github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_13_2_0_pre3

latest releases: CMSSW_14_2_0_pre1_6e31ebe_ROOT633, CMSSW_14_2_DEVEL_X_2024-09-19-2300, CMSSW_14_2_X_2024-09-19-2300...
14 months ago

Changes since CMSSW_13_2_0_pre2:


  • #42274 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex167 Clean up cffs in Geometry/EcalCommonData geometry
  • #42273 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim142 Clean up a few cfi's in SimG4CMS/Calo simulation
  • #42272 from @wddgit: Delete module BoostTester simulation
  • #42270 from @Dr15Jones: Better exception message from ESSourceProductResolverBase core
  • #42269 from @wddgit: Remove MTCCHLTrigger daq
  • #42266 from @mtosi: add DQM and Validation modules for doublet recovery tracks dqm hlt tracking
  • #42265 from @francescobrivio: Update 2023 MC GT, VtxSmearing and PU library alca pdmv upgrade
  • #42262 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx3341I Final step to prepare the V18 version of HGCal geometry which allows non-ero cassette shifts geometry upgrade
  • #42261 from @wddgit: Replace calls to getManyByType with exception alca trk
  • #42258 from @smorovic: (DAQ) Fix early too file deletion for error stream 13_2_X daq
  • #42254 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx342A Extend the muon tomography test code for dd4hep usage dqm geometry upgrade
  • #42252 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx341H Modify several test scripts in Geometry/HGCalCommonData to test geometry versions beyond the first V17 geometry upgrade
  • #42251 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx341G Next step toward the V18 version of HGCal by making mixed module with passive volumes geometry upgrade
  • #42250 from @sbein: Preserve electron mass after FastSim Bremsstrahlung emmision fastsim
  • #42247 from @JaLuka98: Add hasConversionTracks to nano xpog egamma
  • #42242 from @abhih1: Change ECAL DQM Presample and Trigger primitive plots thresholds dqm ecal
  • #42239 from @dzuolo: [master] Adding cov matrix to fakeBS object alca reconstruction tracking
  • #42233 from @dan131riley: fix off-by-one error in TauNNIdHW::compute l1 upgrade
  • #42229 from @youyingli: Update skim config for 2023 data taking and fix wrong assignment in skim wf pdmv upgrade
  • #42225 from @bundocka: Add caloParams_v0_4_cfi using latest 2023 v0 MET PUM LUT l1
  • #42223 from @civanch: SIM: fixed scripts and mctruth simulation
  • #42222 from @Dr15Jones: Fix unit test testUCTUnpacker l1
  • #42218 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_0_X (11/N) [13_2_X] hlt
  • #42214 from @aloeliger: Add BX boundary checks for BXVector push_back l1
  • #42213 from @CMS-LUMI-POG: Added pileup scenario for 2023 simulation operations simulation
  • #42211 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx341F Update the scripts in Geometry/HGCalCommonData/test/python to investigate the discrepancey between DDD and DD4hep descriptions geometry upgrade
  • #42210 from @Dr15Jones: Fix additional memory issues in EcnaAnalyzer alca
  • #42207 from @CTPPS: fixed LHCInfo PopCon ignoring endTime parameter db
  • #42203 from @mmusich: fix assignment of PVValHelper::phase in PrimaryVertexValidation alca trk
  • #42199 from @yuanchao: Fixing crash when accessing JetResolutionObject in CondDB db
  • #42198 from @eyigitba: EMTF Primitive Conversion LUT update for 2023 l1
  • #42195 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx341E Next step to go toward the V18 version of HGCal by adding the dd4hep version of adding passive components geometry upgrade
  • #42194 from @dan131riley: Correct validity test in edmNew::DetSet data() method core
  • #42192 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx341D Third step to go toward the V18 version of HGCal which involves nonzero cassette shifts geometry upgrade
  • #42190 from @hahnjo: Change MSC configuration with G4HepEm simulation
  • #42188 from @iarspider: Fix compilation warnings in MESet* dqm
  • #42184 from @bsunanda: Phase2-sim143 Add a few more scenarios to investigate the difference between DDD and DD4hep descriptions of 2026D98 geometry simulation upgrade
  • #42183 from @Pruthvi-ch: Implementation of inactive regions along partial wafer cuts simulation
  • #42178 from @fabiocos: MTD Validation: update track validation, adding TDR-like study of extrapolation at BTL surface dqm
  • #42176 from @eyigitba: Change muon shower BX assignment in EMTF l1
  • #42175 from @mmusich: Introduce missing hits recovery in the SiStripHitEfficiency PCL workflow to be in synch with CalibTree based one alca trk
  • #42172 from @eyigitba: Prevent producing EMTFTrack if only muon shower was unpacked l1
  • #42171 from @bsunanda: Phase2-sim142 Add more files to investigate differences etween DDD and DD4hep versions of Phase2 geometries simulation
  • #42170 from @iarspider: Fix warnings in EcnaAnalyzer alca
  • #42169 from @bsunanda: Phase2-sim141 Extend the use of more scenarios and also the functionality of PrintGeomSolids in SimG4Core/PrintGeomInfo simulation
  • #42166 from @iarspider: Fix compilation warnings in l1
  • #42165 from @iarspider: Fix compilation warnings in Fireworks/Tracks visualization
  • #42164 from @mmusich: Fix NavigationSchoolAnalyzer and create unit tests reconstruction tracking
  • #42163 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex166 Add files to investigate differences between DDD and DD4hep geometries in 2026D98 scenario geometry simulation upgrade
  • #42159 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx351 Removing C-cast in favour of C++ cast in Geometry/HcalCommonData geometry
  • #42157 from @Dr15Jones: Fix small issues in CTPPSDiamondRecHitProducer reconstruction
  • #42156 from @mandrenguyen: Tighten pixel pair loose and tight MVA selection for pp_on_AA eras reconstruction tracking
  • #42152 from @iarspider: Make SimTracker/TrackTriggerAssociation compile with C++20 l1 simulation trk
  • #42151 from @iarspider: Make SimCalorimetry/EcalSimAlgos compile with C++20 simulation
  • #42150 from @lathomas: IsoPhotonEB RAW-RECO skim pdmv
  • #42149 from @iarspider: Make RecoLocalCalo/EcalRecAlgos compile with C++20 reconstruction upgrade
  • #42148 from @iarspider: Make L1Trigger/TrackerTFP compile with C++20 l1 trk
  • #42147 from @iarspider: Make L1Trigger/TrackerDTC compile with C++20 l1 upgrade trk
  • #42146 from @iarspider: Make L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet compile with C++20 l1
  • #42145 from @iarspider: Make L1Trigger/GlobalCaloTrigger compile with C++20 l1
  • #42144 from @iarspider: Make TritonCpuShmResource class compile with C++20 heterogeneous
  • #42143 from @iarspider: Make Geometry/EcalTestBeam compile with C++20 geometry
  • #42142 from @iarspider: Make Geometry/CaloEventSetup package compile with C++20 geometry
  • #42140 from @iarspider: Make CommissioningSummaryFactory compile with C++20 dqm trk
  • #42139 from @saumyaphor4252: Update RPC geometry fix in 2022 and 2023 MC GTs alca
  • #42138 from @iarspider: Fix TTDTC for CPP20 l1 upgrade
  • #42137 from @iarspider: Make CondFormats' portable_{i,o}archive compile with CPP20 db
  • #42130 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx348 Try to address the issues of ieta=18 and ieta=15 towers in layer=2 of HCAL geometry simulation
  • #42128 from @syuvivida: Online DQM: add an input argument outputBaseDir in (to fit with the new hltd version) dqm
  • #42127 from @fabiocos: MTD geometry: fix BTL numbering scheme to work with DD4hep through Geant4 geometry reconstruction simulation upgrade
  • #42125 from @makortel: Make Conf{Fitter,Reco}Builder to compile with C++20 reconstruction tracking
  • #42124 from @makortel: Make CaloTSamples(Base) to compile with C++20 alca
  • #42123 from @makortel: Make SimpleAllocHashMultiMap to compile with C++20 reconstruction tracking
  • #42118 from @gpetruc: P2GMT: Disable hard-coding of debug printout l1
  • #42115 from @gpetruc: L1T DemonstratorTools: support transparent compression of pattern files l1 upgrade
  • #42111 from @ekauffma: fixes uninitialized member calib in p2eg::Cluster::calib l1 upgrade
  • #42108 from @ArturAkh: Fixing logic for evaluating trajectory parameters reconstruction egamma
  • #42107 from @youyingli: Update skim wf for 2023 and add ParkingDoubleMuonLowMass skim wf pdmv upgrade
  • #42105 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx345 Try to fix ieta=16 issue for HCAL simulation in the GEN-SIM step geometry simulation
  • #42097 from @srimanob: Add ECal-component modifiers and test workflows operations simulation pdmv upgrade ecal
  • #42095 from @makortel: Add missing dependence on roothistpainter in CommonTools/TrackerMap dqm reconstruction trk
  • #42087 from @mmusich: By-pass scalers input collection for hltScalersRawToDigi for Heavy Ions pp-reco workflows post merge of #41815 pdmv upgrade
  • #42083 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx342 Try to fix the issue of HCAL hit relabeller geometry
  • #42080 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx341C Second step to go toward the V18 version of HGCal geometry which involve nonzero cassette shifts geometry upgrade
  • #42079 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca245 Modify the muon analysis code for calibrating inter-depths in HB/HE alca
  • #42077 from @smuzaffar: [ASAN] Fix runtime error by moving std::regex code in anonymous namespace l1
  • #42075 from @Dr15Jones: Rename DataProxy to ESProductResolver analysis alca core geometry reconstruction simulation db tracking
  • #42073 from @makortel: Remove pessimizing std::move from ModuleHolder and OutputModuleCommunicatorT core
  • #42069 from @sunilUIET: addition of 2023C WFs and modifications 2023B WFs to run with era Run3 pdmv upgrade
  • #42068 from @mmusich: add timestamp dates in human readable form in the BeamSpot DisplayParameters template class db tracking
  • #42066 from @soureek: Updating HLT paths for TopMuEGSkim pdmv
  • #42065 from @jordan-martins: Making a new Secondary Dataset ReserveDMu pdmv
  • #42061 from @srimanob: Enable .59521 and .59621 wfs for profiling pdmv upgrade
  • #42060 from @Dr15Jones: Changed 'type' to 'read_type' to avoid keyword class in UDP message core
  • #42058 from @wddgit: Remove consumesMany and related code from the Framework core dqm
  • #42053 from @slehti: HLTTauDQMOffline_cfi: commented out obsolete discriminators dqm
  • #42051 from @mmusich: Move FitWithRooFit out of bin folder to make it available for DiMuonMassBiasClient alca dqm trk
  • #42049 from @RSalvatico: Addition of HLT_Ele30_WPTight_Gsf to OfflineDQM and cleanups dqm egamma
  • #42048 from @hftsoi: add layer-1 monitoring for new slot-7 cards [13_2_0_pre1] dqm l1 l1t
  • #42047 from @srimanob: [Bug-fix] Add NANOAOD output to RECONANORUN3 step pdmv upgrade
  • #42046 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex165 Remove the BSC detector from the description of all phase2 scenarios geometry upgrade
  • #42044 from @mseidel42: Revert "Remove SharedResources" generators
  • #42038 from @Dr15Jones: Improved fill descriptions for PoolOutputModule core
  • #42037 from @bundocka: L1T: Add zPt to L1JetRecoTree in L1Ntuples l1
  • #42036 from @alaperto: TH2Poly Tracker Maps dqm reconstruction trk
  • #42035 from @eyigitba: Add EMTF unconstrained pT and dxy to unpacked EMTFTrack collections l1
  • #42031 from @mmusich: add specialized ZeroBias relval steps and use them for 2022 and 2023 data workflows, in order to employ @rerecoZeroBias DQM sequence pdmv upgrade
  • #42030 from @makortel: Make ProcessRegistryImpl to compile with C++20 analysis
  • #42028 from @makortel: Make churn_allocator to compile with C++20 reconstruction tracking
  • #42027 from @makortel: Make EDAlias_t test to compile with C++20 core
  • #42026 from @makortel: Make EZArrayFL and EZMgrFL compile with C++20 geometry
  • #42023 from @gk199: HCAL: Updates to match HCAL TDC LUT deployed online June 12 l1 reconstruction
  • #42020 from @mseidel42: Revert "Powheg+Vincia matching" generators
  • #42019 from @lmoureaux: Remove obsolete FinalStateReconOption from Herwig7 shower settings generators
  • #42017 from @mmusich: Fix AlignmentStats and TkAlCaOverlapTagger alca trk
  • #42016 from @waredjeb: Fix customiseTICLFromReco operations reconstruction upgrade
  • #42015 from @archiron: Validation RecoEgamma h2_scl_EoEtrueVsrecOfflineVertices_Extended histogram correction dqm
  • #42012 from @mteroerd: APE measurement tool: Resolved python3 compatibility issues, added unit test functionality, removed dependency on other package alca trk
  • #42011 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_0_X (10/N): GRun menu V1.2 of 2023 [13_2_X] hlt
  • #42010 from @CMSTrackerDPG: Fixed channel decoding for the timeout error in SiPixel RawToDigi reconstruction trk
  • #42008 from @adewit: Initialize values for all members of PixelBarrelValues reconstruction tracking
  • #42000 from @missirol: fix how HLTDeDxFilter fills TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs output product reconstruction tracking
  • #41997 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx340X Add a new scenario for a v17-like HGCal layout without the gaps geometry operations pdmv upgrade
  • #41996 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex164Y Add a test script to utilize Geometry.MuonCommonData.GeometryExtended2021_cff which helps in resolving rpc geometry issue geometry
  • #41993 from @eyigitba: EMTF muon shower unpacker update l1
  • #41990 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex164Z Modify all Run3 scenarios after fixing the RPC geometry issue geometry upgrade
  • #41989 from @mmusich: zeroed mono/stereo cluster counts in SiStripMonitorTrack at each event loop dqm trk
  • #41988 from @mseidel42: RivetInterface updates generators
  • #41986 from @syuvivida: Online DQM: replace the hard-coded output directory name of event display clients with an input argument dqm
  • #41984 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx341X Try to provide more realistic names to some of the variables in Geometry/HGCalCommonData/plugins/dd4hep codes geometry upgrade
  • #41983 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx341B Try to provide the dd4hep version of the plugins for passive components of V18 Silicon modules of HGCal geometry upgrade
  • #41982 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex164X One more alternative suggestion for addressing RPC issue geometry
  • #41979 from @Dr15Jones: Improved *NumberingScheme code for Forward detectors simulation
  • #41978 from @civanch: SIM: MC truth interfaces clean-up simulation
  • #41977 from @thomreis: ECAL - Add integrity checks for strip and xtal ids to GPU unpacker reconstruction ecal
  • #41973 from @ATumasyan: Adding FatJet trigger objects and filters for xpog
  • #41972 from @aloeliger: Change L1 2023 Relval Single Jet Bits to Current Menu Bits dqm
  • #41971 from @mandrenguyen: Add HI mixing wfs for 2023 MC generators pdmv upgrade
  • #41970 from @DenkMybu: Recovery of missing hits for Strip Hit Efficiency alca trk
  • #41967 from @mmusich: Miscellaneous improvements to SimBeamSpotObjects handling utilities alca simulation db tracking
  • #41946 from @srimanob: Migrate Phase-2 geometry to D98 geometry pdmv upgrade
  • #41936 from @makortel: Protect assignments of StripDetset() in StMeasurementDetSet::getDetSet() core reconstruction tracking trk
  • #41903 from @andrea21z: Update Muon MVA ID model and working points in MiniAOD and NanoAOD reconstruction xpog muon
  • #41901 from @mmusich: Prevent copy construction of TrackerGeometry geometry trk
  • #41880 from @adewit: Phase 2 tracker: realistic description of 3D modules in inner tracker alca geometry operations reconstruction pdmv upgrade tracking trk
  • #41815 from @Ksavva1021: Adding filter flag to SiStripApproximateClusters hlt operations reconstruction tracking trk
  • #41662 from @AuroraPerego: MC Truth information for MTD geometry simulation upgrade
  • #41632 from @AdrianoDee: More Configurable Pixel Tracks and HIon Template dqm geometry reconstruction pdmv upgrade heterogeneous tracking trk
  • #41607 from @DryRun: Add prototype HcalNanoAOD simulation pdmv upgrade xpog hcal
  • #41578 from @ChrisMisan: Payload inspector for PF Calibration object db
  • #41492 from @Duchstf: Retrained L1 Tau Trigger Integration l1 upgrade
  • #41344 from @makortel: Add an option to disable automatic class parsing in InitRootHandlers during module construction core
  • #41224 from @skkwan: implement fw-based Phase2 EG standalone barrel l1 upgrade
  • #40391 from @fwyzard: Monitor idle threads in the FastTimerService hlt
  • #40335 from @cms-L1TK: Updates to L1 tracking (improved use of stub bend etc.) l1 upgrade trk

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_13_2_0_pre2/el8_amd64_gcc11 and REL/CMSSW_13_2_0_pre3/el8_amd64_gcc11:


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