github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_13_0_1

latest releases: CMSSW_14_1_1, CMSSW_14_2_X_2024-10-05-1100, CMSSW_14_2_ROOT6_X_2024-10-05-1100...
18 months ago

Changes since CMSSW_13_0_0:


  • #41126 from @mmusich: [13_0_X] Combined backport of developments in CalibTracker/SiStripHitEfficiency alca trk
  • #41115 from @Soumyatifr: eg hlt filter threshold reduction to 15 \GeV from 20\GeV xpog
  • #41114 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_0_X (5/N) hlt
  • #41112 from @swertz: [13_0_X] [Nano] Fix JetTable genJetIdx matching xpog
  • #41104 from @mbluj: Build genTauJets for undecayed taus and add tau decay-mode to genTauJets [13_0_X] analysis
  • #41087 from @Dr15Jones: Added new cms::errors::ExternalFailure exception [13_0] core
  • #41085 from @Dr15Jones: Have ExternalGeneratorFilter throw an generator specific exception [13_0] generators
  • #41078 from @makortel: [13_0_X] Fix propagation of an earlier exception in Transformer core
  • #41062 from @jalimena: [HLT validation and DQM] update for new EXO displaced photon + HT path for 2023 (13_0_X) dqm
  • #41038 from @makortel: [13_0_X] Fix implicit host-to-device copy for ES data products with labels in Alpaka ESProducers heterogeneous
  • #41035 from @arsahasransu: (13_0_X) Add additional track variables to the Run 3 scouting electron collection for low pT electrons. core hlt
  • #41017 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_0_X (4/N) hlt pdmv upgrade
  • #41007 from @francescobrivio: [13_0_X] Update L1 menu tag for data RelVals and 2023/2024, Phase2 MC GTs alca
  • #41006 from @srimanob: [13_0 backport]: 2023 FastSim Workflow pdmv upgrade
  • #41002 from @hftsoi: Layer1 unpacker and DQM modified for HCALFB [13_0_X] dqm l1 hcal l1t
  • #41000 from @portalesHEP: L1 matching module for VBF+dijet HLT (13_0_X) hlt
  • #40991 from @brallmond: Add plugin to use existing HLTDoubleSinglet module with two PFJets and one RecoEcalCandidate [13_0_X] hlt
  • #40990 from @brallmond: extended existing HLT tau-jet correlation module [13_0_X] hlt
  • #40980 from @bsunanda: run3-alca240X Addition of one more Isolated bunch AlCaReco - backport of #40970 to version 13_0_X alca
  • #40966 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_0_X (3/N) hlt
  • #40955 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca238X Modify the output content for 2 isolated bunch AlCaReco modules of HCAL (backporting PR #40952 to CMSSW_13_0_X) alca
  • #40937 from @revering: Added skimming filter for disappearing muons [13_0_X Backport] pdmv
  • #40920 from @lwang046: [13_0_X] HcalDQM: Fix HFRaddam event type for online DQM deployment dqm hcal
  • #40901 from @carriganm95: updated tau HLT paths for disappearing tracks skim pdmv
  • #40821 from @civanch: [13_0_X] Fixed low energy GFLASH simulation

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_13_0_0/el8_amd64_gcc11 and REL/CMSSW_13_0_1/el8_amd64_gcc11:


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