github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_13_3_0_pre3

latest releases: CMSSW_14_0_X_2024-09-21-1100, CMSSW_14_2_X_2024-09-21-1100, CMSSW_14_2_PY312_X_2024-09-21-1100...
12 months ago

Changes since CMSSW_13_3_0_pre2:


  • #42749 from @missirol: remove std::cout calls in TriggerMenuParser::parseEnergySumZdc l1
  • #42739 from @fabiocos: MTD geometry: add test for pixel acceptance in module geometry upgrade
  • #42736 from @mmusich: ConfigureAlignmentProducer: add mass constraint for ALCARECOTkAlJpsiMuMu alca trk
  • #42732 from @Dominic-Stafford: Add Herwig7HadronizerFilter to list of Filters with concurrent lumis disabled generators
  • #42726 from @Prasant1993: Fall17V2 Electron IDs and Isolations saved only in Run2 xpog
  • #42724 from @Dr15Jones: Apply ld fix for AllocMonitor to sl7 as well core
  • #42722 from @mmusich: miscellaneous code improvements from review of #42683 alca trk
  • #42718 from @bsunanda: Phase2-tb75 Enable the analysis code for HGCal TB for 6-inch wafer to run properly simulation upgrade
  • #42712 from @mandrenguyen: Update PbPb skims for 2023 pdmv
  • #42707 from @missirol: add support for L1T EtSums of type kZDC{P,M} as trigger objects at HLT hlt
  • #42705 from @atsatsos97: Name change of jetCalibrationLUTFile l1
  • #42701 from @perrotta: Update 2023 MC GTs - 13_3_X alca
  • #42698 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_2_X (2/N) [13_3_X] hlt
  • #42697 from @mitaylor: Add v0_4_1 HI caloParams with updated centrality trigger thresholds l1
  • #42696 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx345 Modify HGCMouseBite such that it can work for both standard HGCal as well as for TB setups with 6 inch wafers simulation
  • #42692 from @bsunanda: Phase2-TB74 Enable Simulation Runs for 6 inch wafers as well geometry simulation upgrade
  • #42691 from @bsunanda: Phase2-TB73 Update the cfg files for the old TB runs of HGCal simulation upgrade
  • #42690 from @ArturAkh: Replace the access to track reference with a more robust approach reconstruction
  • #42689 from @bsunanda: Phase2-TB72 Try to complete a simulation version for the HGCal TB setup of August 2023 geometry
  • #42684 from @civanch: SIM: fixed typo simulation
  • #42682 from @kpedro88: revert DeepMET TensorFlow workaround reconstruction
  • #42681 from @mmusich: add information on first hit from HitPattern to lostTracks reconstruction xpog tracking
  • #42680 from @mmusich: add necessary changes to run the uploads of SiStripLorentzAngle payloads in the PCL alca db trk
  • #42677 from @hftsoi: [13_3_X] remove duplicate monitoring of FB at layer1 data-emulator workspace dqm hcal l1t
  • #42675 from @missirol: make trigger::TriggerEvent::filterLabel return std::string_view alca hlt reconstruction xpog
  • #42673 from @Dominic-Stafford: Herwig lhe matching fix (including multithreading fixes) generators
  • #42671 from @cms-sw: Revert to JeMalloc as default for cmsRun core
  • #42670 from @hqucms: [NanoAOD] Fix typos in jetsAK4 CHS and Puppi tables xpog
  • #42665 from @Dr15Jones: Added AllocMonitor facility core
  • #42662 from @missirol: use std::vector<DetId> as data format of SiStrip DetIds with FED errors analysis alca core dqm operations reconstruction simulation pdmv tracking trk
  • #42656 from @mmusich: remove a bunch of useless SiPixelTemplateStoreESProducer includes alca dqm trk
  • #42655 from @mmusich: fix removal of siStripDigis from RawToDigi task operations
  • #42654 from @wddgit: Remove pointers to main ParameterSet in L1Trigger subsystems l1 trk
  • #42653 from @slava77: extend PU Flat55To75 to 2024 workflows pdmv upgrade
  • #42645 from @p2l1-gtEmulator: Phase 2 GT: Add missing GMTTkMuons instance name l1 upgrade
  • #42643 from @gpetruc: L1T Phase-2 Correlator Layer 1 updates for Multiboard tests l1 upgrade
  • #42642 from @mmusich: fix tracker map filling in SiStripBadStripFractionTkMap and rename TkMap TH2PolyTkMap dqm db trk
  • #42639 from @jo100sun: Fixes and modifications on GEM TnP efficiency plots dqm reconstruction tracking muon
  • #42634 from @cfmcginn: L1T ZDC and uGT Emulator to CMSSW_13_3_X l1
  • #42632 from @aloeliger: Port of 2022 and 2023 HI L1T CaloParams testing files l1
  • #42629 from @CTPPS: Fix LHCInfoPerLS PopCon incorrectly matching LS between OMS and PPS db db
  • #42628 from @hahnjo: Move two StopReasonName arrays into source files dqm reconstruction tracking
  • #42626 from @iarspider: FKDTree_t: avoid Wmaybe-uninitialized warning in CPP20 builds reconstruction
  • #42622 from @mmusich: improve SiPixelBadModuleByHandBuilderFromROCList in case of by-LS IOVs and introduce unit tests db trk
  • #42615 from @makortel: Print the file open error message when a fallback file will be attempted core
  • #42606 from @Prasant1993: Fix the vidNestedWPBitmap_Fall17V2 for electron in NANOAOD xpog egamma
  • #42598 from @civanch: SIM: optimisation of initialisation simulation
  • #42589 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex169 Modify the phas2 scenarios to accommodate the right set of hits for the HF geometry upgrade
  • #42588 from @sunilUIET: Add 2023 WFs in runTheMatrix for tests pdmv upgrade
  • #42553 from @NJManganelli: Phase 2 GTT MET cosLUT overflow fix l1 upgrade
  • #42515 from @CTPPS: CTPPS reco update to use LHCInfoPer* records alca dqm reconstruction simulation db ctpps
  • #42499 from @Dr15Jones: Handle case where exception is thrown in beginRun for simulation generators
  • #42497 from @missirol: simplify implementation of SiPixelQualityESProducer and use multiple instances of it alca hlt simulation db trk
  • #42471 from @CTPPS: PPS detector mapping records separation and serialization alca db
  • #42441 from @Dr15Jones: Added TryToContinue exception handling to cmsRun alca core dqm reconstruction trk
  • #42424 from @pallabidas: emulator for Phase-2 Calo PF clusters using GCT firmware l1 upgrade
  • #42255 from @Prasant1993: Add 4 Isolation variables for Photon to NanoAOD xpog egamma
  • #42245 from @bundocka: Add v0_4 HI caloParams l1
  • #41964 from @wddgit: Remove obsolete Scouting Data Format unit tests core
  • #41011 from @AdrianoDee: Adding all geometries and the FullRecoGPU for Patatrack wfs for Phase2 pdmv upgrade

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_13_3_0_pre2/el8_amd64_gcc11 and REL/CMSSW_13_3_0_pre3/el8_amd64_gcc11:


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