github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_13_0_0_pre4

latest releases: CMSSW_14_1_0, CMSSW_14_0_X_2024-09-20-1100, CMSSW_14_1_X_2024-09-20-1100...
19 months ago

Changes since CMSSW_13_0_0_pre3:


  • #40736 from @makortel: Allow ProcessAccelerators to delete Services core
  • #40726 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim141 Update the scripts in SimG4Core/PrintGeomInfo/test/python simulation
  • #40722 from @mmusich: [TkAl] Further fixes to JetHT Validation alca
  • #40721 from @aandvalenzuela: [DQM][CLANG] Fix warnings reported by clang 14 dqm
  • #40719 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim140 Add filldescription to one class in SimG4CMS/ShowerLibraryProducer simulation
  • #40718 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex149 Correct the order of Tracker files in some of the scenarios which is relevant for DD4hep application geometry upgrade
  • #40717 from @jsamudio: Moved PFClusterProducer from beginLuminosityBlock to beginRun reconstruction
  • #40716 from @francescobrivio: Add try/catch in OnlineBeamMonitor plugin to resolve runtime error dqm db
  • #40715 from @casarsa: BTL geometry: fixed overlaps geometry upgrade
  • #40713 from @bsunanda: Phase2-TB69 Provide the geometry for HGCal Test Beam application geometry upgrade
  • #40712 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex148 Check overlap testing for geometries with HFNose geometry upgrade
  • #40711 from @Soumyatifr: diphoton_hlt_filters_added xpog
  • #40706 from @AnnikaStein: RobustParticleTransformer in DataFormats/BTauReco reconstruction
  • #40705 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex147 Correct the order of the xml files in defining a scenario - it is a must for dd4hep option geometry upgrade
  • #40704 from @bsunanda: Phase2-sim139 Change scripts to study new Phase2 scenarios in the context of usage and overlaps simulation
  • #40698 from @mmusich: Add more fillDescriptions to Alignment/OfflineValidation plugins alca reconstruction simulation
  • #40697 from @ChrisMisan: Fix unit conversion in PPS Reco LUT shift reconstruction
  • #40696 from @ChrisMisan: Update PPS HPTDC PCL for additional station alca
  • #40695 from @mmusich: Use auto generated cfi files in tracker alignment all-in-one validation tool alca
  • #40694 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex146 Rename name of a Phase2 Era to match calorimeter scenario name dqm operations pdmv upgrade
  • #40692 from @tvami: Make _relval GTs symbolic and resnapshot Run3 data GTs alca hlt pdmv upgrade
  • #40688 from @fabferro: PPS DQM error plots dqm
  • #40686 from @mmusich: fix DQM sequence name for TkAlCosmicsDuringCollisions0T track collection (within TkAlCosmics0T) dqm operations
  • #40684 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx335Q Add tests to investigate non-zero cassette shift in HGCal geometry geometry simulation upgrade
  • #40683 from @fabferro: PPS pixel track reco in bad pots reconstruction
  • #40682 from @vlimant: remove the hook for MC/Data specific configuration operations xpog
  • #40681 from @trackreco: [MkFit] Consolidate nan checks and filtering, expose propagation fail flag to steering code reconstruction
  • #40679 from @leonardogiannini: [MkFit] Format change for windows in json files reconstruction
  • #40678 from @fwyzard: Improve support for HIP/ROCm and Alpaka heterogeneous
  • #40677 from @mmusich: Fix JetHTAnalyzer::fillDescriptions alca
  • #40674 from @casarsa: MTD clusters and rechits in Fireworks visualization
  • #40668 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx335P Take care of invalid HGCal scintillator DetIDs geometry simulation upgrade
  • #40667 from @nurfikri89: [QGL, JMENanoAOD] PUPPI-compatible QGTagger producer reconstruction xpog
  • #40665 from @CeliaFernandez: Remove trigger evaluation in ExoticaDQM module and related variables dqm
  • #40664 from @CMSTrackerDPG: The Lorentz Angle Prompt Calibration Loop for Pixel Forward Phase 1 detector alca operations pdmv db upgrade
  • #40662 from @francescobrivio: Add VtxSmearing scenario for 2022 EOY MC operations simulation
  • #40661 from @mmusich: Add a cosmics PCL workflow to runTheMatrix alca pdmv upgrade
  • #40660 from @fabferro: PPS pixel bug fix in error filling alca reconstruction
  • #40656 from @zhokin2: HCAL: update of DPGAnalysis/HcalTools for 2023 Run3 dqm
  • #40655 from @missirol: improve check on size of L1-uGT digis in HLTL1TSeed plugin hlt
  • #40654 from @missirol: demote LogError about "L1GlobalDecision" in HLTPrescaleProvider hlt
  • #40652 from @wddgit: Make WriteBuffer delete all its temp files in /dev/shm core
  • #40648 from @missirol: fix to HLTDoubletDZ filter against invalid track refs hlt
  • #40647 from @emiglior: Introducing a Tracker phase-2 geometry based on T25 but compatible with new OT/BTL boundary geometry operations simulation pdmv upgrade
  • #40646 from @missirol: remove duplicate plugins left by #38761 and #40264 dqm reconstruction
  • #40642 from @fwyzard: Implement a first draft of the ROCmServices heterogeneous
  • #40641 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_0_X (1/N) hlt
  • #40639 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx335N Test the TB topology for HGCal geometry
  • #40638 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx335M Update the scripts to help debug the V17 HGCal geometry with cassette shifts dqm geometry upgrade
  • #40637 from @fwyzard: Add a test for ROCm libraries and build rules heterogeneous
  • #40635 from @missirol: flush stdout buffer before call to os.execvpe operations
  • #40633 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgc335L Use the right HGCalTopology builder in some of the test scripts geometry upgrade
  • #40632 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca236 Make small changes to a few scripts in Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos alca
  • #40630 from @kpedro88: replace singularity with apptainer in SonicTriton heterogeneous
  • #40629 from @jeongeun: Migrate consumesMany() to edm::GetterOfProducts() in EgammaHLTExtraProducer hlt
  • #40625 from @makortel: Fix testCUDAService unit test heterogeneous
  • #40624 from @gartung: Add JeProfService to allow dumping of Jemalloc heap profiles during running. core operations
  • #40622 from @cms-tau-pog: Code to process phase2 version of deepTauID v2p5 reconstruction xpog
  • #40619 from @fwyzard: Add ROCm utilities and tests, and CUDA fallbacks heterogeneous
  • #40613 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx335K The default topology builder file for HGCal is modified and correspondingly all scenarios now use this builder geometry upgrade
  • #40612 from @mmusich: [Alignment/OfflineValidation] restructure the primary-vertex related unit tests alca
  • #40611 from @aandvalenzuela: [RECONSTRUCTION][CLANG] Fix clang llvm14 warnings reconstruction
  • #40608 from @mmusich: silence static analyzer warning about std::isnan / std::isinf in PackedCandidate reconstruction xpog
  • #40606 from @Dr15Jones: Make RZLine with one point consistent reconstruction
  • #40605 from @fwyzard: Add a test for CUDA library build rules heterogeneous
  • #40603 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx335J Try to add toplogy class for HGCal TB application geometry
  • #40602 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx335I Remove obsolete cfi's used for pre-V16 geometry versions of HGCal geometry visualization
  • #40601 from @mmusich: get rid of Phase2TrackerRecHit1D::CluRef reconstruction simulation
  • #40600 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgc335H Make the 6-inch geometry working again which could be used for HGCal TB applications geometry
  • #40599 from @missirol: reduce verbosity of reHLT customisation in SKIM step operations
  • #40598 from @fwyzard: Fix N-dimensional strided loops and extend the alpaka tests heterogeneous
  • #40597 from @elfontan: Fix of the L1uGTTreeProducer to handle exceptions in case of a missing collection l1
  • #40596 from @rovere: Fix runTheMatrix interactive and add tests. pdmv upgrade
  • #40592 from @perrotta: Protection for n<=1 in RZLine.h reconstruction
  • #40591 from @michaelwassmer: removed old and unused configs linked to reco muon duplicate mitigation reconstruction xpog
  • #40587 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx335G Update the ERA association to the scripts in Validation/HGCalValidation/test dqm
  • #40586 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx335F Update the test scripts in Geometry/HGCalCommonData and Geometry/HGCalGeometry in view of using Eras geometry upgrade
  • #40585 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx335E Update the validity test of partial wafers of V16 geometry as well as the test kits geometry upgrade
  • #40584 from @tvami: Remove TrackerAdditionalParametersPerDet_cfi from SiStripCommon unit test dqm
  • #40583 from @VourMa: Addition of Hgg trkSumPtHollowConeDR03 variable in NanoAOD xpog
  • #40580 from @fwyzard: Implement a simple vector add test with alpaka heterogeneous
  • #40579 from @perrotta: Remove a seemingly useless vector definition xpog
  • #40578 from @aandvalenzuela: [HLT] [CLANG] Fix unused-but-set-variable warnings hlt
  • #40577 from @aandvalenzuela: [GEOMETRY] [CLANG] Fix unused-but-set-variable warnings geometry
  • #40575 from @PixelTracksAlpaka: TrackingRecHitSoA Classes Clean Up reconstruction heterogeneous
  • #40574 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx335D Add a private scenario to test cassette shift of HGCal V17 geometry version geometry upgrade
  • #40573 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx335C Extend testing of the V16/V17 geometry versions of HGCal dqm geometry simulation upgrade
  • #40572 from @tahuang1991: Add new ALCT-CLCT match algorithm for high pt muon showers l1
  • #40571 from @missirol: remove mentions of Geometry_cff in HLT packages hlt
  • #40570 from @aandvalenzuela: [DQM] [CLANG] Fix bitwise-instead-of-logical warnings dqm
  • #40569 from @makortel: Add test for cross-site catalog access core
  • #40568 from @civanch: Cleanup geant4e propagator simulation
  • #40567 from @mmusich: Reorganize Alignment/OfflineValidation unit tests alca
  • #40565 from @fwyzard: Simplify pixel typedefs reconstruction
  • #40564 from @makortel: Enable "alternative module loading" approach for Alpaka modules core heterogeneous
  • #40554 from @Jo100sun: Correct GEM edge calculation for TrackerMuons reconstruction
  • #40553 from @wolfmor: Add function to refine FastSim DeepJet discriminators reconstruction pdmv upgrade xpog
  • #40548 from @mmusich: fix ClusterStorer::ClusterHitRecord<T>::rekey for Phase2TrackerRecHit1D reconstruction
  • #40537 from @VinInn: remove memory-churn in SiPixelTemplate2D::pushfile alca reconstruction db
  • #40532 from @smuzaffar: [RECONSTRUCTION][CLANG]Fix warnings reported by clang 14 reconstruction
  • #40528 from @missirol: guard against no L1T uGT digis in L1TriggerResultsConverter xpog
  • #40522 from @malbouis: Update data files for DropBoxMetadata tag alca db
  • #40520 from @aandvalenzuela: [RECO] [CLANG] More fixes on unused-but-set-variable warnings reconstruction
  • #40516 from @smuzaffar: [RECONSTRUCTION] [CLANG] Fixes warnings reported by clang 14 reconstruction
  • #40513 from @aandvalenzuela: [DQM] [CLANG] Fixed unused-but-set-variable warnings dqm l1 db
  • #40511 from @bundocka: L1T: Add jet quality and eg/tau isolation data vs. emu comparisons and ignore object index dqm
  • #40507 from @smuzaffar: [GEOMETRY-UPGRADE] [CLANG] Fixes warnings reported by clang 14 geometry upgrade
  • #40505 from @smuzaffar: [GENERATORS] [CLANG] Fixes warnings reported by clang 14 generators
  • #40504 from @pfs: Adding first version of electronics id class for HGCAL simulation upgrade
  • #40498 from @Dr15Jones: Fix warning in RZLine reconstruction
  • #40492 from @makortel: Fix memory leaks in PortableHostCollection deserialization heterogeneous
  • #40490 from @trackreco: [MkFit] Per iteration / eta region track candidate scoring function reconstruction
  • #40481 from @missirol: avoid use of auto:run*_data_relval GTs in non-reHLT wfs operations pdmv upgrade
  • #40479 from @steggema: Fixes for vertex fits in the muon system reconstruction
  • #40460 from @valsdav: Refactoring CalibratedClusterPtr to CalibratedPFCluster reconstruction
  • #40443 from @tvami: Remove Phase-2 IT bricked design alca geometry hlt reconstruction simulation db upgrade
  • #40412 from @srimanob: Enable Phase2 HLT with Digi and L1T step pdmv upgrade
  • #40403 from @makortel: Simplify Alpaka ESProducer model by making the data copies to device implicit heterogeneous
  • #40402 from @epalencia: [L1T] update in Phase 2 jet event content hlt l1 upgrade
  • #40396 from @smuzaffar: [GENERATORS] [CLANG] Fixed unused-but-set-variable warnings generators
  • #40329 from @aandvalenzuela: Avoid known Triton fallback server failure in DRNTest (RecoEcal/EgammaClusterProducers) core reconstruction heterogeneous
  • #40141 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca236 Modify defaults to some of the AlCaReco and calibration scripts of HCAL using muons alca
  • #39996 from @Cvico: First working version of the alternative JetMatching for Pythia8.3 and MG5aMCNLO generators
  • #39622 from @perrotta: Remove a dead assignment of accChargeForToA in the HGCDigitizer simulation upgrade

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_13_0_0_pre3/el8_amd64_gcc11 and REL/CMSSW_13_0_0_pre4/el8_amd64_gcc11:


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