hexagon centre in HGCAL wafers geometry upgrade hgcal
  • #42826 from @mmusich: fix GeneralPurposeTrackAnalyzer in the phase-2 case, due to missing conditions alca trk
  • #42825 from @wddgit: New schema evolution unit test core
  • #42824 from @guitargeek: Clean BuildFiles alca dqm l1 reconstruction simulation db upgrade xpog hcal trk
  • #42823 from @kpedro88: Fix usage of sys.argv in cmsRun configs simulation alca core daq dqm generators hlt l1 reconstruction db upgrade tracking trk
  • #42819 from @swagata87: Addition of SingleEleNonIso HLT path of pT threshold 115 GeV to Phase2 HLT menu hlt egamma
  • #42817 from @thomreis: Prepare ECAL multifit reconstruction to use different time calibration records reconstruction ecal
  • #42814 from @Dr15Jones: Extend AllocMonitor core
  • #42812 from @mmusich: DQM/TrackingMonitorSource cleanup dqm tracking
  • #42810 from @kpedro88: remove unused vector in HiPuRhoProducer reconstruction
  • #42809 from @CTPPS: PPS Conddb dump for mapping and mask db
  • #42808 from @srimanob: Fix noisy HLT BTV DQM dqm btv
  • #42805 from @abhih1: Enable Laser 4 plots in ECAL DQM dqm ecal
  • #42803 from @missirol: update HLT selection for HI mode in sistrip and l1tstage2 online-DQM clients dqm
  • #42798 from @kpedro88: remove all uses of -p, --parameter-set with cmsRun alca core dqm reconstruction db trk
  • #42795 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_2_X (3/N) [13_3_X] hlt
  • #42794 from @saumyaphor4252: Update Phase2 MC GT to clean up unused Phase1 pixel conditions alca
  • #42793 from @mmusich: SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester improvements alca trk
  • #42791 from @SohamBhattacharya: [Phase-2] Fix usage of L1 egamma seeds in Phase-2 HLT hlt reconstruction upgrade
  • #42790 from @fabiocos: MTD Validation: fixes to tracks checks dqm
  • #42783 from @mmusich: Add a Phase2 HLT tracking DQM monitoring dqm operations tracking trk
  • #42778 from @elfontan: Fix for proper separation of the ZDCP and ZDCM triggers in the uGT l1
  • #42777 from @kdeleo: MTD Validation: add selection on vxt Ndof>4 in Primary4DVertexValidation dqm
  • #42775 from @Dr15Jones: Changed FailPath/SkipEvent to TryToContinue [Calibration] alca trk
  • #42774 from @Dr15Jones: Changed FailPath/SkipEvent to TryToContinue [HLT] hlt
  • #42773 from @Dr15Jones: Changed FailPath/SkipEvent to TryToContinue [CommonTools] reconstruction
  • #42772 from @Dr15Jones: Changed FailPath/SkipEvent to TryToContinue [DPG] pdmv
  • #42771 from @Dr15Jones: Changed FailPath/SkipEvent to TryToContinue [L1Trigger] l1 upgrade
  • #42770 from @Dr15Jones: Changed FailPath/SkipEvent to TryToContinue [Configuration] pdmv
  • #42769 from @Dr15Jones: Changed FailPath/SkipEvent to TryToContinue [Generator] generators
  • #42768 from @Dr15Jones: Changed FailPath/SkipEvent to TryToContinue [DQM] dqm trk
  • #42767 from @Dr15Jones: Changed FailPath/SkipEvent to TryToContinue [RECO] hlt reconstruction
  • #42766 from @Dr15Jones: Changed FailPath/SkipEvent to TryToContinue dqm
  • #42765 from @Dr15Jones: Changed FailPath/SkipEvent to TryToContinue [Sim] simulation
  • #42764 from @Dr15Jones: Changed FailPath/SkipEvent to TryToContinue [Geometry] geometry upgrade trk
  • #42761 from @perrotta: Update 2022 MC GTs for new ecal timing calibrations alca
  • #42759 from @rovere: Move Phase2 HLT to ticl_v4 hlt reconstruction upgrade
  • #42757 from @hatakeyamak: PFHCALDenseIdNavigator update reconstruction
  • #42755 from @iarspider: [CPP20] Fix compilation issue in cmssw/DataFormats/HcalDigi/test/ core reconstruction simulation upgrade
  • #42754 from @youyingli: Update autoSkim with 2023 PbPb skims pdmv
  • #42752 from @kpedro88: check for empty collection in SiStripApproximateClusterCollection reconstruction trk
  • #42748 from @fabiocos: MTD code: add debugging statements, clean ETL validation for obsolete one-disk scenario dqm reconstruction simulation upgrade
  • #42745 from @swkim95: Phase2 MuonHLTSeed MVA Classifier CMSSW_13_3_X hlt reconstruction muon
  • #42744 from @missirol: update input collections of pixelgpu online-DQM client for HI mode dqm
  • #42742 from @Dr15Jones: Improve memory usage in ParameterSet core dqm simulation
  • #42740 from @simonepigazzini: add run3_miniAOD_12X era modifier operations reconstruction pdmv upgrade xpog
  • #42738 from @iarspider: Fix compilation warning in simulation
  • #42733 from @matt2275: Adding ZDC Unpacker to L1RawtoDigi l1
  • #42731 from @archiron: motherID_correction_V1 : python part dqm
  • #42728 from @nurfikri89: [NanoAOD, JMENano] Updates for Nano and JMENano reconstruction xpog
  • #42713 from @fwyzard: Update GPU workflows pdmv upgrade
  • #42674 from @mmusich: Add a 2023 data workflow for all patatrack reconstruction using the gpuValidation modifier pdmv upgrade tracking
  • #42650 from @kpedro88: Improve command-line argument support for Python configs in cmsRun and edm tools analysis core reconstruction heterogeneous
  • #42646 from @namapane: Add mu beamspot constrained pT. Increase mu eta and phi precision to 16 bits reconstruction xpog muon
  • #42612 from @mmusich: Disentangle Phase-2 pixel Digitization and Reconstruction from Phase-1 conditions hlt reconstruction simulation upgrade tracking trk
  • #42503 from @makortel: Release ProcessDesc in main() to release some memory core
  • #42487 from @AuroraPerego: correct the time propagation and add options in CloseByParticleGunProducer generators
  • #42323 from @namapane: Import NanoAOD-tools postoprocessor to CMSSW reconstruction xpog
  • #42246 from @hgc-tpg: [HGCAL trigger] Module splitting and updated seeding normalization l1 simulation upgrade
  • #40438 from @alintulu: Custom Run 3 PFScouting NanoAOD reconstruction pdmv upgrade xpog

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_13_3_0_pre3/el8_amd64_gcc12 and REL/CMSSW_13_3_0_pre4/el8_amd64_gcc12:


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