github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_13_1_0_pre2

latest releases: CMSSW_14_0_X_2024-09-21-1100, CMSSW_14_2_X_2024-09-21-1100, CMSSW_14_2_PY312_X_2024-09-21-1100...
18 months ago

Changes since CMSSW_13_1_0_pre1:


  • #41121 from @mmusich: Remove the const_cast from SiStripFedCablingFakeESSource alca trk
  • #41119 from @saumyaphor4252: Include Phase2 TkAl Rcds in Phase2 MC GT with T21 tags alca
  • #41116 from @mmusich: Fix several unit test post-merge of #41075 alca reconstruction simulation db tracking trk
  • #41113 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_0_X (5/N) [13_1_X] hlt
  • #41110 from @hahnjo: Add CMSHepEmTrackingManager simulation
  • #41109 from @wddgit: Migrate consumesMany to GetterOfProducts simulation
  • #41103 from @smuzaffar: [Geom] Avoid unit tests failures in DBG IBs geometry
  • #41102 from @smuzaffar: [Core] Fix unit tests for DBG IBs core
  • #41100 from @perrotta: Reduce non necessary sqrt computations in RecoTauTag/HLTProducers hlt
  • #41099 from @swagata87: Remove unnecessary open e/gamma paths from Phase2 HLT menu hlt egamma
  • #41098 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex155B Modify the mode of several script files in CondTools/Geometry/test/writehelpers so that the execution of creating geometry payload script can run smoothly db
  • #41096 from @smorovic: DAQ: fix file descriptor close in DAQSource (13_1_X) daq
  • #41095 from @mandrenguyen: HI 2023 relval wfs + realistic 2022 vtx smearing alca generators pdmv upgrade
  • #41094 from @tvami: Move leftover PoolDBOutputService modules to use kSharedResource alca db trk
  • #41092 from @mbluj: Add tau decay-mode to genTauJets as status analysis
  • #41090 from @smuzaffar: Unit test: Do not generate files in top level directory generators
  • #41083 from @ctarricone: MTD Validation: Update Btl Local Reco Monitoring dqm
  • #41082 from @smuzaffar: [unit test] make sure copied directory has write permissions alca trk
  • #41081 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex156 Provide a dump geometry of GEM detectors to enable testing the missing components geometry
  • #41080 from @mmusich: fix ASAN Segmentation failure & heap-buffer-overflow in unit test Alignment/OfflineValidation/GCPall alca trk
  • #41076 from @tvami: Remove bTagging tags from Run3 data GTs alca
  • #41075 from @mmusich: Apply Tracker Alignment to phase2 geometries alca geometry upgrade
  • #41074 from @Dr15Jones: Added new cms::errors::ExternalFailure exception core
  • #41073 from @Dr15Jones: Have ExternalGeneratorFilter throw an generator specific exception generators
  • #41072 from @saumyaphor4252: Include EcalSimComponentShapeRcd in all MC GTs and remove TkAl Rcds from Phase2 MC GT alca
  • #41070 from @smuzaffar: [CORE] Cleanup USE_UNITTEST_DIR which is now enabled at project level core
  • #41069 from @smuzaffar: [DQM-GEOMETRY] Cleanup USE_UNITTEST_DIR which is now enabled at project level dqm geometry
  • #41068 from @smuzaffar: [ALCA] Cleanup USE_UNITTEST_DIR which is now enabled at project level alca trk
  • #41067 from @smuzaffar: [PDMV-UPGRADE] Cleanup USE_UNITTEST_DIR which is now enabled at project level pdmv upgrade
  • #41066 from @smuzaffar: [DB] Cleanup USE_UNITTEST_DIR which is now enabled at project level db
  • #41065 from @mmusich: More refined error treatment in trend of efficiency vs lumi, PU and BX in SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester alca trk
  • #41064 from @Dr15Jones: Make jets in TauGenJetProducer from taus which are not decayed analysis
  • #41063 from @civanch: Added CMS SIM event manager simulation
  • #41061 from @jalimena: [HLT validation and DQM] update for new EXO displaced photon + HT path for 2023 (13_1_X) dqm
  • #41056 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca141 Correct and extend the macros for HCAL isoTrac calibration and these are now used in geeting response correction factors for 2023 data alca
  • #41054 from @Dr15Jones: Added TypeMatch to be used with GetterOfProducts core
  • #41052 from @Dr15Jones: Added EventSetup module timing to Timing Service core
  • #41051 from @swagata87: Adapt latest PF settings in Phase2 Egamma HLT hlt
  • #41050 from @mmusich: Clean-up in CalibTracker/SiStripHitEfficiency and add trend of efficiency vs lumi, PU and BX in SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester alca trk
  • #41047 from @fwyzard: Make the beam spot configuration of the Phase-2 HLT menu more consistent hlt
  • #41044 from @smuzaffar: fix unit test: avoid creating data files in src tree db
  • #41042 from @dinyar: Add logic to produce "two loose showers in different sectors" in the MuonShowerProducer l1
  • #41041 from @dmeuser: Update of HG PCL tracker alignment max movement thresholds alca db
  • #41039 from @swertz: [Nano] Fix JetTable genJetIdx matching xpog
  • #41037 from @missirol: remove duplicates from PhysicsTools/TensorFlow/test/BuildFile.xml reconstruction
  • #41033 from @smuzaffar: [DQM] Various fixes/improvements for unit test dqm
  • #41032 from @smuzaffar: [CORE] Various fixes/improvements for unit test core
  • #41031 from @smuzaffar: [GEOMETRY-UPGRADE] Various fixes/improvements for unit test geometry upgrade
  • #41030 from @smuzaffar: [HLT] Various fixes/improvements for unit test hlt
  • #41029 from @smuzaffar: [ALCA] Various fixes/improvements for unit test alca trk
  • #41028 from @hftsoi: Layer1 unpacker and DQM modified for HCALFB dqm l1 hcal l1t
  • #41027 from @fabiocos: MTD digitization: add position dependence to BTL amplitudes dqm simulation upgrade
  • #41026 from @fabiocos: MTD geometry: update tests to scenario D95 dqm geometry reconstruction upgrade
  • #41025 from @arsahasransu: Add additional track variables to the Run 3 scouting electron collection for low pT electrons. core hlt
  • #41024 from @smuzaffar: [CORE] Various fixes/improvements for unit test core
  • #41023 from @Dr15Jones: Removed deprecated EventSetup signals from ActivityRegistry core
  • #41022 from @civanch: Cleanup and preparation for sim extentions simulation
  • #41021 from @cerminar: Add Correlator Layer-2 e/g objects to the Phase-2 event content l1
  • #41019 from @makortel: Fix implicit host-to-device copy for ES data products with labels in Alpaka ESProducers heterogeneous
  • #41016 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_0_X (4/N) [13_1_X] hlt pdmv upgrade
  • #41015 from @smuzaffar: [HETEROGENEOUS] Various fixes/improvements for unit test heterogeneous
  • #41014 from @smuzaffar: [ALCA] Various fixes/improvements for unit test alca trk
  • #41013 from @smuzaffar: [SIMULATION] Various fixes/improvements for unit test simulation
  • #41012 from @smuzaffar: [CORE] Various fixes/improvements for unit test core
  • #41010 from @suchandradutta: Phase2 Tracker Digitizer updated to have the possibility to used planer pixel algorithm in 3D pixel simulation upgrade trk
  • #41009 from @civanch: Improved initialisation of Geant4e propagator simulation tracking
  • #41008 from @yuanchao: Payload Inspector plugin for Jet Resolution and SF db
  • #41005 from @saumyaphor4252: Update L1 menu tag for data RelVals and 2023/2024, Phase2 MC GTs alca
  • #41004 from @portalesHEP: L1 matching module for VBF+dijet HLT hlt
  • #40999 from @smuzaffar: [GEOMETRY-UPGRADE] Various fixes/improvements for unit test geometry upgrade
  • #40998 from @smuzaffar: [RECONSTRUCTION-UPGRADE] Various fixes/improvements for unit test reconstruction upgrade
  • #40997 from @smuzaffar: [CORE] Various fixes/improvements for unit test core
  • #40994 from @brallmond: Add plugin to use existing HLTDoubleSinglet module with two PFJets and one RecoEcalCandidate hlt
  • #40993 from @brallmond: extended existing HLT tau-jet correlation module hlt
  • #40989 from @mmusich: Fix Phase-1 Barrel Pixel Inner / Outer ladders numbering in several monitoring tools alca db trk
  • #40988 from @smuzaffar: [Core] Unit tests fixes/improvements core
  • #40987 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx336B Make the first step to provide an option for guard ring in HGCal simulation geometry upgrade
  • #40986 from @bmarzocc: Customize to produce & save ECAL-only caloparticles dqm ecal
  • #40985 from @trackreco: mkFit: technical fixes for standalone build only reconstruction tracking
  • #40984 from @Dr15Jones: Use anonymous namespace in CandIsolatorFromDeposits reconstruction
  • #40983 from @AdrianoDee: Allow to Skim Unused Input Prototracks reconstruction tracking
  • #40981 from @mmusich: SiPixelDynamicInefficiency_PayloadInspector fix issue with PU parametrization plot polynomial representation db trk
  • #40978 from @smuzaffar: [ALCA-DB] Various fixes/improvements for unit test alca db
  • #40977 from @smuzaffar: [CORE] Various fixes/improvements for unit test core
  • #40976 from @smuzaffar: [DQM-GEOMETRY] Various fixes/improvements for unit test dqm geometry
  • #40975 from @smuzaffar: [DB] Various fixes/improvements for unit test db
  • #40974 from @smuzaffar: [SIMULATION] Various fixes/improvements for unit test simulation trk
  • #40973 from @smuzaffar: [DQM] Various fixes/improvements for unit test dqm tracking
  • #40972 from @smuzaffar: [ALCA] Various fixes/improvements for unit test alca trk
  • #40970 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca240 Add one more isolated bunch AlCaReco to the AlCa matrix alca
  • #40969 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca239 Add a file which is used for phi-symmetry calibration using local runs of HCAL alca
  • #40968 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca237X Add the possibility of providing depth-dependent correction factors from muon studies to IsoTrack analysis in HCAL calibration alca
  • #40965 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_0_X (3/N) [13_1_X] hlt
  • #40964 from @Dr15Jones: Add vertex of problem tau in HepMCValidationHelper generators dqm
  • #40963 from @mmusich: fix segmentation violation in SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree and SiStripHitResolFromCalibTree in ASAN_X alca trk
  • #40962 from @Dr15Jones: Make sure variables are preserved in ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface generators
  • #40961 from @nhduongvn: Handle invalid entries in of site-local-config.xml core
  • #40960 from @smorovic: DAQ: New input source (13_1_X) core daq
  • #40959 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx336A Correct the nonzzero cassette shift scenario for HGCal geometry upgrade
  • #40958 from @jeongeun: Migrate consumesMany to GetterOfProducts in DQMServices dqm
  • #40954 from @srimanob: 13_1: 2023 FastSim Workflow pdmv upgrade
  • #40953 from @smorovic: DAQ: fix noninitialized pointer in input source daq
  • #40952 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca238 Modify the output content for 2 isolated bunch AlCaReco modules of HCAL alca
  • #40950 from @mmusich: SiPixelPayloadInspectorHelper: fix warning: '' may be used uninitialized db trk
  • #40944 from @mmusich: prevent heap-buffer-overflow in SiPixelDynamicInefficiencyPUParametrization db trk
  • #40933 from @abdoulline: Activating v7 of HF ShowerLibrary geometry
  • #40931 from @eyigitba: Modify EMTF unpacker to support new reduced DAQ window for 2023 data taking l1
  • #40928 from @missirol: use unique names for outputs of HLT-DQM unit tests dqm hlt
  • #40926 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim139 Replace cout with G4cout in SimG4CMS/Muon simulation
  • #40923 from @jeongeun: Migrate consumesMany() to edm::GetterOfProducts() in GlobalRecHitsAnalyzer dqm
  • #40918 from @missirol: avoid duplicates in HLTPMMassFilter plugin hlt
  • #40916 from @lwang046: HcalDQM: Fix HFRaddam event type dqm hcal
  • #40914 from @iarspider: Disable clang's bitwise-instead-of-logical warnings for some parts of code reconstruction tracking
  • #40913 from @fabiocos: MTD validation: ETL digi per LGAD multiplicity monitoring dqm
  • #40912 from @beaucero: HLT Phase2 Removing Duplicate Modules hlt
  • #40909 from @Soumyatifr: eg hlt filter threshold reduction to 15 \GeV from 20\GeV xpog
  • #40906 from @guitargeek: Clean unused dependencies from BuildFiles analysis alca core dqm geometry l1 reconstruction simulation upgrade heterogeneous tracking trk
  • #40903 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca237 Modify most of the scripts needed to get IsoTrack calibration of HCAL alca
  • #40900 from @carriganm95: updated tau HLT paths for disappearing tracks skim pdmv
  • #40890 from @dinyar: Update muon shower data formats for 2023 running l1
  • #40886 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex155A Additional files to make payloads for 2023 Geometry db
  • #40879 from @makortel: Fix propagation of an earlier exception in Transformer core
  • #40849 from @makortel: Allow access to const edm::{Event,EventSetup} from device::{Event,EventSetup} heterogeneous
  • #40819 from @civanch: Fixed low energy GFLASH simulation
  • #40814 from @kpedro88: Ragged batching interface for SonicTriton heterogeneous
  • #40666 from @revering: Added skimming filter for disappearing muons pdmv
  • #40096 from @cecilecaillol: [L1T] Phase-2, Update Track Selection Emulation to Match Firmware l1 upgrade

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_13_1_0_pre1/el8_amd64_gcc11 and REL/CMSSW_13_1_0_pre2/el8_amd64_gcc11:


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