github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_13_1_0

latest releases: CMSSW_15_0_X_2024-12-19-1600, CMSSW_14_0_19_patch2, CMSSW_14_0_X_2024-12-19-1100...
19 months ago

Changes since CMSSW_13_1_0_pre4:


  • #41732 from @nurfikri89: [NanoAOD] Backport of #41687 (Fix typo of imported ParticleNet tagger list for AK4 Puppi jets) to 13_1_X xpog
  • #41729 from @sunilUIET: [13_1_X] update relval matrix to add WFs for 2022E era pdmv upgrade
  • #41722 from @francescobrivio: [13_1_X] Fix LumiCache in AlcaBeamMonitor and OnlineBeamMonitor dqm db tracking
  • #41720 from @francescobrivio: [13_1_X] Add VertexSmearing scenario for 2023 MC operations simulation
  • #41718 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] fix SiPixelCompareTrackSoA after portable data-format migration dqm trk
  • #41708 from @tvami: [131X] use qScale in charge reweighting simulation trk
  • #41703 from @marinakolosova: Replaced AK4 and AK8 paths for particle net monitoring (2023) dqm
  • #41676 from @mteroerd: Adjust axes of DQM plots for track residuals ( 13_1_X ) dqm trk
  • #41673 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] Produce a fake BeamSpot object in BeamSpotOnlineProducer when using transient record logic and OnlineBeamSpotESProducer returned a fake alca hlt reconstruction db tracking
  • #41669 from @smorovic: [DAQ] fix unsafe vector handling in input sources (13_1_X) daq
  • #41666 from @missirol: extend x-axis range of "vs-lumi" harvesting outputs in HLT online-DQM [13_1_X] dqm
  • #41650 from @fabferro: [13_1_x] PPS Pixel DQM: assign errors to right plots dqm ctpps
  • #41648 from @cms-tsg-storm: remove 2022 HLT menu from CMSSW_13_X_Y [13_1_X] hlt reconstruction pdmv upgrade tracking
  • #41635 from @smuzaffar: [13.1.X] Oracle test: Use fake/random DB name db
  • #41621 from @rtschmitz: Changed delayed jet skim to add HT350 and L1Tau paths [13_1_X] pdmv
  • #41610 from @francescobrivio: [13_1_X] Update run3 data GTs alca
  • #41608 from @kdlong: 13_1 backport: Fix numeric issues in PFCand scaling, add some debug output reconstruction pf
  • #41601 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_0_X (8/N): GRun menu V1.1 of 2023 [13_1_X] hlt
  • #41576 from @missirol: improve how HLTPrescaler checks presence of (Stage-2) L1-uGT results [13_1_X] hlt
  • #41573 from @missirol: do not allow crashes in isEmpty(int bx) method of BXVector [13_1_X] l1
  • #41569 from @missirol: do not throw exception in Trigger{Bx,Rates}Monitor if L1-uGT results are unavailable [13_1_X] dqm hlt
  • #41563 from @stahlleiton: [13_1_X] HGCAL: Fix HGCHEB isSiFE configuration hlt reconstruction upgrade hgcal
  • #41558 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex160Y Backport of #41464 to CMSSW version 13_1_X which contains a bug fix for ZDC simulation geometry geometry upgrade
  • #41556 from @fwyzard: Apply clang-tidy and clang-format changes [LLVM 14, 13.1.x] heterogeneous
  • #41555 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] SiPixel Payload Inspector: improve SiPixelDynamicInefficiency parametrization vs PU plotting db trk
  • #41545 from @AlexDeMoor: Backport to 13_1_X of #41275 Introduce (Robust)ParTAK4 jet tagger, DeepJet model update for Run 3, remove DeepCSV from nano reconstruction xpog
  • #41530 from @missirol: improve implementation of HLTJetTag<T> plugin template [13_1_X] hlt
  • #41520 from @CTPPS: PPS DQM plots for new RPOTs 45-220-NR-HR and 56-220-NR-HR (backport of 41389) [13_1_X] daq dqm reconstruction ctpps
  • #41517 from @mmusich: [13.1.X] use onlineMetaDataDigis when available for retrieval of average PU in AlCaHOCalibProducer alca hcal
  • #41509 from @smuzaffar: [ALCA-DB] [LLVM16]Fix set but unused variables warnings alca db
  • #41485 from @francescobrivio: Update L1T Menu tag for 2023/2024/Run4 in MC GTs alca hlt

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_13_1_0_pre4/el8_amd64_gcc11 and REL/CMSSW_13_1_0/el8_amd64_gcc11:


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