github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_13_1_1

latest releases: CMSSW_14_0_X_2024-09-21-1100, CMSSW_14_2_X_2024-09-21-1100, CMSSW_14_2_PY312_X_2024-09-21-1100...
12 months ago

Changes since CMSSW_13_1_0:


  • #42822 from @swkim95: BackPort(#42745) Phase2 MuonHLTSeed MVA Classifier to CMSSW_13_1_X for AR hlt reconstruction muon
  • #42792 from @SohamBhattacharya: [Phase-2] [backport] Fix usage of L1 egamma seeds in Phase-2 HLT hlt reconstruction upgrade
  • #42788 from @perrotta: Update 2022 MC GTs for new ecal timing calibrations - 13_1_X alca
  • #42786 from @namapane: Add mu beamspot constrained pT. Increase mu eta and phi precision to 16 bits [13.1.X] reconstruction xpog muon
  • #42760 from @rovere: Move Phase2 HLT to ticl_v4 [13_1_X] hlt reconstruction upgrade
  • #42703 from @perrotta: Update 2023 MC GTs - 13_1_X alca
  • #42693 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] add information on first hit from HitPattern to LostTracks reconstruction xpog tracking
  • #42686 from @jo100sun: Fixes and modifications on GEM TnP efficiency plots (backport of #42639, 13_1_X) dqm reconstruction tracking muon
  • #42678 from @hftsoi: [13_1_X] remove duplicate monitoring of FB at layer1 data-emulator workspace dqm hcal l1t
  • #42649 from @hsert: FirstVersionsofDiTauHLTPaths_forPhase2 [13_1_X] hlt
  • #42647 from @Dr15Jones: Moved creating SiPixelTemplateStore from DB to an ESProducer [13_1] alca dqm fastsim hlt reconstruction db tracking trk
  • #42609 from @perrotta: [13_1_X] Update 2023 MC GTs alca
  • #42572 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_0_X (13/N) [13_1_X] hlt
  • #42566 from @consuegs: [13_1_X] Update the ZDC geometry fix and pixel conditions in MC GTs alca
  • #42560 from @cms-patatrack: Fix elements_with_stride_nd when the index is outside the extent [13.1.x] heterogeneous
  • #42555 from @missirol: Cleanup of HLT Phase-2 menu (#41749, #42351, #42352) [13_1_X] hlt
  • #42539 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_0_X (12/N) [13_1_X] hlt
  • #42512 from @lguzzi: Phase2 HLT pixel modules duplicate removal (13_1_X backport) hlt
  • #42510 from @malbouis: [131X] Pileup 2023 august operations simulation
  • #42456 from @caruta: Removal of StringCutObjectSelector from Muon trigger DQM dqm
  • #42453 from @srimanob: [13_1] Preserve electron mass after FastSim Bremsstrahlung emmision fastsim
  • #42439 from @fwyzard: Replace the SFINAE check with static_assert [13.1.x] heterogeneous
  • #42434 from @lauridsj: [Backport 13_1_X] Fix EmissionVetoHook for BB4L generators
  • #42417 from @sunilUIET: [13_1_X] Add WFs for 2023D pdmv upgrade
  • #42408 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] clear badPixelDetsBarrel_ and badPixelDetsEndcap_ in PixelInactiveAreaFinder reconstruction tracking
  • #42406 from @thomreis: ECAL skip GPU unpacking of the rest of the block if a bad block is detected - 131x reconstruction ecal
  • #42403 from @jlagram: [13_1_X] Output with additional histos for PU and tree with single module eff. alca trk
  • #42398 from @srimanob: [13_1] Add 2023 FastSim Era operations pdmv upgrade
  • #42389 from @saumyaphor4252: [13_1_X] Update 2023 MC GTs with the fixed L1T tag and re-snapshot the data GTs alca
  • #42388 from @srimanob: [13_1] 2023 FastSim pdmv upgrade
  • #42381 from @wddgit: Fix error code on fallback file open error with test, 13_1_X backport core
  • #42368 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] Support HLT tracks in alignment validation alca reconstruction tracking
  • #42365 from @francescobrivio: [13_1_X] Improve discover method in cond2xml for read-only and patch releases db
  • #42362 from @CTPPS: [13_1_X] fixed comparePayloads in LHInfo* PopCons db
  • #42337 from @vslokenb: Top recoil hook cleaned, backport to CMSSW_13_1_X generators
  • #42330 from @aloeliger: [13_1_X] Add BX boundary checks for BXVector push_back l1
  • #42322 from @eyigitba: [13_1_X] Change muon shower BX assignment in EMTF l1
  • #42317 from @eyigitba: [13_1_X] Prevent producing EMTFTrack if only muon shower was unpacked l1
  • #42306 from @fabferro: [13_1_x] PPS suppress LogErrors in Pixel unpacker reconstruction
  • #42291 from @youyingli: [13_1_X] Update autoskim and skim wf for 2023 pdmv upgrade
  • #42285 from @francescobrivio: [13_1_X] Revert BeamSpot fallback logic alca dqm reconstruction db tracking
  • #42280 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] add DQM and Validation modules for doublet recovery tracks dqm hlt tracking
  • #42259 from @smorovic: (DAQ) Fix early too file deletion for error stream 13_1_X daq
  • #42243 from @abhih1: Change ECAL DQM Presample and Trigger primitive plots thresholds [13_1_X] dqm ecal
  • #42240 from @dzuolo: [13_1_X] Adding cov matrix to fakeBS object alca reconstruction tracking
  • #42235 from @eyigitba: [13_1_X] EMTF Primitive Conversion LUT update for 2023 l1
  • #42230 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] Added pileup scenario for 2023 simulation operations simulation
  • #42226 from @sunilUIET: [13_1_X] addition of 2023 WFs and update of 2022 WFs pdmv upgrade
  • #42219 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_0_X (11/N) [13_1_X] hlt
  • #42216 from @missirol: HLT Offline DQM: add HLT_Ele30_WPTight_Gsf and change E/gamma IDs [13_1_X] dqm
  • #42208 from @CTPPS: [13_1_X] fixed LHCInfo PopCon ignoring endTime parameter db
  • #42204 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] fix assignment of PVValHelper::phase in PrimaryVertexValidation alca trk
  • #42200 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] Introduce missing hits recovery in the SiStripHitEfficiency PCL and CalibTree workflows alca trk
  • #42182 from @lathomas: IsoPhotonEB skim (13_1_X) pdmv
  • #42173 from @ATumasyan: Update xpog
  • #42167 from @lutuck: [13_1_X] EMTF add DQM plots for unconstrained pT and dxy dqm l1t
  • #42153 from @saumyaphor4252: [13_1_X] Update 2023 MC GT, VtxSmearing, PU library and fix RPC geometry in 2022/2023 MC GTs alca pdmv upgrade
  • #42134 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx349 Fix the remaining issue of ieta=18 and ieta=15 towers in layer=2 of HCAL - backport of #42130to CMSSW version 13_1_X geometry
  • #42133 from @syuvivida: [13_1_X] Online DQM: replace the hard-coded output directory name of event display clients with an input argument, backport of 41986 and 42128 dqm
  • #42116 from @eyigitba: [13_1_X] Add EMTF unconstrained pT and dxy to unpacked EMTFTrack collections l1
  • #42112 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx346 Fix the ieta=16 issue for HCAL simulation in the GEN-SIM step - backport of #42105 geometry
  • #42098 from @Dr15Jones: Changed 'type' to 'read_type' to avoid keyword class in UDP message [13_1] core
  • #42091 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx343 Try to fix the issue of Layer 0 weight in HCAL in the version 13_1_X - backport of #42083 geometry
  • #42088 from @jordan-martins: Secondary Dataset backport 131X pdmv
  • #42086 from @mteroerd: [13_1_X] APE measurement tool: Resolved python3 compatibility issues, added unit test functionality, removed dependency on other package: Backport of #42012 alca trk
  • #42076 from @hftsoi: add layer-1 monitoring for new slot-7 cards [13_1_0] dqm l1
  • #42067 from @rvenditti: New DQM Offline sequence to be run on Express Stream 13_1_X dqm operations
  • #42064 from @soureek: 131X update for TopMuEG skim pdmv
  • #42062 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] add specialized ZeroBias relval steps and use them for 2022 data workflows, in order to employ @rerecoZeroBias DQM sequence pdmv upgrade
  • #42041 from @makortel: [13_1_X] Protect assignments of StripDetset() in StMeasurementDetSet::getDetSet() core reconstruction tracking trk
  • #42034 from @sroychow: [13.1.X] Fixed channel decoding for the timeout error in SiPixel RawToDigi reconstruction trk
  • #42013 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_0_X (10/N): GRun menu V1.2 of 2023 [13_1_X] hlt
  • #42003 from @eyigitba: [13_1_X] EMTF muon shower unpacker update l1
  • #42001 from @missirol: fix how HLTDeDxFilter fills TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs output product [13_1_X] reconstruction tracking
  • #41998 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex164A Fix the bug in rpc geometry - backport of the PR's #41907, #41921, #41990 from 13_2_X to 13_1_X geometry upgrade
  • #41991 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] zeroed mono/stereo cluster counts in SiStripMonitorTrack at each event loop dqm trk
  • #41985 from @mstamenk: Update trigger filter bits - backport to CMSSW_13_1_X xpog
  • #41981 from @thomreis: ECAL - Add integrity checks for strip and xtal ids to GPU unpacker - 131X reconstruction ecal
  • #41969 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] add protection to ParticleNetJetTagMonitor, removed unused struct dqm
  • #41965 from @mmusich: remove tracking efficiency and fake rate w.r.t. offline plots from list of ME to be outputed by LS [13.1.X] dqm
  • #41959 from @francescobrivio: [13_1_X] Add preliminary GTs for 2023 MC and new L1T menu to relval/ideal/2024/run4 GTs and re-snapshot data GTS alca
  • #41955 from @eyigitba: [13_1_X] Change EMTF Primitive Conversion LUT Assignment for MC l1
  • #41952 from @cms-tsg-storm: Update of L1T pp menu in TSG GTs to L1Menu_Collisions2023_v1_2_0_xml [13_1_X] hlt
  • #41948 from @barvic: [13_1_X] backport. CSC Unpacker fix for handling of rare CSC data corruption reconstruction muon
  • #41940 from @francescobrivio: [13_1_X] Update utilities for SimBeamSpotObjects handling alca simulation db tracking
  • #41938 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] Add SiPixelRawDataError monitoring for gpuValidation setup dqm trk
  • #41931 from @makortel: [13_1_X] Add isAvailable() function to RefToBaseProd core
  • #41911 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] Tracker Alignment: all in one Zmumu fixes alca trk
  • #41909 from @makortel: [13_1_X] Fix a race condition in StMeasurementDetSet reconstruction tracking
  • #41904 from @gartung: Utilities/StaticAnalyzers: Remove script no longer needed [13_1_X] core
  • #41889 from @perrotta: Add L1NANO in Prompt/Tier0 configuration [13_1_X] operations
  • #41882 from @francescobrivio: [13_1_X] Remove stripTrackerHVOn check for BeamSpotLegacy client dqm
  • #41878 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] add ME-s needed for per-LS certification of Tracking at HLT in nanoDQMIO output dqm
  • #41869 from @nurfikri89: [PileUpJetID] Backport of #41854 (Move average calculations outside of jet constituents loop) to 13_1_X reconstruction
  • #41863 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_0_X (9/N) [13_1_X] hlt
  • #41856 from @dinyar: [13_1_X] Update muon (un)packer with support for fixed uGMT firmware l1
  • #41850 from @menglu21: Update ReweightUserHooks.h generators
  • #41840 from @eyigitba: [13_1_X] New EMTF BDT pT scale for 2023 l1
  • #41831 from @abhih1: Fix logical error in the check of mask flag bits [13_1_X] dqm ecal
  • #41824 from @smorovic: improved file size/buffer size checks in DAQ input source (13_1_X) daq
  • #41822 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] Online DQM configure timeThreshold appropriately when running in 'offline' mode dqm
  • #41817 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] TrackingMonitor: fix x-axis label in plots vs online luminosity dqm tracking
  • #41781 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] Migrate DiMuonMassBiasClient mass bias histograms to profiles dqm
  • #41753 from @mascioti: Adding Number of RecHits plot for SiStrip stereo modules (backport to 13_1_X) dqm trk
  • #41750 from @jfernan2: [13_1_X] DQM: Online mode for DQMStore dqm
  • #41739 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] Modernize TrackSplittingMonitor and fix bug with filling ME-s dqm tracking

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_13_1_0/el8_amd64_gcc11 and REL/CMSSW_13_1_1/el8_amd64_gcc11:


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